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Help! I'm suffering from a lot of anxiety!


Elfe Mécanique
15 Août 2012
Hi. The neighborhood I live in is pretty crappy. I wish I could move, but I can't. I'm suffering from anxiety. I think I need to get help and get something for my anxiety. It's only getting worse and worse. I can't handle it by myself anymore. Even therapy isn't enough. I'm worried. :(
I need something for anxiety. The anxiety doesn't let me sleep sometimes. I panic sometimes. And when a**holes bother me outside for quote on quote "fun, it only makes it worse. They bother anyone because they have nothing better to do. It's 3 to 20 of them that make the neighborhood even worse. My life feels like it's going downhill. I feel to anxious to do anything. It's taking over my life. I don't have anything for anxiety and it's scary. Things are only good some of the time. The anxiety is getting worse and worse though. I'm worried that it might turn into extreme anxiety! :( I just hope that if I talk to the psychiatrist, they'll give me something for anxiety. I don't know what else to do. :question: It's like my life's getting closer to the edge and I don't want to go over the edge and die! :( I'm just trying not to think about it and distracting myself. :-| It's becoming overwhelming! :Oo: I just want to feel normal and not extremely anxious. Maybe I need Vallium. A small amount of anxiety is ok, but not extreme amounts.
Update. I'm on Celexa starting today. I have a feeling it's going to work well for me. Only time will tell.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Sept 2012
6 220
Hey dude, Im sorry that no one answered you yet. It can be hard to find the right words for this kind of things, especially if you are not a therapist.

Im glad that you asked help to someone that knows what he is doing and I hope that the medication will help you to start geting through the problem!

I know that it can be hard to stay positive in this kind of situation - Ive never suffered from severe anxiety, although Ive been depressed and very emetionally stuck for a while. But be strong, this sort of things will make you learn lots about yourself! Try tearn the lesson, try to understand what sort of message life is sending you! And try to be healthy as much as you can!! Eat lots of veg and fruit, they'll do good to your body and you'll feel better! Do some sort of martial art, it will build your self esteem and you'll get rid of the negative energy! Do yoga, it will reconnect you with your body and it will fill you with lots of positive energy! Do meditation, it will calm your mind and it will make you see things from a different perspective! Do not spend too much time doing nothing, it will mess up your brain! Keep your self busy, it will fill you with good energy!

Here is something that you should read:
The Prophet

Love and light,



Elfe Mécanique
15 Août 2012
Thanks. That was helpful. The poem about joy and sorrow was good too. It really makes you think. The celexa's working too. Even though I'm still kind of sad sometimes, I'm not having extreme anxiety. It's pretty much normal amounts. I also think I'll go on vacation soon. Thanks for helping.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Sept 2012
6 220
No worries! Let me know how you progress brav ;)

Im sure the vacation will do you good. You'll meet nice people and you'll understand that the world is not filled with retarded gagsters :lol:


Elfe Mécanique
15 Août 2012
Monad a dit:
No worries! Let me know how you progress brav ;)

Im sure the vacation will do you good. You'll meet nice people and you'll understand that the world is not filled with retarded gagsters :lol:
Things are starting to get better. I'm not having extreme anxiety. I'm aware that the world's kind of crappy, but I have no control over it. I can only control(to a certain extent) what I do with my day. I'm just finding things to do. Like playing the piano, listening to music, and reading something on the internet. :)
It would be nice to go on vacation and meet nice people. :nod: Gangsters suck! :angry: More like cocksters. :lol:


Elfe Mécanique
15 Août 2012
The anxiety is starting to become extreme again. I think I'll try saving enough money and just get 2-methyl-2-butanol. I'll talk to the psychiatrist next week. Zoloft was a total joke. Celexa helps with some things, but doesn't help that much with anxiety. I hate having extreme anxiety. It might come down to a benzo. I try to keep busy, but when a random a**hole bothers you for fun, the thoughts dwell. I still have some hydroxyzine, so maybe I'll take that in the morning and also try to keep busy. My neighborhood sucks especially.


Elfe Mécanique
15 Août 2012
Update. I now got prescribed Celexa 20mg, Hydroxyzine Pamoate 25mg, and Klonopin 0.5mg. I took the Klonopin 20 minutes ago today.


Elfe Mécanique
15 Août 2012
Demahdi a dit:
How are you doing?

I'm doing pretty good most days. Sometimes I have to take an extra 0.5mg Klonopin though. When I go on vacation, I plan to only take the hydroxyzine and the celexa with me and not the klonopin. I notice the place I get the most anxiety is in my crappy neigherhood. There are a lot of idiotic a**holes there with nothing better to do than start trouble in a slick way so it seems like the other person's nuts. I also notice that all the peace and psychedelics in the world are becoming ultra-rare and political nonsense seem to be overpowering science and conscoiusness. They may win the battle, but they have not won the war.
I'm looking foward to the vacation.


23 Avr 2014
I don't know anything about medication, but I think the holiday will be the best cure for ya mate. Take this fear and enviroment as a motivator to turn it into something good. Vacation can bring illuminious moments ;)


Elfe Mécanique
15 Août 2012
mystic journey a dit:
Hey there, If you want help for that, try a heavy metal detox with chlorella or spirulina for a few months also do a parasite cleanse at the same time with olive leaf extract, try to not take the meds, detox your system, meds dont help the system they pollute it... if you have mercury almagam fillings in your teeth get them removed... Detox detox

I don't have almagams in my teeth as I have all of my teeth. I tried a colon detox and it sort of worked (not completely though). I'll have to look into the parasite detox before the vacation is over. I suspect I might have parasites and I might be gluten intolerant. Parasite detox is not as common as it used to be.


Matrice périnatale
17 Juin 2014
Good to see this.

No one thing is ever really the cure for complex problems we humans face, but man am I desperate.
I am at my worst financially (amongst other problems) and absolutely do not feel like wasting any more money on therapists who are not compatible with me.
I am still planning to see another one, but I can't do it sooner than I wanted because I don't have the f**king money nor do I have insurance.
But it's just irritating to think that I have to wait to see a therapist first and then fly to a place where it's legal (outside of the country.)
Because that would be a loooong time since, again, money problems.
I could go to Portland, but I don't know if they're sincere or actually give a damn about their visitors (going off of some reviews).
AND then to plan it way in advance on a date you THINK you won't be on your period, but can't really predict? (Because a lot of people warn you about taking Ayahuasca when you have your menstrual cycle).

All I want to know is, has everyone been down and out, just went and still have positive outcome (even 1 year post-ayahuasca, very important for me to ask)?
I still think it would be smart to see a therapist first, but this toxic suffocating feeling I have almost everyday feels more and more frequent.
I just simply see no point in being part of humanity, serving humanity, partaking of humanity after years of wanting to see those points.
That's not the place I want to stay.


Matrice périnatale
17 Juin 2014
@SWIMchem5 Be careful with mood-adjusting disorders as they can be addicting despite what the pushers tell you, and the withdrawal can be drastic.
Have you looked into the Radiant Recovery diet, as covered by the book Potatoes not Prozac?
I recommend reading it and trying it if you are sugar-sensitive or have alcoholism in your genetics, but it's for everyone because it talks about ensuring the proper balance of beta-endorphins and serotonin (which a lot of anti-depressants cater to) by how, what, and when you eat.
Outside of that, maybe you could try to wean yourself off of these drugs and try these plants?
I haven't tried them yet, so that's just a suggestion.


Elfe Mécanique
15 Août 2012
I think I'll read it sometime. I need to go back to college and study chemistry. I like science. I'm taking hydroxyzine pamoate 25mg at bedtime, but I'm not taking it all the time. I take celexa 20mg almost every morning. I'm taking klonopin 0.5mg most of the time. The maximum dose is 1 tablet a day as needed, but I sometimes take 2. I just feel normally relaxed, but can focus. I'm still smart. I just need to figure out when I need the klonopin more and when I need it less. I probably have to calculate how much or how little and how often I need to take the klonopin so I could have some left over for when I get some next month. Hopefully I get more next month. I was warned about only taking it sometimes as needed by the psichiatrist. Klonopin is intermediate acting. If I had something fast acting, I could save a copy of the paper that the pharmacy gives you and carry a tablet and some water. However, since it's intermediate acting, I can't just take it right when there's an anxious situation. I need to strategize taking it. Maybe I could try taking klonopin every other day or 2 to 3 times a week. I need to go to college. Part of it could be that parasites are controlling our mood. Part of it could be a crappy neighborhood and a bad past. Vacation helped a lot though. I feel pretty refreshed compared to before.