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I.O. Dro picture


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
I.O. Dro seems to be from "international oddities" as googling what is I.O. Dro turns up an old ad of theirs and a few websites list io dro as their product. I guess IO stands for International Oddities. Wow I'm a smart druggie aint I? :D

Here's a picture of the last pack i got from my favorite company. Just a purely I like to share pictures kind of thing. Not sellin or anything. Most people on here probably arent even interested in something thats 'legal' lol. But hey I have my quirks. :D

Here's the pic:


Smells nice. Not overwhelming like the panama bud. LOL I had to stick that in an old army surpluss air tight ammo can to keep from stinkin up the room. Atleast if it was a weed smell I would feel like I had earned something lol. :D


Alpiniste Kundalini
7 Oct 2010
It looks a hell of a lot like weed. What is it? Does it get you high?


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
Actually it does for me. Its not super like mind blowing kind bud high but its nice. I just smoked some before I got on here. Its kind of giddy at first, I was makin stupid jokes and bein funny for no reason. It also had some mild psychedelic effects like things 'feelin wierd' the way you would think your high but its just 'almost high' kind of stuff. Little hard to type and read cuz for some reason I started spelling things phoentically and had to concentrate to spell them right lol. Nice warm fuzzy burny weedy feeling but not like you massive toke kind of thing. I like it. Helped me get out of bed this morning. Been depressed for a few days and knew this would cheer me up literally so figured I would have some and it did. :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
that would be interesting, it uncannily looks like weed. could it be that the high just comes from smoking? that it looks like weed and also has effects on its own seems unlikely, although I wouldn't rule it out entirely.

I smoked a bidi the other day - those are small cigarettes that are rolled with tobacco leafs and garbage that they don't pack into normal cigarettes, usually found in india, dirt cheap. after having smoked it the fact of my existence hit me pretty hard, not in that blissful way, but it still felt heightened, although the possibility of nonexistence crept into my mind as well and caused me some anxiety.
it was weird that this would happen from smoking a little bit of a bidi.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
No no scientific name. In fact I tried to research it and couldnt find anything on the internet either though I'm not too grand at that kind of searching. The package there is all you see of the information besides some nice fluffy things that happen to you if you smoke it hehe. Its kind of accurate but also pretty generic so cant exactly say its anything objective hehe.

I.O. Dro is all I know and I think the I.O. stands for International Oddities because thats who is refernced as holding the copyright as well as googling it finds an old package of advertising from them directly that has their name on it as well as the I.O. Dro on it. So I dunno.

I like it though. Been smokin it on and off all morning. Little harsh on the lungs when you smoke without a bong. I have these teeny hand held bongs but cant get enough water in them to do much that doesnt cause you to drink the water, bleh. Dont wanna go overboard with 20 bongs lol but I might get a medium size one for my desk and a larger one for stuff like salvia and what not.