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We are unknowingly experiencing alien influences. yes or no?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
A little correction adrianhaffner, they never found any fossils of bacteria or DNA in meteorites. They did however find organic molecules (amino acids and nucleotide bases, which are the building blocks of resp. proteins and DNA). Its very probable that these molecules - next to the organic molecules that could be spontaneously generated in the earths atmosphere or by vulcanic activity - played a role in abiogenesis (formation of life from "dead" molecules). Panspermia is the theory that these "seeds" have been delivered to earth or randomly shot into the galaxy.



13 Oct 2009
YES. :lol:
I mean yes

Please elaborate. As posted by others ,belief or ...? Curious about your take.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Août 2006
Maybe the whole universe, all known and unknown galaxies included are just on the inside of a lepton, maybe we are just bacteria living in the pores of a much bigger lifeform, maybe the whole universe is also ball shaped and maybe that ball shaped universe is floating around in another ball shaped universe, like a fractal, constantly repeating itself....

Who knows?
The universe is soooooo giant that we will never ever know, we won't even know and understand our own galaxy, ever, let alone the billions, of trilions of other galaxies......

Maybe none of this is real, maybe we are an experiment?


21 Juil 2007
5 922
what is real anyway? if real is what you can touch, hear, see, smell then real is just chemical reactions in your brain, interpreted by your conscious, and unconscious cognitive instances connected to your nervous system, but the notion that something is real is by that definition subjective anyway. so by that everything would just be as real as you would perceive it like, in other words relative to your perception, but that would seem very unrealistic, like in a dream.... i think sometimes life is like a dream, but sometimes i think in my dream that it is my life in spite of it only being a dream... so well to know whether this all was "real" we would need to know in real life whether we were in a dream in the same way we would need to distinguish real life from a dream while dreaming.

considering alien influences i think i unkowingly experienced them, but i can't be sure... lol

peace :weedman:


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
^ +1

If I say yes, then I am not unknowingly experiencing alien influences because I am aware of them.
If I say no, then for all intensive purposes, I am not experiencing them anyways.

Either way, as much as I can't walk through a wall (not imagine it, but do it), my not knowing about external influences keeps them part of the unknown unknowns (these type of questions always make me think back to Pulp Fiction lmao).


21 Juil 2007
5 922
yeah lol!! well anyway i guess it all leads to this:


hiphop preaching prophetic truth??


and what's this subliminal message at the end about?? i dunno lately i see too many subliminal messages, but it still can be a coincidence..


maybe we were being watched in the past who knows... makes you think of "big brother" in another way..




Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
Meduzz a dit:
A little correction adrianhaffner, they never found any fossils of bacteria or DNA in meteorites. They did however find organic molecules (amino acids and nucleotide bases, which are the building blocks of resp. proteins and DNA). Its very probable that these molecules - next to the organic molecules that could be spontaneously generated in the earths atmosphere or by vulcanic activity - played a role in abiogenesis (formation of life from "dead" molecules). Panspermia is the theory that these "seeds" have been delivered to earth or randomly shot into the galaxy.


well thank you for the info, the article i read was a little while ago, and very vague. idk if i would simply label panspermia as just organic molecules though.. i've done a little more research into it, and im finding that the truth lies somewhere in the middle of what you and i say...

from that wiki article:
"...lithopanspermia (microorganisms in rocks)..." (<that's a term used in a hypothesis mind you, but the term still applies imo)

"...meteorite microfossils that resemble microorganisms..."

have a look at these pictures

i know those are all the same website, so heres one from the other point of view, or at least a bit more neutral. fact is though, that these pictures still look shockingly close to lifeforms that we've all seen before(under a microscope anyways)...



follow my thought process for a second after the first bit of the latter article.

space is huge, we can't imagine... little present from one planet exploding travels for a while with life inside it. distance is too far for "them" to get out and live on the other side, and the life runs out. a pureed mess of dead organisms and bacteria (from colliding with many other things in space) arrives at it's destination, but only in slop form due to other shit hitting it along the way. i am a firm believer in (edit) *the possibility of* abiogenesis, not EXCLUSIVELY though, dont get me wrong...

to me it makes little difference whether or not the stuff they found was living. if you can try to imagine with me, with the scale of our planet, to the scale of the closest star, to the scale, simply of the galaxy, ONE galaxy, nevermind the fucking UNIVERSE, i am more than positive that there is an unfathomable SHITLOAD of life out there, just bumping around, waiting for a nice "oasis" in the "desert"... i dont think that people should need convincing on that :|

i hope i dont sound harsh to you, it's just very hard if not impossible to express the scale of the objects and places involved here :D to conclude, the universe's size lends an advantageous hand to the probability of there being many other suitable climates out there, if i were to think otherwise, i would be thinking of a *much smaller universe than the one we are living in


Elfe Mécanique
3 Juil 2008
Jeniger a dit:
Aliens are a product of the planetary consciousness, with the galactical consciousness and the universal consciousness we are all one.

Of course :)


21 Juil 2007
5 922


Glandeuse pinéale
30 Juin 2009
I have no reason to believe that to be the case.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
sure, as long as you believe in reason, a reason for believing will probably not appear... as stupid as that may sound, i deem it to be true.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
sprax, are you referring to my statement or braineaters video? personally i think that ANY video we have of a ufo at all is total bullshit. i MIGHT consider one to be real with the assumtion that HUMANS were inside it, but not "aliens"... that's retarded imo


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i don't know mate. but i will give you a hint. you know crop circles right?? just search for spinning crop circles on youtube or spin them yourself and then you might see the higher dimensions or not...

peace :weedman:



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
um, i think crop circles are man made as well, if you were implying that they are made by "aliens".

if you steam a vegetable, it becomes pliable, and rubbery. once the vegetable cools again, it regains it's rigidity. crop circles could easily be made without breaking the stalks. especially if you dedicate YEARS perfecting and mastering it, like some of those people...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
im sorry, i dont have time to watch 10 minutes of something i dont believe in, right now. i made it through about 1:30 of shakey, low quality video. do you honestly think that aliens invented a newly shaped space ship every time they visited? or that they would light up the night time sky on purpose? if any one of those were actually flying through the air, it had a human being, probably working for the cia(or some similar organization) inside. how do you think we invented all the stealth bombers, harriers, or remote controlled cyphers that we have now? gotta fly them somewhere...


21 Juil 2007
5 922
of course mate. glad you used your brain right there. you got it all figured out. let me challenge you. by what definitions is a spaceship a spaceship or by what definitions is a however advanced spaceship a however advanced spaceship?


21 Juil 2007
5 922
ah well i was just trying to help you opening your mind, if that's what you wanted...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Heres this for opening your mind;

Read some physics. How do you propose aliens got here?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
if you're referring to a "however advanced spaceship" as the ones in the video, and just a regular "spaceship"( as you've said) are the ones that we have been able to watch fly into space since we started the space race, then you've asked the same question because the difference is that there are central intelligence (intelligence that cannot be public) officers in those if they are not faked, which i doubt in most cases.