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Je m'inscris!

Tabernanthe Iboga


Elfe Mécanique
18 Sept 2005
I've heard some crazy stories about this plant, does anybody have any experiences with this herb?


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Juil 2005
not yet, i bought a package though - but im not quite ready.
all those stories about how dangerous it is make me worried.
most people don't even know about it and refuse to believe
it's a strong hallucinogen. this plant seems so otherworldy
powerfull and unique that i can't comprehend why no one
seems to know anything about it.

some sources say it's very dangerous, some other say it's
only dangerous in high doses. in rätsch's encyclopedia he
says that the bwiti tribe uses it only once in a lifetime
in a very (very) high dosage (200g?) to 'break open the
head'. there's also a lot of information out there regarding
it's amazing healing capacities, i read that it can kill
heroine addictions completely in one treatment, if done
right. some junkies had to die apparantly ... because
of ibogaine.


Elfe Mécanique
18 Sept 2005
Well, if you're going to expiriment with low doses, I'd love to hear the reports!


20 Déc 2004
Have 20 g in my closet for a year, but didn't dare to take it yet. Wanna hear some experiences though.


Elfe Mécanique
18 Sept 2005
Why don't you take a low dose to try it? :P If I had some I certainly would. I mean 2-4 grams can't hurt you...


Matrice périnatale
4 Août 2005
Exactly the same situation here :)
*very* high respect ...


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Août 2005
it's not entirely true that the addicts died of iboga - but of taking herooine the day before the did the trip ... you can't do methadon or heroin days before taking ibogaine ... thaan it's also known that when taking iboga - first one has to see if he is allergic or soemthing to it - so you have to take small doses before the real trip to see the reaction of your body ... this is also for playing save ... the right dosage has to do with your own body weight ... this is not something for having fun - this plant is fro purpose and intention - for healing and sjaman travels - for respect and awe ... they also say that 1 iboga ritual equals 20 years of psychotherapy ... the plant it's effect is like a total reorganization of memory - psychologic traumas and a 'defragmentation' of your self awarness ... it also hooks up to the normal neurotransmitions ... it is know that when taing heroin your brain get's wired onto an other level - this is why it's addictive from the first time ... and your brain is since that first time hooked like that - and that's why there is a constant craving for it ... when taking iboga the plant unhooks this brain link and sets it to default ;) ... no more cravings ... but you have to maintain that you don't want to do it - because will can easily lead back to addiction.

chekc out the dutch documentary

ibogaine - rites of passage


Elfe Mécanique
18 Sept 2005
this is not something for having fun - this plant is fro purpose and intention - for healing and sjaman travels - for respect and awe
I don't use psychedelics for fun, but for insight in life. I sometimes consider that as fun, because of the beautiful things I see


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Juil 2005
but what's with the women who died ... they did not because they took heroine to make it clear. also almost every book i read says that it can be extremly dangerous indeed, they just don't ever talk about dosages. i guess 20g can't harm me. well, i bought it and im gonna do it ... but not alone and not in an unsafe enviroment.


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Août 2005
i'm sorry but if you take 20 grams of acid - your head is fucked! ... so please - get the facts straight before you do STUPID things ... you GUESS 20 grams woudl'nt hurt you - well - to guess is not enough!

luckily i know it is indeed not enough to get your head fucked - but like i said before - you need to do a test because of the allergic reaction one can have - and for that a few grams is more than enough to get yourself in a bad situation ... so get the facts straight! ... i really don't like it when people do stupid things or talk like this about plantteachers ... you shold be lucky you ever heard about it - so do it right, and don't just DO it!

are you aware this is a plantteacher??


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Août 2005
ha! 20grams is even too much!!

i checked internet ...

The dose: It is difficult to dose iboga, but for most people 6 grams should do it, and if you are treating any kind of opiate addiction I would recommend to have 1 or 2 grams of iboga extra, ready for use right after the treatment. This is helpful for physical after cravings and it also helps for depression. Especially methadone.

Prepare: First of all you will need a "baby sitter (+s)" that will set of several days for you. Never, ever, try to take iboga alone. Take the iboga lying down on a bed in a dark room and have a bucket ready for throwing up (if needed, let´s hope not) You will need help going to the bathroom since you lose your balance.

Important!: Mixing iboga with any kind of opiate is very dangerous, often deadly, stay clean minimum 6 hours before starting the treatment. Or better: start after the first signs of withdraws.

Ingesting; To prevent throwing up the iboga is split up in max 2 gram doses. Start with two grams and then wait 1,5 hours for the next two grams. The iboga will start to give effect after 3 hours. Then take the third 2 grams. Now you should wait 3 hour to feel all the effect from the 6 gram already ingested before taking more iboga.

An interesting alternative that I believe much in:
Since several people still have been throwing up after ingesting iboga. Also the last part of the dose, a terrible waist of material. Simply use the "back door" instead, in rectum position. You can use the same capsules as for ingestion, they will melt, just takes some more time. Still you might throw up BUT you will keep the iboga to help you get clean.

After coming down from the trip you might need some extra, dose these in one gram doses.

AND MOST IMPORTANT!! After taking iboga your tolerance for opiates are reset to *ZERO*. This meaning that the risk for taking an over dose is great!

second text says that for every kg of body weight you should take 16 - 20 MG (miliiiigrams) of iboga ...

so if you are about 70 kg that would be 10 - 13 grams of iboga ... i mean - where would you have ende up with your 20 grams?? ... Venus???

dude - don't pay attention to the heavy enegry in my posts - but see that you can't fool with plants - and definately not with yourself...


Glandeuse pinéale
4 Juil 2005
One thing : Iboga is sooooo disgusting that you have to be "a real man" to take 20 grams.
Second : in bwiti tradition, they take it little by little : you should do so, with a tea spoon, so that you know when you got enough.
Third : it is very difficult to die of overdose with Iboga, but it is true that "After taking iboga your tolerance for opiates are reset to *ZERO*. This meaning that the risk for taking an over dose is great!". This is the most dangerous thing with Iboga ; the very few deaths occuring with Iboga were due to this.

Ok, I stop here because my english is bad.

Oh, one more thing : vomiting is part of the healing process, like for ayahuasca : very important.


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Juil 2005
i wouldn't do iboga before getting the facts straight, that was the reason i did not ingest it yet in the firsthand, okay. in my encyclopedia it is clearly stated that the people living in africa use more than 200(!)g for their ritual, they only do it once though. but this is exactly what bugs me ... 20g, 6g, 200g ... you don't have to be a math teacher to see that all these sources seem unreliable. i wouldn't wanna go for the relaxant dose, if i ever do it i sure want that plant to "teach" me, like you say. and it is no question that i'd check for alergic reactions first. if i'd be a millionaire or if that stuff would be cheap i could increase the dosage and look what im getting but i am not rich and that plant is not cheap.

three women died JUST by ingesting ibogaine, they died because and only because of ibogaine, stop talking about heroine-overdosing. everone who reads about iboga gets a good grasp of what it does, no one in his right mind would shoot up shit the next day, and those who did probably lacked any kind of common sense.


Glandeuse pinéale
4 Juil 2005
Another advice : don't lie down, just sit : people from Gabon say : "if you lie down, Iboga lies down too" (that means that Iboga doesn't "work" in your body).


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Juil 2005
soleil, does that mean you had've an iboga experience?
can you deliver more informations? how much did you use, how did you ingest it, what did you feel and what did you see? oh and your english is just fine ... : ]


Elfe Mécanique
18 Sept 2005
Iboga should be an available treatment for every rehab clinic....


Glandeuse pinéale
4 Juil 2005
Yes I did, in Valence (France), with a shaman from Gabon. At the ceremony, we were something like 15 people (15 people that ingested Iboga + the shaman and his helpers)... Two persons didn't see anything (or almost anything) and I was one of them. But the other people saw a lot of things, and when they explained their visions, I was kind of frustrated.
The ceremony was divided on two nights (00h - 5 AM). They played a lot of beautiful music and we puked a lot (amazing, really : you feel something going up in your stomach and then... bwarf !!). The shaman's helpers would give us fresh bottle of water, give us paper to clean our mouthes and so on, really kind.
From time to time, the shaman went to each of us and gave us a teaspoon of Iboga, like a father to his child (maybe it has an impact, psychologically speaking). Later, he gave iboga only to the people who asked for it (I couldn't, even I had no vision : too disgusting, too hard...) ; he used to say that we hadn't to hesitate asking him for more.
So I didn't see much things but the introspection working was really potent.
On the second night, they put a white powder on our faces and set a mirror in front of us, with a candle near it ; we had to look at ourselves in the mirror : at one moment, my head disappeared (in the mirror, i mean) but it lasted just a very short moment ; at another moment, I saw an eye in the middle of my head (sorry, I don't know the word in english for "front") and I interpreted this like a capacity for me to heal people (I want to become a psychologist) ; at another moment, I saw myself with a moustache, like a man of the beginning of the 20th century.

I also have to say that I had the feeling that I could understand and know what the other people in the room thought and felt (again, this feeling of empathy, which I interpreted the same way than the eye in the middle of my head).

Well, I can't explain it entirely, it would be too long (in english). I just have to say that since March, I am more confident, I almost gave up smoking (at the time : 10-15 cigarettes a day, beginning soon after waking up + 2 or 3 joints in the evening ; now : 2 or 3 joints in the evening, with regular stops).

Ok, the list of the benefits would be too long ; this month of March 2005 will really stay in my mind as a big big benefit in my life.

If you have any question, you can send me a message if you like.


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Août 2005
hi themoles...

indeed - the internet says that in some bwiti tribes they take 200 grmas of iboga ... but that is probably the leaves - 200 grams of leaves of the plant. i'm not very certain but i think i read it somewhere.

i think you should ask someone like the above person wich name i forgot ... or send an email to one of the poeple listed in this link section ...



Glandeuse pinéale
4 Juil 2005
It absolutely can't be the leaves : the only psychoactive part of the plant is the root (by the way, the fruit is eatable).