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A new way of life.


18 Jan 2012
Greetings fellow psychonauts. :) I beg a few minutes of your time, and ask of opinions and theories on the subject at hand.

Due to an unfortinate chain of events, Im forced to make this post prematurly in fear of not getting to post it period.

I havnt been on this forum nearly as much as i used to the past few years.
I have continued to wright however.

I feel what im about to share must be heard, and I highly encourage everyone to take the time to read it fully, and with an open mind.

I planned on waiting to have a solid final draft compiled before posting this, but with what ive got going on as of today, i feel that it might be now or never.
The following has been crafted into one wrighting, although im copying this from many smaller subjects and wrightings out of my journal. Ill try my best to stay on one topic though for the sake of the thread.

I often feel out of sync with my surroundings, when i meditate in the yard. I can feel everything around me, but i feel alien to the whole thing. Like im not contributing to the show around me. Ive planted some plants, and done other things to benifit the nature and my surroundings, but i still get that feeling. Like its too small scale.

I want to live somewhere where i can immerse myself in the cycle of natural life, and still have some of the nessessities of modern living. Free of the shackles of society, and in sync with the planet around us. This lifestyle would be difficult at best on your own. For this reason I know that it would need a group of people working towards the cause. A tribe of sorts, I guess. Just as humans have done for ages. If the right people, with the right motivation work together, we can work towards creating a new lifestyle free of currency, government influenced media, and the negitivaty of depleting the planet around us. We can create a life rich in freedom to live love and coexsist harmoniously. Us humans have to figure something diffrent out, because were really throwing things out of whack, and creating alot of problems(for ourself, and our surroundings). This would not only be for the benifit of the things around us, but for the benifit of man kind as a whole, and how we treat eachother. You see, for a place like this to be created, we must learn ways to live other than war, greed, and distruction. These ways would be much better suited for humans, and the planet that we so delicatly inhabit.

If even only a single person gains new knowledge in this day and age, it dosnt take long for much of humanity to gain that same knowledge thereafter, due to improvments in communications in the past few decades. We are gaining knowledge as a whole at alarming rates compaired to in the olden days. Its for this reason that I theorize that with the right chain of events, and the right motivation, much of humanity could learn this new way as a lifestyle(as they seem to change ever so often) eventually. [i stress eventually]

Ive always dreamed of a community where currency diddnt exsist, where inhabitants all worked together, and shared everything - like many tribes. There would be diffrent rolls, people who farm, build, and teach ect.. If the members are experienced in something benificial, usefull, and/or interesting, that would be their job, and they would offer lessions to all those interested and vise versa. With the right people living in this community teaching their knowledge, the result would be an edjucation of cold hard skills, and not just answers on a piece of paper with little real life value as alot of edjucation seems to provide.
Cash would be of no use there(although there would probably be exporting to pay for supplies)(cant cut money out ALL the way :P). The main idea is that if you want a bag of apples from Mr.Smith you have to help him pick his crop during harvest time, or pull some weeds or something. Payment for goods would simply be a helping hand between eachother.
The picture in my mind of this place puts it somewhere rural or close to wildlife on a large plot of land somewhere nice. Realisticly RVs and trailers would probably house citizens. Things would be powered by renuable resources, and supplies for comphortable living could be aquired on trips into town. Computers and phones would be available, it wouldnt be the stone age or anything, but ideally, food would be farmed, and as many resources would be stock pilied as possible. In the event of economic collapse, citizens of this community would be self sufficiant, and have means to facilitate life without the need of the unstable society around us.
I always pictured group yoga, martial arts, and meals to be eaten together, as well as classes for things that people are interested in (say for instance painting, or science). Everyone would have a skill to teach, and therefore a skill to learn.

From a longer term point of view, if done correctly, the result would be a self sustained community full of highly skilled individuals, with likly a better view on living in love and harmony, rather than greed and envy. And as mentioned above, maybe others will catch on from there? I think its plausable.
In the event of a theoretical global meltdown(im no 2012 nut dont worry), the community could break apart, and spread the word and their teachings, and form other similar communities that could also work together towards changing the way us humans live as a whole.

Maybe changing the world is a bit far fetched, but everything starts somewhere. At the very least, maybe afew like minded individuals could create there own personal paradice and live a life that makes them truly happy and in sync with eachother and the planet we inhabit.

How many of you does this sound appealing to?
I know im not the first person to think of it, and i doubt ill be the last to aswell. In my opinion, it just makes sence.
I know I couldnt pay for all of the land and things, and being raised in the city, and the suburbs i couldnt really sustain life off my surrondings, but just maybe offering up the idea is enough to get it started. I would gladly throw every dollar i have into this, and its a strong goal of mine to get something like this started.
Im not sure if im going to get a chance to though. Some recent trouble with the law has me unsure of how long ill be free. A classic case of why something like this would be nice. No neighbors are going to be going to tell the cops about mushrooms growing in my bathroom. No cops would be around investigating shootings, ect..
After the largly unessasary HAZMAT raid with gas masks and everything(for some mushrooms i remind you. just pins.), i realized this may be as far as my train goes.
If i can escape the barage of charges found in the house, the above will be my hearts innermost goal. If i cant escape the shackles. Atleast ive spoke my mind. A good idea takes off on its own if the right people with the right motivation read it.

Have you felt angry lately about the way things are? I know i am. This just seems to be the best solution i can think of.

Comments? (ontopic)Tips? Opinions?



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
you are not alone my friend... it's what I basically think about most of the time. I just decided to stop with ecology and follow my heart, which would consist of going somehow back to nature, and traveling the world with a bicycle and a camera, looking at all the different ecovillages and spiritual communities that already exist (ever heard of auroville? it sounds crazy). now I kind of don't know where I will take the money for that :lol: I was hoping for some (shift) work in my dad's factory, for a year or a half, but it seems they don't need anyone right now :/ it was always so easy to get into that place.
I dunno. I suppose where there is a will there is a way. the last thing I will do again is to buy into our culture's reality tunnel, that basically says that everything is cold hard reality, that there is no magic, that we gotta fight to survive, that we need a good career to enjoy some basic so-called "security" and that the universe is basically hostile. fuck that :D

good luck with your law-thingy!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Nov 2011
3 892
Yeah, that's totally what I'm willing for too. To stop fighting against the economical and ideological main system, just build our own way of life and not participate in that system. There are alternative places around the word like Banana said, Christiania in Danemark, there's one in France too, there are plenty unknown little ones i think.

This video as an example : http://vimeo.com/21919175. Frenchmade so I don't know about subtitles or what.

You have to meet people you can bind with to make this project become a reality.

And I hope you don't go into too much trouble with this legal issue. Maybe, if the trouble is disproportionated, it's time for you to run away and make your dream come true :rolleyes:


18 Jan 2012
The pigs are on my ass pretty hardcore now. It would seem to run and preach and hope for the best is the only option. Ive already lost so much of my life to the swines, i refuse to do it again. Going to break out my old deck of cards and magic wand, and maybe come to a street corner near you! Ive always travled my whole life. What makes this any diffrent? :lol: :x :roll:

what i ask of the members
Spread the word. The time to act is now. Not later.
I wish I could have followed those directions myself sooner.

What we can do if we work together, is unlimitless. Im sure theres afew people on this forum, and others alike(this is the only forum ive posted this, feel free to copy and paste as needed) that could aid in the creation of something like this. or at the very least, pass word unto people who may.
This was once my lifes goal. But now.. I fear it may just be a journal entry.
The charges i will get for this mishap are completly crazy, but unavoidable. If im put away, i wont be out anytime soon. after some homework, 15 years seems the minimum. Ill need all the luck i can get. And maybe the help of you the reader, for my dream to be heard.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
holy shit! what are you being charged for? mushroom pins? :confused:

good luck man! :heart:


18 Jan 2012
Could be less i suppose, but i certianly had a collection of contraband. :roll:


18 Jan 2012
These police make me sick.
My experiences over the past few days are a prime example of whats wrong with our country.

I had skip town to find my center again. Been staying with some very nice people recooperating.
Meditation multiple times on a daily basis has become a habbit that keeps me centered. With practice, one can achieve some amazing things through meditation, I highly reccomend it.
Im locked out of my home, thanks to the damn dea, and I cant even get any clothes. I mean the sheer man power there putting on this thing is so wrong. My roomate is now in jail on absolutly obsurd charges including possession of 1/4 of a xanax pill, found in the raid. I mean it litterally makes me sick. There were conveniant dui stops everywhere afew days ago, police on every corner. I feel like its a war between the people and the state. Supposedly their there to get the bad guys. All Ive been seeing is good people, going down for bullshit reasons lately.
My case is a victimless crime, commited in the privacy of my own home. The evidance was aquired illegally. And the sheer scale of the "opperation" is getting treated like a mass murder.
I had a few monotubs going. Big freaking deal.
The world could use some mind expansion. Especially some of the bone-heads that distroyed my house.

I might have a friend with a large plot of land out in North Carolina who is for the cause. Ive already got a few people who will be coming along. I just need to confirm the legal aspects with said-individual, and aquire some funds.

I might try to get to the uk to make some extra cash before we actually settle, pay is much better over there, and the exchange rates are in my favor coming back, so its a big plus working out there.

What sort of things do you guys think would be the basic necessities for life in the woods?
Im thinking a camper or RV of some sort. Some solar panels for basic electricity needs. Water propigation, and materials to prepair the soil for farming. Lots of water, rice, and long life foods. Reading material. :P
What am I missing?


Elfe Mécanique
11 Mai 2010
What about earth ships..:


18 Jan 2012
those earth ships are amazing.
deffinatly looking into a more economical houseing unit.
i like these ideas alot.

no PMs yet.
youl be the first.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
just post 10 more bs posts in this thread so you can pm, nobody will care, we all know you are a trusted member. (shit, banana and i are the only ones who moderate the english section anyways...)

@ cobb homes: i agree, this will save you a lot of hassle, energy, and money in the long run.

@ "what am i missing?": get an up-to-date farmers almanac. it will give you invaluable advice if you wish to farm or grow anything. for instance, what order to plant crops on a particular piece of land so as to not drain all of the nutrients in it (and actually create a perfect nutrient balance for future crops) :)

edit: just ordered that book


18 Jan 2012
This is the way of the future guys.

We get to know these techniques, get enough people together, pool our funds, work together to build afew nice earthships somewhere remote, we could start a new way of life, where not many could bother us, high securety and privacy, off the radar. We could practicly be free to do as we please.

Maybe even lable it a nudest development and no clothes alowed. That would get us some extra privacy :lol:.

But really.
I hope that i can remain free long enough to achieve something like this. If not, i hope someone shares my enthuseasim and follows my dream. A new way of life can be formed, and will catch on to others if it makes sence. We just need to stop talking about it and do it.

Im saving up for alot of solor panels. I like my electro gadgets.
The rest im sure is fairly reasonable.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
Hi mate,

Sorry to hear your in a spot of bother again.

Send me an e-mail if there is anyway I can help you mate ;)

Take care bro 8)


18 Jan 2012
So im thinking(and any suggestions would be great), that a group of people, each with a couple thousand saved up (or a strong will to work) should meet up, buy some land, build enough earthships for everyone, and call it society 2.0.


We could probably forget building permits if the plot of land is big enough, that would save alot of time.

The land should be vast as well.
It would keep us protected from tresspassers easier, provide farming options, and room for expansion.

If you have a good read in the lagal documents that our founding fathers created inorder to legalize our country, I think youl find they had all the right ideas, buuuut over time, people changed so many laws and ordanances, that weve basicly cancled out our rights.

Would it be possible to purchase enough land within the US or whatever givin country, then claim independancy?
a true "land of the free", if you will?

haha that would be cool as hell. Solor panels and wind turbines everywhere surronded by earthships, and maybe the odd ganja plant?

Im thinking for all practicle purposes, the community would benifit greater from seclusion and privacy, than trying to gain independancy. but its always nice to phantasize.
I mean, whats it take to create a country anyways???


Elfe Mécanique
11 Mai 2010
Bastiaan sended me a pb about a docu, called the garbagewarrior, maybe you should take a look at it....


haha that would be cool as hell. Solor panels and wind turbines everywhere surronded by earthships, and maybe the odd ganja plant?

Damn man, what about mushrooms, cacti, sally. What? There should be build a earthship for all the psychedelic needs :P :D


18 Jan 2012
HOW long has that last post been up there????
Im just now watching this video?!

@ HermesTrismegistus
Thank you infinatly for the share. this is the EXACT type of thing i was thinking, and im SO glad(ifnot alittle jealous) that something like this is already going on and getting international attention.
Im becoming a full supporter of earthships, and the movement they represent.

and i highly reccomend it to everyone else as well.
I think this may have actually answered my other thread about finding somewhere to backpack to. Theres an earthship meetup in florida brewing. If its lame, or takes too long to come, im grabbing myself some good desert survial books, and taking a trip to new mexico to see this place for my own eyes.

I would LOVE to meet this guy. Cant seem to find any contact details for him on the net though(the lucky bastard) :P :lol:
Again, thanks!
I had one of those moments, where my jaw hung open, and dark became light.
I know for a fact that i want to devote my life to furthering this movement, and i know im not alone. As ive mentioned in this thread, good ideas catch on. And it seems this ones gone global already! Where have i BEEN?? :roll:

Now all we need is a chain of catastrophic events, and were on the right track! :lol: :?


Elfe Mécanique
11 Mai 2010
HOW long has that last post been up there????
Im just now watching this video?!

Since 24 Januari ;)

Thank you infinatly for the share. this is the EXACT type of thing i was thinking, and im SO glad(ifnot alittle jealous) that something like this is already going on and getting international attention.
Im becoming a full supporter of earthships, and the movement they represent.

It does have international attention. I know that there are in Europe, severall earthships that have been build over the course of the last 10 years or so, a couple in England and also a couple in southern france and severall in Holland.

I'll live in Holland and not far from my home(A couple of hundred meters...) they are actually gonna start building a neighborhood of earthships. Of course since Holland is so small and there live so many people(16.737.581 miljon people on a small peace of land of 300km by 300km), earthships can't be build in real nature and since there are many problems on the houses markets etc, there is also a lot of money and paperwork involved. So actually the fun dissapears if you see what you need to do if you want to legally build your earthship.

But a fact is, it has the attention of people worldwide! And i think that in many country's where there is plenty of nature, earthships can be pretty a cool solution... 8)

and i highly reccomend it to everyone else as well.
I think this may have actually answered my other thread about finding somewhere to backpack to. Theres an earthship meetup in florida brewing. If its lame, or takes too long to come, im grabbing myself some good desert survial books, and taking a trip to new mexico to see this place for my own eyes.

Go for it! ;)
