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Entity visitations


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Jan 2007
Hi there,

I've got a question which may sound strange. It sounds strange to me too.
I've heard a story from a few people with different backgrounds who practically say the following:

When you take an hallucinogen you may find yourself in a state of not being "there", in your body I mean. When that happens, entities (or ghosts as you will) will be able to enter or visit your body. And, if you're unlucky, you find yourself posessed by a deamon of some sort.

Now, I can say I was a frequent user of mushrooms until 2 years ago and never experienced anything like it. However, I heard the exact same story again recenty which triggered me to do some research, leading me here. Do you've heard anything like it or do you think it's nonsense?


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
Ego death?


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Jan 2007
I know what you mean by ego death but could you elaborate on how it could relate to the story?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
I don't rule out the possibility of the existence of entities at all, but I've never had one take over my body - at least not consciously, neither while tripping nor while sober. Eckhart Tolle writes of the pain body, which he describes as a parasitic entity that lives off negative energy, lots of people seem to be possessed of it quite often.
Jonathan Zap (recommended website) writes about mind vampires. good reads, and the rest too. both he and Tolle seem to agree that these entities can be beneficient factors in the evolution of consciousness, and indeed it is so in biology, in which parasites were/are important driving factors.

some weeks/months ago I seriously considered the existence of these autonomous psychic vampires, which periodically come and suck one dry. it absolutely seemed like that every now and then. out of the blue I'd get in a really strange and dark mindset which was not pleasant at all, feeling very drained afterwards. it led me to stop eating so much processed carbs and more raw foods. it helped, but it seems very hard in that case to make out the difference between imagination gone awry and actualities.
my stance is not to mingle too much with these entities (or imaginations), except if it is important to do so.


Glandeuse pinéale
1 Jan 2007
Thanks for your thoughts. About your stance though, it may or may not be a good idea to mingle with entities (if they exists of course) but if I take the story correctly, we don't have a choice and we always take the risk of being visisted by an entity if we take an hallucinogen. Which by the way may also be true that if we are a sleep as we find ourselfs in a similar state and the story may be applicable to it too. If that's true, it surely doesn't matter if we are sober or not.


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
I feel psycoactives help strengthin your mind against such things.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
I think it is like bad trips, they do exist, and by being afraid of them you call them into your experience. of course sometimes it is inevitable, but they are opportunities to grow.
we do have a choice in the matter, that is to be vigilant, we are not some milking-livestock of some astral entities :) (ideally)
all in all it is to be taken with a grain of salt, imo. it could well be that the phenomenon is some sort of subpersonality/autonomous complex that takes the lead every now and then. the best way not to be taken in by it is not to identify with it, easier said than done, but anyway, awareness is the cure.


Glandeuse pinéale
25 Août 2012
I have to agree with ararat bad trips do exist but they have good outcomes. I remember the few times I had a bad trip I ended up very pleased with the outcome. I think that the possibility of having something take possession of your body is possible. You cannot look into the night sky and contemplate the edge of the universe and not think "WTF" we tend to consider ourselves so advanced here, but in truth we are very low on the totem pole! Remember when everyone thought Earth was flat? Boy were they wrong about that! What happens when we figure out that time is not linear? what about other dimensions?

I don't think that people will understand the possibilities until we are there! My only question is WHY would someone want to possess us. I would think that intelligent beings would want to possess intelligent bodies. Even when you take into consideration our grandest minds they would not be intellectual equals with a being that possess that type of capability. If it were evil wouldn't it want to infect an entity that matters in the universe? I mean what difference do we make in the galaxy let alone the furthest reaches of the universe.

Maybe it might be a prank or some childish antic of a more developed being. I just don't know if we matter enough on the large scale. I do know though that if we don't do something to rectify our existence... or should I say if we do not do something to justify our existence, we will be exterminated. Mother Earth will do what is best for her and when she speaks no one will have a chance to correct things.

Excellent question though, you made me think about things and I love that. What is even better is I can have a debate with you guys and expand my mind even further! :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
25 Mai 2008
1 640
How to get over such a paranoid thought, that can cause fear when you trip and prevent you opening yourself up. IF you are worrying about some daemon taking over your body, then this might make you resist experience, so here's what I suggest---know your mythologies!

For example a very ancient understanding OF eating the sacred shrooms etc was that they WERE spirits/gods/daemons/,son/lovers of the Goddess. So this is where we get our term 'enthusiasm' from!

It is from the ancient Greek term: Enthousiasmos -"Ecstasy arising from supposed possession by a god."

  1. So there we are. The motif was the actual plucking of the vegetation was the 'sacrifice' of the god, as is the eating and ingesting, and then it rises again as you in ecstasy!

So, what is there to worry about? ALSO you can think of your very self as not A 'self' but many selves, and tripping allows this freedom to explore all the different facets of your being, and that these selves aren't static selves, but as you go through life you may acquire other selves. This is the meaning of the ancient god Dionysis, the god of 'Drama' and 'Masks'---in ecstatic experience at last you have freedom from the cultural restraint of 'you MUST be 'yourself''. The role society demands of 'you'