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moldyb, that last one is genius, really
the center element really ties it all together with it's beautiful organic linework going on inside of it. props!
i saw a man one day in antwerp.
he had his place stalled out at the evening. some spots on many of his works.
and he was doing something weird. i don't quite remember but if i'm correct it was scratching some colourmaterial on some kind of paper.
he asked around 20-50 of each painting => and he drew them fast and always in front of a crowd. and he said to me that he earns everything he needs to travel around with enough luxury and freedom he wanted.
well then if you're at the right places at the right time... in other words if you meet many people that like you're drawings and i guess there are ... because i suppose here many like the drawings included me, they're quite good... then you could maybe sell you're paintings also, if you wanted to do so.
i have a lot of respect for the people that post their works here and share it!!! thanks so much!! i appreciate it!! it's real art....
Shimmering rocks
At the bottom
of golden fountains
As the glass clocks shatter
As the digits intertwine to create
No time but the moment
No water is fed into the golden fountain
but Gaia's graceful tears
Which so happens to be
Gaia's beginning
Gaia's roundabout
will of maintaining spiral staircase fantasies in the midst of
All of realities' crazy shit.
Everything Collapses
Everything Collapses
The night is true
The warden beseeches
the con man’s tune
And in the decaying means
Comes a whole new plane
Of truths
Everything collapses
i have about 500 more poems that I have written over the years if anyone wants to hear more im more than happy to share ....
here's one I just finished, . . . it's kind of a bunch of glass structures working together to make a mountain. I wish I wouldn't have painted the clouds green, haha, . . but I guess they're alright.