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What was your wierdest/scariest visual?


11 Jan 2009
Like the title says whats your most scary/wierdest visual/dream ever?

Scariest/wierdest Dream:
I dreamt this after i took a small amount of datura seeds.
I was a box laying on the table with my friends (i didn't know who they where but for some reason they where my friends) and we were as usual just busy with shovin around and talking with eachother while we tried to pick up things (with our little arms made of carton). Then i went to school and evrything was blue tinted just as usaul on thursday mornings, pretty fucked up when i woke up and realised it was just a dream :? .

Thats the last thing i could remember of my dream...

Scariest/wierdest visual on drugs:
After a small dose of dature seeing the avatar of silv coming alive (for a second) and trying to make me insane.

Yeah... i dont have any real experience with psychedelic's. :lol:


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Juin 2009
Dream: Reoccurring dream where im in some big gray complex, I dont know why im there but I know I have to be there. There's some reason we are there, It has some people I haven't seen since I was five, but who look full grown. Ive always had the distinct feeling that that is the real world cause the dreams are a ongoing story that feels like it make more sense than this one...

Visual: My entire world was swirling(constant movement no stop), I was on 9 hits of acid(don't know the micrograms). Everything I looked at had a constantly transforming face(turning into other recognizable faces) and zappas eyes would appear always after a few seconds and stare into my soul I took from the stare: take down everything and record everything all the sweet phrases and disgusting words. That experience has lead me to believe that zappa is some sort of prophet, saint, devil or god. Now even off psychedelics off that trip I can see zappas face quite constantly in places it shouldnt be, but its not that same stare.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Realistic visions of hell, or a dungeon, after a combination of Datura and a high dose of LSD. Funny your own experience involved Datura as well. It's definitely the horror drug par excellence.


11 Jan 2009
maybe its just bequase datura has such a bad name, cause i got some better/more euphoric expiriences with datura (when i smoked it), although the day after i mostly got dry eyes, i little headache, etc.


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Juin 2009
Ive never done datura cause everyone ive met has had terrible trips on it. I did do like 36 or 48 Dramamines(I was on Dramamine so i forget the exact amount of pills). I hear its allot like datura, I saw shadow people all over the walls everywhere screaming at me trying to tell me something, then Id black out for a couple mins and wake up tripping over and over again this happen for like 6 hrs till I just felt very shitty and tired.


Elfe Mécanique
19 Oct 2008
The weirdest visual was seeing a golden wall sliding sideways really fast, then there were loads of pigs stood on their hind legs, wearing a grey curley wig, pearl earings and lots of make-up - like an old woman. That was on ayahuasca.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
I once had quite a vivid dream in 2006 when I was K-holing...

After I went unconsciousness, I 'woke up' in a coffin under my garden, and even though I was in the earth, I could look from the sky down my garden while my parents seemed happy as a childless couple. While they were walking through the garden, I peacefully lied there down in the earth.

Later during that K experience, I suddenly appeared at work as a paper sheet on my desk at work, all my colleagues were present and I could see them but of course they just walking around me having no idea my soul was in one of many paper sheets.

At the end, I was a refuse bag at the side of the road in my street, then suddenly little childeren grabbed me, begging me to come with them to see their place in the K world. While they carried me, I suddenly felt my arm, then they were a bit in panic expressing "No, don't go please" with their faces, and I felt as they pulled my arm.

Not much later, I could feel my feet, gravity came back and opened my eyes and saw my room, ignorant though I cried a bit after. It was all so serene and woolly. Not a single sign or discomfort. Perhaps I'll try it again in the future with 2CB added.

I also had dreams on San Pedro but not with a complete disconnection from reality. Amanita muscaria (with drinking urine) might be a much safer and finer option than datura. Although a mild datura dose with some alcohol or ingested prior to sleep is known for lucid dreams without too much of the evil and physical discomfort, but it's rare. A great amounts of peyotes will transfer one to a dream world as well.

Pharmaceutical scopolamine is probably the option I'd ever go for, since atropine and hyoscyamine are much less a hallucinogen but you get these in your system when eating seeds, and their level of toxicity is very low.

3 or 4 miligrams of merely scopolamine, motion sickness tablets is a complete different story than a guessed amount of solanaceae's plant material.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
weird but not scary visuals.. i found myself in a giant, dark, deep red room with insectoid shapes and giant robot arms and needles and flashing lights.. sort of an alien abduction I guess.. another one looking at myself in a mirror and finding myself inside the head of some hot young girl (almost being john malkovich styles), she was brushing this short dark hair. then everything morphed into an organic melange

on lsd :) long time no good, strong solo lsd trip.. (the last one was too weak)


Elfe Mécanique
26 Mar 2008
i was on acid and i saw and felt strings getting rapped around me as if trapping me in a cocoon

they where trans lucid but i saw them they where all around me and disconnecting me from the world

when it started i went to the bathroom in a rush i thought i would manage to wash away the strings off my face

it felt like getting buried alive (this was on a very large dose of acid the largest i ever did i washed the last 5 - 10 drops out of a bottle)

i took Dramamine and Dxm once

and i every shadow in my room turned on me, a shadow near my desk turned in to a ton of small scary spiders that melted together in to one giant spider, afterwords i opened up my closet just to discover it was full of mutant like Bats! that came at me. then i was in bed and people i knew started to come in my room to talk to me they all told me the same story and vanished in front of my eyes. then i lit a cigarette and every time i lit one it fell in the middle and vanished, the next morning i figured out that i didint light even one


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Fever-hallucination: A giant web, with oscillation crystal-like fill, with a red ball in the center, coming at me at a perfect steady pace. I screamed like a girl.

Mushrooms: My friends faces. Always very, very scary. I hate looking people in the eye, fearing I might see it again.

Sleep: Too many to remember, an example is me squishing a toddlers head, after she is trying to shoot me with a nail gun, her head collapsed like a rotten egg with nothing inside.

Sober: Too many to remember, an example was seeing in my head a dragon above the horizon, but pitch black night. I cried, in awe.

Then there was salvia. An infinite green and blue fractal of people, heads were the middle of flowers, pedals around their neck going on forever, slowly turning into my surroundings.

I have only had one true hallucination, maybe 2 but I can't remember the second.

I was in bed, very tired, and coming fown from very strong weed. I stared at my bed sheets for a minute, and I was slowly transported to the moon. Everything I looked at was the moon, I saw the lunnar lander, and the earth in the distance, buzz aldrin or someone was in front of me. I moved my head and the hallucination didn't go away. I decided to keep it for a while, and loved it. I was literally no longer in my bed. I moved again, it went away, i concentrated and it came back.. Eventually I just fell asleep.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
years ago when i was still a weed amateur i could get insane closed-eyed visuals just by being in my room with the lights out. so one day i got really high and when i got home i start listening to beyond twilight's section x, specifically the song called the dark side, and because i wanted to concentrate on the music i just sat there staring at my screen. this was my wallpaper at the time and it must've been great inspiration for my unconscious since i closed my eyes at the song's break and as the music climaxes i started seeing how my room silent hill'd and went bat shit insane; the walls were all messed up, filled with scorpions, insects and the like; disembodied skulls with snake tongues opened their mouths and went right through me and this skinny guy i used to draw, that kind of looks like maynard in the 3 libras video (a perfect circle), with long, black, messy hair in his face, no shirt and black leather pants appears and starts making this dance; with his arms up in the air but the palms of the hands facing backwards (wrists bended down all the way) he shook his body sideways rhythmically so the hands swung freely back and forth.

it was quite a show.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
lol i read that with lighting a cigarette that appeared to not even have been there a lot... :D

my scariest visual or well perception of reality was on salvia... i somehow was perceiving my friends that were sitting on the couch as mere chunks of flesh or so like steaks... very asburd but this kind of perception only lasted for a short time though... cant really describe it well but i guess its not so easy sometimes with psychadelic experiences and putting it into words.

i guess i had some other weird or scary shit going on but i dont remember very much right now... well its normal to forget the weird or maybe unpleasant stuff faster aint it... :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
My second trip ever on LSD
i think it was 2 hits maybe 2 and a half
I went out front for a smoke by myself to clear my head
i sat on a small wall and looked down at the bitumen which opened up into a hole which was sucking everything around it into it, like the ground was falling into itself, then somehow the hole turned into maggots squirming all over
luckily for me even though it was only my second trip (come to think of it, it may have been my first i can remember...) i wasnt at all scared or worried, i was totally interested in what i was seeing

another weird one was a couple weeks ago on lsd again, 3 hits
i was sitting at a table and the textures and patterns in the table created what looked like plant cells (if u know what they look like) and the cells would follow my finger around the table if i dragged it around
so it would make patterns which i could actually affect, which is new for me as i've never been able to interact with visuals before


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I don't get scared from visuals. If I'm scared, the visuals become dark and spooky.

My weirdest visual was on Salvia.

I saw Bert and Ernie drive by in a convertible waiving at me and calling me to come join them...

Unfortunately I couldn't move. Would love to check out their street.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
for real? bert and ernie!?
thats crazy i've never had hallucinations like that, guess i should try salvia?

I agree with your first line, only i've never felt much fear on acid, lucky me
the most i've had is some anxiety but that was usually to do with bad vibes or stuff like that


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
^exactly, it is precisely the other way around, imho the visuals are a representation of an inner process.

Salvia had some crazy visuals, but there wasn't really any meaning in it, at least not something I could understand. I've lost interest in it after a few times.


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Juin 2009
Its the child likeness of saliva that is the meaning. It turns you into a true dumbsaint a innocent young child. That's how I looked at It for me while It was short and It seemed meaningless, the more I looked into It, It meant allot I. I can't even explain what It meant with out totally missing It but I felt It then and I can feel It now.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Well, of course, I got that, but it misses the relevance that the other entheogens have. For me, that is. I had a few great experiences on Salvia, don't get me wrong, but the experience is so otherworldly that I find it too hard to integrate.


Elfe Mécanique
29 Déc 2008
Aliens coming through the ceiling, doing something to my hand, and trying to tell me something. This one was the most startling because it was so realistic. If I didn't know I was on a drug I would be convinced it was real. I chickened out and never figured out what they wanted or what they did to my hand. :P

Skin bubbling, turning red and purple, smoke and strange symbols rising from it. My shadow turning into that of an obese monster. Looking into the mirror and seeing myself in a myriad different lives. Wrinkles forming. Beard growing/shrinking. Growing horns. Pictures on the wall waving.
The first real acid trip I had when I was 16, I saw a big snake fly past my head!


Matrice périnatale
23 Juin 2009
My husband and I tried Peruvian Torch for the first time a couple weeks ago, and were experiencing the effects while sitting in the bathroom together. At some point, we decided to see whether we had any ESP powers by trying to see if we could mentally "see" the title of a particular book one of our friends has on his bookshelf (this friend had challenged us earlier to tell him the name of a book he was thinking of).

I was closing my eyes and trying to concentrate on trying to see what book it could be, but instead, very vivid, awful, gruesome images of slaughtered pigs kept overwhelming me. There was blood and severed pig body parts and other visceral messiness. I finally had to stop trying to visualize anything.

A couple minutes later, my husband and I got frustrated of trying to figure it out. My husband called another friend on the phone, and casually asked him to say the name of a book, without telling him why.

His immediate answer was, "Lord of the Flies," and he proceeded to talk about the dead pig symbolism.

While that was not the correct book title, I thought it was pretty synchronistic :wink: