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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Fev 2006
1 028
petfles a dit:
It doesn't have to be a psychedelic, maybe mystical or special is the type im looking for. Any suggestions?
maybe you should have a look at coleus blumei/pumila ;)
this plant is not proven to be psychoactive but its the "brother" (i think) of salvia, according to the maztecs.
I have 2 of these plants are they are quite easy to grow, and they really look wonderful/psychedelic.

about a month later (2 days ago):

this plant is widely available and kinda cheap

ahh anyway sorry for going offtopic, please stick to cacti or aybe ill have to split this thread


26 Sept 2006
WoW!!! That plant looks really cool!! I will have to grow that one as well!!
But you said it hasnt been "proved" that it is psychedelic, does that mean people have experienced things with it??


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Fev 2006
1 028
Ok, im seriously going to split this topic now ;)

Heres some more info about it:
The following entry was included in a book called "recreationsal drugs."

"When psilocybin mushrooms are in short supply, and users are willing
to settle for a milder but similar mind excursion, they sometimes turn
to the coleus plant, particularly the species coleus blumei and coleus
pumila. the mazatec indians of southern mexico have been tripping on this
psychedelic mint for years.

It takes about fifty to severnty large, colorful leaves of the coleus
plant to get someone going. They can be chewed thoroughly and swallowed.
If one prefers, the leaves can also be smoked and steeped in lukewarm water for
for about an hour, after which the liquid is strained and drunk.

No one is exactly sure what gives coleus its psychoactive kick, but we do
know that only fresh leaves will work. Dried leaves have virtually no

While the drug has no really unpleasant or dangerous side effects, some
people do feel a degree of nausea about a half hour after getting it down
But the nausea goes away quickly and is soon replaced by a trippy,
psilocybin-like state, colorful visual hallucinations and patterns, and
telepathic and clairvoyant insights. The entire trip lasts for about
two hours.

Coleus plants can be purchased legally at most garden centers. Thos with
green thumbs, who aren't too stoned to exercise them, might purchase
some seeds to grow their own."
This quote was posted on erowid.com by a user. You might wanna read the reactions on that post:

EDIT: Now is split the topic, and remembered that i already had a thread about it ;)
oh well, i guess it cant hurt to have 2 threads.
You can read the other one here:
http://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?opt ... =0&lang=nl


Elfe Mécanique
21 Déc 2005
Wow it's so beautiful!!
Hmmm and my coleus was eaten by my parrot =((


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Fev 2006
1 028
mine is already dead by now.. too cold..

didnt have enough leaves to try it out, and even then i would still need the courage :p


Matrice périnatale
7 Jan 2007
I was reading somewhere that coleus loses its psychoactivity ( if it has some ) when dried....the only first-hand accounts about coleus psychoactivity were from consumption of fresh foliage....so if one is going to experiment with coleus should stick to the "quid" method

We are talking about coleus blumei and coleus pumila ( the only two psychoactive of the coleus genus )....it is very hard to get theese strains as many vendors have in stock hibrids...it is difficult to tell one coleus from another....anyway every strain of coleus produces beautiful plants....it is worth growing just for its beauty