brain Health

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion sidefx
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Alpiniste Kundalini
here is an awesome site for brain exercises, really works professional.

start off with trial version, i just purchased a year prescription take a look have a try its nifty and so so many different exercises.
hi sidefx, i hope you want discussion about brain exercise, if yes so i want to say something. Many men are devoted to exercise to bulk up their bodies, but the phrase “use it or lose it” applies to more than just the muscles in our bodies -- it also applies to the neural pathways and connections in our brains. There are a variety of exercises and activities that can successfully work each of the brain’s five major cognitive functions on a daily basis. In addition to the tasks you can perform daily, you can also train your brain with HAPPYneuron online brain games and a personalized brain fitness program.

Our minds consist of five main cognitive functions:
visual-spatial skills,
and executive function.
It’s important to challenge, stimulate and effectively exercise all five areas to stay mentally sharp as our brains age. Here are 5 daily brain exercises that can help you do this.
Be aware, all, that these games do promote cognitive growth - but only in the game and extremely similar processes!

That is to say, playing these games will not increase your productivity of studying, your ability to comprehend books, or your mastering of mathematics!

They will keep certain areas of the brain "running", and keep them from deteriorating, but if you weren't using them in the first place... maybe they should go away? :)

The best brain health is to learn many small paradigms, many small perceptual shifts. Learn things you don't usually get into, like perhaps economics, or the reproductive cycle of some plant or animal, the atmospheric composition of jupiter, the trends in social or demographic change in cities, etc.

Learning many small things in many areas creates great amounts of synaptogenesis, but learning brand new things creates neurogenesis - that ultimate goal of the genius trait :D

Hope this helps. Another way to say this is, once you have mastered any of those games on that site - move to another one. This demand for new learning of many different things tells your brain "More power is needed!" and instead of "trimming" and making efficient old processes, the brain will turn its focus on bringing in new knowledge!

Hi Sidefx,
Very informative link on brain health exercises so thanks for sharing with others also. Like to share some food good for brain health here so besides brain exercises we must have these food in our daily meals to make our brain health. Blueberries, salmon, coffee, avocados, mixed nuts, flax seeds, broccoli, chocolate and whole grains.
Well I think the best exercise for mind is playing the puzzle games and specially those games which force you to think.. when you try to think then your brain actually work like exercising. But there are many other exercises like hang your self with head down and feet up for some minutes daily.. because I heard that it allows your blood to circulation in brain veins.