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A step forward...

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Hi everyone !

I'm considering doing 5 gr (dried) of Equatorian (basically a sub specy of P.Cubensis if I'm not mistaken) next week, 'till now I've done something like 6-7 trips with the "regular" dose (2.5)...

I was wondering how different this trip will be compared to others (as I know for sure that it'll be more intense :D ), I know that we have some pretty experienced trippers on those boards, and that's why I hope that they'll share a bit of their knowledge :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
i've never gone above the 30gr fresh dose (3gr dried), but i'm sure that if you had like 6-7 trips you'll be able to handle a more intense experience.
i feel that i am ready to go to 50gr fresh but i don't have the urge to do so.

the equadorian shrooms are not so different from the mexicans, i'm sure there will be people that noticed differences, but i never noticed some difference. they have about the same amount of psilocin/psilocybin and the psilocin/psilocybin ratio is also very alike, so the trip should be very similar to mexican cubensis, all the differences are IMO "placebo" differences.

have fun :wink:


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Jan 2007
Yesterday i've done 80 grams fresh and had an amazing trip! Ofcourse very strong but you can trip any way you like :)

I wanted to go deep and had a very deep music on. If you focus and focus it can get very weird. I've seen human figures coming towards me.. that was a bit scary so i changed the music and everything turned out better then i'd expect!

So my point is, if you have nice and easy going music on, this shouldn't be any problem. It just get more and more intens and for me it means more pleasure!


Sale drogué·e
11 Nov 2006
I guess set and setting become even more important. Prepare yourself with certain thoughts about what interests you or what you like to achieve. I like to trip alone if I go deep but maybe it's personal. Never panic. As soon as you give up resistance your ego dissolves and you feel more comfortable. You can always say to yourself that the mushrooms fuck with your mind and that is going to be over after a while. Just let it happen and let yourself go.


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Déc 2005
For me anything below 6g dried is "uninteresting". (If I want a real trip)
My usual dosage is between 6-10g dried with MAOI.
I other words, I like/prefer "hard" trips :>

Did you ever experience an "ego-loss-like" state ?
If you didn't with 2.5g it might happen with 5g.
Be prepared, have respect, but go for it.

HOW different it will be ?
Between difficult and impossible to explain, I'd call high dosage trips more "demanding", can get difficult to handle, but in the end, it's more rewarding and ... interesting. Well, I know that's very unspecific ...

BTW, somewhat OT:
For something I'd call a trip I prefer the 6-10g dried range as stated above.
1-3g can be also very nice, I call it "recreational dose".
But I absoltely hate the 3-6g range. ("the void", neither a real trip nor recreational, just feels like headache)

BTW2: I like to mix species, e.g 3g dried cubensis plus 10g fresh "truffles" is a nice combo.

BTW3: It'd be very nice if you could tell us how you enjoyed/liked/disliked your first 5g trip :)

have a nice trip :)



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
Tiax a dit:
Hi everyone !

I'm considering doing 5 gr (dried) of Equatorian (basically a sub specy of P.Cubensis if I'm not mistaken) next week, 'till now I've done something like 6-7 trips with the "regular" dose (2.5)...

My experiance is that if I double the dose, the trip feels like it is 2²=4 times stronger... If you ask me you're taking a big step, ive done 50g of fresh Equatorian before and it was quite intense. Maybe you should try 4 g dried first, see what happens, and eat the rest if you feel like it. Just don't underestimate the power of the mushroom, and all will be fine :wink:.

I wish you a mind-expanding trip, have fun!



Thanks for all your answers, I intend to do the trip alone in a nice outdoor place, forest or mountain (was a bit influenced by Brew on this one :D), hope the weather won't be too bad next week !

I already experienced a ego-loss state, but not on shrooms...

Be assured that I'll make a nice TR anyway ;)