Psychonaut logo and font

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Sludge
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Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Any idea what font was used for the current logo? What do you think of this one: ?

Could anyone also design a nice ET face like the current one with a alpha channel/transparent color background (current one is white on blue)? It's a pain to cut around the shape cleanly. Maybe one with a cosmonaut helmet would be nice!
I managed with the help of others (Xochi, Porygon, CookieSlayer...) to to some modifs on a theme for the futur forum engine :
You all made a really great job ! I'm proud of my psychonaut mates and thankfull :)
Sure place there will be, don't worry my friend. As long as there's a way to store bits on a device somewhere on this planet, this logo will live. Even if I have to learn by heart the combination of zeros and ones that represents it. Or maybe I'm getting a little bit too carried here.
But we will have a place to store this logo in our own space, that's a minimum.
Maybe Sludge would be better off if you provide a photoshop edition file instead of an already exported image format ? I'm not familiar with the work going on here so maybe just ignore this part of my message.
Great ! Gimp, even better !

Hello, the font used in the logo is "Dream of Me" by Pizzadude (with minor adjustments) : (thanks Cookies for finding it).

So I've made new versions of the banner (in .png transparent) with better resolution (clickable link):
