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What happened to MDMA? What is this Molly crap?!?!

  • Auteur de la discussion High Demand
  • Date de début

High Demand

I have done a lot of research on Extacy and or Molly and I know Molly is supposed to be the purest form of Extacy and what not but the pills that were going around in the 90's were so much better than the Molly that goes around today! Molly today has every feeling of the old pills except that crisp million dollar feeling that makes you want to talk. Something is wrong here! MDMA was started out as a psychology drug and without that feeling that I got in the 90's from the E pills, it makes me think that Molly is not the "purest form" of the drug that was unveiled to the world by Alexander Shulgin. I'm not a scientist so formulas and what not and testing Molly would be useless, however I would like any reliable information that proves Molly is not what Extacy started out as. Opinions are more than welcome as well!


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
real E pills had to have something in it to hold the molly together. you could get creative as chemist, molly crystals are the purist form so just try some cocktails until your where you wanna be :P

(drizzit does not condone these actions. all endangering things are bad mmm-k. Be safe, have a sitter and do some research, knowledge is power! excelsior. :P mind may be altered but who knows :retard:)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
its cause there was a boom of MDMA in the late 90's and early 2000's. Lots of basement chemists started making and the price went to shit for the chemists, so they started adding whatever the hell they wanted, just to get a little more profit.

pure MDMA used to be like gold. If you found a chemist that could make it you hit a gold mine, but it got too popular and easy to make. Not to mention there are warehouses in Europe that synthesize it by the kilograms.

Its more of an economy thing than an availability, I believe.


30 Jan 2014
if you havent noticed something similar happened with weed, the trips you had smoking in the 60's are very different to the ones today sadly


Glandeuse pinéale
28 Avr 2007
There is no shortage of proficient chemists. The problem with MDMA these days is, well, a few things. First, profiteering. Of course, as a former underground chemist, you always expect to get paid and paid well for breaking the law. But, as I have said before, people who have become accustomed to the money associated with the MDMA trade but who can no longer compete in it for one reason or another start to severely adulterate their product in order to keep up with the other profiteers who have driven down the price with inferior products. Sometimes, more often than not, the product is not even MDMA even though it is represented as such. The popular thing to substitute these days is the less euphoric and more dangerous PMMA. The chemicals to make PMMA are cheap, unregulated and the finished product is mg for mg more potent. So, for profiteers that care nothing about delivering a good and safe product, it's a grand slam (to use an American term). Second, the governments of the world have made it much more difficult to obtain the most popular and cost effective chemical for producing MDMA, safrole. This has had a giant impact on the quality and safety associated with what you can purchase these days.

Xuxa: I am originally from Northern California. One of those places they make television shows about regarding the cultivation of marijuana. It is generally accepted that marijuana in much more potent than it was in the 1960's. Of course, the strains we produce these days, though they produce more cannabinoids, produce different cannabinoids than did the ones in the 1960's. You may have desired a strain back then that simply produced a different high. However, the likelihood is just that you have developed a tolerance. To quote the Grateful Dead:

"What in the world ever became of sweet Jane? She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same".

I find that most of life's questions have already been answered by the Grateful Dead ;-)!



Sale drogué·e
20 Juil 2013
Where i come from we do not use the term molly (as far as i know). As i understand it molly is just a slang word for a pill that may or may not have MDMA in it. xtc is another slang word for a pill that may or may not have mdma in it.
You need to know your source real well or you need to test the stuff to know what is in it.

What happened is that they started to cut the mdma with other stuff (speed for example) and sold it under the name XTC.
This started early on, in the 90,s.
MDMA loses it,s power when you use it to much. But if you cut it with speed people will keep buying it. And this is one reason why it,s cut with other stuff (profit).
Later on more and more research chemicals became available and they replaced mdma with other chemicals. We also see this with the LSD marked. chemicals similiar to LSD is being sold as if it,s real LSD.

The problem is that most of it is being produced by a bunch of criminals who do not care about people,s health or safety and only want to make a profit out of it. Same goes for cannabis.
this is one reason i stay away from the stuff. for psychonauting i use only plants and mushrooms, most of which i grow myself.


22 Fev 2011
5 928
The ecstasy pills 90s (and other years ) rarely contained only Molly (and sometimes some "active" by not contained at all but was a crazy effect) , there is a binder to hold it compressed at least for the most pure and rare pills. Fashion was in those years to mingle closely related substances , other cathinone , often the MDA ( the "precursor" of MDMA, more toxic but more intense ) , MDEA , MDA, and others in order to make " combos " explosive and varied. Also , is the majority of pills yesterday and today exitants as caffeine , amphetamines because he did not forget, MDMA ( Molly ) was not a withering effect excitability level then these pills were the basis for the dancefloor , so artfully blend eg 120 mg Molly+ 60 mg caffeine + 50 mg of MDEA + 20 mg amphetamines in a pill necessarily give a more powerful effect than a canister 100 mg of Molly.

2 years ago pills are again good, then there was a period around the year 2008 when the overall quality had collapsed . But few pills containing only Molly ( without considering the binders) .

There are a lot of examples on these two sites:
EcstasyData.org: Lab Test Results for Recreational Drugs
Pill Reports - Ecstasy Test Results Database by Enlighten

See for yourself .

Regarding the quality of MDMA (HCL mostly, so with a purity of 85% about maximum), things have not changed for 20 years, although some manufacturing methods have changed, the product remains the same (1 - (1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-N-methylpropan-2-amine), the quality depends on the quality of the chemist and also the quality of raw materials and its equipment. You can find everything!


Glandeuse pinéale
28 Avr 2007
Without saying too much ;-), someone who isn't me has purchased close to 10 or so samples of sassafras oil, brown camphor oil and samples of safrole from companies claiming to sell it at a premium, of course, and hasn't distilled a single gram of safrole as a result. I am sure, with enough money to track down these sources via trail and error, one may find an acceptable source for safrole but...let us just say it's less available than it once was ;-).


22 Fev 2011
5 928
Yes but you are individuals, the true professionals "shadow" have their source. BTW some rcs also ask safrole to be synthesized, so the sources are far from being exhausted. They have their source :)

Besides for information pepper contains small amounts of safrole, so if Molly makes you cough scientists may be amused to extract safrole from tons of spices. (Humor!).

Or cloves with Eugenol, obviously we can synthesize safrole from it.

And this is just examples to show that scientists can circumvent embargoes ingredients ...


Sale drogué·e
20 Juil 2013
grivois a dit:
The ecstasy pills 90s (and other years ) rarely contained only Molly

You are right about that. What is being sold as xtc or molly is not the same as pure mdma.
If you buy some pill you don,t know what you get. You need to know the source or test them. In the 90,s they had pill testing teams at raves.
Some combination may work better others maybe worst. Some pills do not contain mdma at all.


Matrice périnatale
15 Nov 2013
Most "molly" is just any drug with a stimulant effect made by a chinese chemist to circumvent international drug law, and has no relation to mdma anymore.

"Why is this molly making me roll? What bath salt are you selling me?" - some dumb kid at a party recently upon eating mda


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Jan 2014
rosa a dit:
Most "molly" is just any drug with a stimulant effect made by a chinese chemist to circumvent international drug law, and has no relation to mdma anymore.

"Why is this molly making me roll? What bath salt are you selling me?" - some dumb kid at a party recently upon eating mda

No you're wrong !

molly = md = ecstasy= mdma


Glandeuse pinéale
28 Avr 2007
I think what the gentleman is saying is that what typically gets sold under the name "Molly" isn't typically MDMA anymore. I can attest to the validity of this claim as well as to the ignorance of the average "customer".


Matrice périnatale
15 Nov 2013
In the US, likely elsewhere, the wholesale value of mdma had been low for some years. When the bulk of the product in the domestic US was European, it was very possible for a small cottage-industry sized chemist to find a fair wage for wholesale mdma production. However, as the sourcing of sassafras oil became accessible only to larger criminal cartels, the US became flooded with Asian and Mexican products, which were far, far cheaper than any price that had been seen before. This put many chemists out of work; I know of several large operations that have been stored for more than a decade because they believe the precursors are inherently more valuable than current market cost of the final product.

Then shit got worse. Shulgin invented methylone, and, years later, it became known to Asian RC cartels. They decided to thinly pretend ignorant of its effect, and to sell it to anyone at all on the open market. A group of muslims from India with ties to the UAE seem to be directly partnered with the Asian cartels as the main points of distribution for the Asian via open, OTC sale of active drugs.

The cost went down, again. What had been almost $40,000 a kg, had plummeted to $20,000 a kg, and then to $2,000, a kg. But now the drug was different. But Methylone is similar, um.... and mephedrone sounds like that? and the chemical names are similar ... So they introduced millions to a very addictive drug, which was called "molly" just like methylone.

When the Fedder Gubment banned methylone, and mephedrone, tons of new drugs came to replace them. China is starting to crack down on this industry, but they have gotten so powerful its too late.

Maybe the was between China and Japan will disrupt the flow from the West? Uh.... FUCK


Glandeuse pinéale
28 Avr 2007
$17,000 is the price in California. It's ridiculous. People will simply tell you they know what they are buying for $17,000 is not MDMA or is severely cut but that's the price. It matters not that what you are trying to compete with is absolute crap and what you have is fluffy white goodness ;-).


Glandeuse pinéale
22 Jan 2014

Quand même ultra surpris que ce message ait passe la journée!!!!!!!!!!!

Modo ??????????????????


Matrice périnatale
13 Oct 2014
I really love this Swiss? Austrian? Site.
Respect to their owners, operators.:prayer:
You are saving lives!!:heart:
Their competence are impressive. Very detailed test results. I have never seen anywhere such accurate results.


"2014 September warning letter of high MDMA content pills

Logo: Mitsubishi
Rückseite: Bruchrille
Farbe: hellgrün
Durchmesser: 9,2 mm
Dicke: 4,6 mm
Inhaltsstoffe:MDMA (86 mg)+ Amphetamin (4 mg)+ Koffein (11 mg)

Logo: Goldbarren-Form
Rückseite: Bruchrille + 199.9 mg
Farbe: goldgelb
Durchmesser: -
Dicke: -
MDMA (217 mg)

Logo: WiFi
Rückseite: Bruchrille
Farbe: orange
Länge: 12,2 mm
Dicke: 4,25 mm
MDMA (218 mg)

Als MDMA (Kristall, Pulver, Kapsel) zur Analyse gebrach:
Tatsächliche Inhaltsstoffe:
Butylon (787 mg/g)
Methylon (922 mg/g)

Als „Speed“ zur Analyse gebracht:
Tatsächliche Inhaltsstoffe:
Amphetamin (47 mg/g) + Koffein (487 mg/g) + MDMA (9 mg/g)
Amphetamin (245 mg/g) + Koffein (333 mg/g) + unbekannte Substanz
Amphetamin (212 mg/g) + Ephedrin (44 mg/g) + Koffein (452 mg/g) + unbekannte Substanz
Amphetamin (344 mg/g) + Koffein (539 mg/g) +4-Methylamphetamin (11 mg/g) + unbekannte Substanz

Als Kokain zur Analyse gebracht:
Tatsächliche Inhaltsstoffe:
Kokain (654 mg/g) + Levamisol (66 mg/g)
Kokain (597 mg/g) + Levamisol (60 mg/g)
Kokain (600 mg/g) + Levamisol (98 mg/g)
Kokain (475 mg/g) + Levamisol (41 mg/g)
Kokain (287 mg/g) + Levamisol (44 mg/g)
Kokain (401 mg/g) + Levamisol (50 mg/g)
Kokain (667 mg/g) + Levamisol (33 mg/g)
Kokain (666 mg/g) + Levamisol (142 mg/g) + Koffein(36 mg/g)
Kokain (498 mg/g) + Levamisol (48 mg/g) + Lidocain(147 mg/g)

Zur Analyse gebracht als: 2C-B
tatsächliche(r) Inhaltsstoff(e): 2C-B (884 mg/g) +MDMA (8 mg/g)"