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anybody have any good easy recipes?


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Juin 2008
hi guys, i was looking over the internet for recipes for a feasable canna recipe for me ,but most of them involve using ounces and pounds of bud( amounts i unfourtunatley dont have), the instructions are too vague to do the math to figure out the recipe using smaller amounts of bud, but i wanted to ask you guys on psychonaut if you had any recipes (possibly personal) for making like one 1 canna-food item at a time, using small amounts of bud, 3-6 grams or so of like regs-mids- i dont really have a preference to what you'd like to share with me .... just somthin i could slip out of my pocket and eat inconspicuously at lunch or something.....;)

thanks guys----pooz


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
If you can get some good hash use that in stead of bud. You only need about half a gram per person and it's orally active as is (in bud most THC is in the carboxilic acidic form; it needs to be heated for activation). Dissolve the hash in butter molten au bain marie. Once you have the butter you can just smear it on bread if you want...

Even simpler: making little balls out of the hash and swallowing them with milk.

Or maybe you should try "Leary biscuits" (cracker + cheese + weed + microwave). Haven't tried them myself tho.

Try http://rapidshare.com/files/127671012/T ... 285076.pdf


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
Traditional spacecake? Can be made with 7 grams of bud.. (but I prefer 10+)
I remember we used to make it by letting all the THC get into the butter, then throwing out all the pieces of plant material (of which the THC had been extracted into the butter), then making the cake, so no chunks are left behind in it. No green dots or whatever. Looked like a normal cake (but didn't taste like it and made you stoned ridiculous.. man you can smoke all the joints you want, cake is a different effect).
You could also just grind it up good (get rid of sticks etc before you do so) and throw it in the mix I guess.


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Juin 2008
so basically if i heat some canna in some butter, (i know that thc is soulable in alcohol and fatty oils) and heat it ? i would have tried that on some crackers or something if i knew that the process wasnt so exacting.... and on the lrary biscuits.... ive heard alot of people say it works and alot of people say it doesnt********if your reading this and you have some bud and wanna help er'vry one out on leary biscuits put about a gram of weed on a peice of cheese on a cracker and heat it in the microwave 4 like 15-20 secs, eat it and wait 40 mins and tell us how it goes...plz!!!*******************


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
myself, i do something similar to meduzz method when i use grass

i take maybe .3 grams (.5 if it's weaker bud) and put a tiny, tiny bit of oil in a small pan, just enough to soak the weed.. might have to keep the pan turned slightly on one side to keep the small amount of oil together. low/medium heat. then break up the grass into the oil. heat it for a few minutes till the oil turns dark brown.. careful not to burn the bud. then make a grilled weed+cheese (or if vegan, just sop up the oil with bread)! takes about 5-10 minutes to do everything.. and you can wrap it in aluminum foil and take it anywhere ;)

i tried the leary biscuit once, didn't work at all for me. i think the cheese didn't have enough time to really soak in and absorb the thc.


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Juin 2008
sounds sweet... a couple adays ago, i got a "get high of cannabis on your baser budget" kinda wild hair up my butt the other day.. so im defienently gunna try that... in fact i made some potent lookin green dragon today...gonna post about it................im hi


13 Août 2009
im gonna give the bisxuits a shot with 2g ive never eaten bud before but i figure why not it shoild be fun.


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Juin 2008
cool man tell us how it goes


13 Août 2009
actually i was just thinking, this might be a little off topic but sence thc will disolve in fat in cheese cud i just get a tortilla top it with cheese n bud n more cheese n then cream cheese another tortilla n bake it at like 330 for about a half hour?

would a weed n cheese quesadilla work?


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Juin 2008
who am i to deny you aspirations , go ahed mon!


13 Août 2009
damn i wish u wouldve.

tasted like shit, all that hapend was i kinda felt like i was thinking a lil more and music had that nice quality too it.

dissapointing tho i was hoping to be sent into another world

maybe im just a hack in the kitchen


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i always did myself weed chocolate.
put the preferably crushed weed with some butter on a relatively big spoon and heat it until the THC dissolves in the fat. after just heat it shortly with some milk and drinking chocolate and enjoy!!!

peace :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
Yes, i'm planning on making some weed chocolate in a week when i get some more green

any tips? pretty sure i've got it sorted but anything easily over looked by someone who hasnt done it before?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
1. pan, weed, oil or butter, and a paper filter. (amounts are relative to how much weed you have as well as how much oil you'll need for your recipe, basically just make sure you have enough oil to keep your weed nice and wet, cause you gotta filter it. same goes for butter..)

2. cooking oil or butter in pan
3. add weed, finely crushed(if dry), or well separated(if moist)
4. DO NOT SIMMER. bring to the highest heat possible without making the oil start to burn (low, or medium-low setting) for 30 min to an hour depending on how bad you want the last little droplets of thc. (once the oil becomes very dark would be another indicator to stop.. i mean you can keep going as long as you want really, but is it necessary, i dont think so...)
5. filter it. sqeeeeze every little last drop out.
6. figure it out from there young grasshopper. make a brownie or something. you're gonna have to do a little math and cut the recipe up if its personal food, get over it.


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Jan 2009
U can make some spacy pancakes too... its quite easy

First, look up a recipe for normal pancakes, :)

then, heat up the amount of milk and mix ur herbs in it... maybe add a little bit of butter for better solubility of the THC. Leave it on the fire for 15-20 minutes.

Then just continue with the recipe of tmaking normal pancakes..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
cant get any weed for a week
In a weeks time i'll let you know how the chocolate is lol


13 Août 2009
mix bud butter with eggs and make a nice omlete. add spices and cheeses and all your other favorite ingrediants. tastes great n does the job


12 Sept 2009
Personally, I like the very easy cannabis capsules.

Use a crock pot, and put whatever bud you have, ground, into the pot. Cover it with a fatty oil, like vegetable oil. Cook on low for 24 hours (you probably don't need this long, especially if you are using small amounts, but I always leave for 24 hours). Then use a pipette to fill gelatin capsules, after letting the stuff cool. I normally don't bother worrying about the cannabis dust.


1. No extra calories from brownies/food in general, besides the oil.
2. No additional cooking after the cannabis oil is made.
3. Gel caps are easily stored (old vitamin container, etc...) as opposed to brownies/cookies, etc...
4. Less difficult to transport and less conspicuous to consume (nobody even sees you ingest anything if you put it in your pocket and swallow in private).
5. Can make with as small of a dose as you want, unlike Brownies, where using only half a gram will mean you have to eat a whole pan of them.
6. Easier to assess individual doses.
7. No need to strain the cannabis from the oil. Your stomach won't know the difference.
8. Less likely a roommate/friend/parent will kick back a handful of your pills than eat a brownie you left in the fridge.
9. Concentrated, so you only need one or two pills.

They have worked well for me in the past. I emphatically recommend them to anybody tired of smoking who can't afford a vaporizer. Edibles are the stealthiest and most potent option (last longest and no weed is wasted), and the most cost-effective (no legally-damning paraphernalia and use less weed), as well as eliminating those annoying times when you forget a lighter/papers, etc... You just cook as much as you have and you don't have to worry about any preparation until next month/whatever!