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5-MEO-DMT Pill form?


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
Anyone heard of a pill form of DMT? Is it safe?

My contact recently informed me that DMT is more easily obtained in my area in pill form, vs dried leaves, or something else. My contact is very reliable, but my only question is: is it safe? Am I better off harvesting a plant of my own, them smoking? I am very certain he'll give me 5-meo-dmt, and not something like it, say-- lsd or whatever. Not saying I wouldn't pay $10 for an lsd pill, but I've been wanting to explore the reality of dmt for a while.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


Matrice périnatale
28 Juil 2006
could be pure (or at least isolated as best as it could be).

If i had access to a pill-form, i'd combine it with an MAOI (such as Syrian Rue, or some other form of MAOI) for longer trip.

What do you mean by "vs leaves?" what plant are you talking about?

I'd jump on that deal if i were you.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
krnjason a dit:
could be pure (or at least isolated as best as it could be).

If i had access to a pill-form, i'd combine it with an MAOI (such as Syrian Rue, or some other form of MAOI) for longer trip.

What do you mean by "vs leaves?" what plant are you talking about?

I'd jump on that deal if i were you.

I don't have access to an MAOI, sadly. My thoughts are that the pill may contain an MAOI, so that would dissolve first, then the DMT after that. I'm thinking about smoking Cannabis before hand as well, but I tend to take precaution when combining drugs. DMT alone would be fine, granted the trip would be shorter.

As for the leaves: I was talking mainly about Phalaris arundinacea, which grows freaking everywhere here. I'm just too lazy to extract it, haha.

Oh I will jump on it. (:
I'll report back how it was.

I want to know if there's any spiritual difference between DMT and Salvia, or LSD. We'll see.



30 Mar 2009
One of the problems in facing DMT and it's relative 5-MeO-DMT is the difficulty in acquiring an exact dosage. Unless you have a very effective scale, it'd be difficult to get the right amount any other way besides the pill form. Plus, like I mentioned in the other forum, that article suggested that it'd be difficult to fully remove the Naptha away from the finished DMT if you were or someone were to make it. Not sure if what he said in the article was true but it sure made me feel cautious. I agree with krnjason, I'd jump on that deal if your buddy is someone you trust. Thanks for answering my post btw, you gave me some helpful advice.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Sept 2008
3 710
Are that 5-meo or dmt pills?
In both ways, ingesting without a MAOI it's a waste.

5-meo i'd snuff, or take sublingual, if it's your first time... smoking that can be too heavy. DMT just smoked.
There can be a scale problem, but if you know how much mg are there in a pill, for exemple 500 mg (those are 30 trips, so I don't think, but it's just an exemple), you can divide that in 2 parts and have-near- 250 mg, and so on, 'til you have many parts that looks almost the same, of you needing dose.

A bit too much DMT can be ok, too 5-meo can be really horrible if you're not prepared to.

You guys mean that can be a pharmahuasca?


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
I talked to my friend some more. He said that I don't have to take an MAOI with it, that it's just straight DMT. He said he tripped for four hours on it.

Which makes me wonder if it's DMT, or LSD.

From what I've read, you have to take DMT with an MAOI, unless the MAOI in already in the mixture. I haven't jumped on the deal yet, I'm just a bit sketchy on wtf it is.



Alpiniste Kundalini
2 Mar 2007
Oh well. This sounds suspicious. Your dealer couldn't have tripped on it if hadn't had the MAOI in it, given the oral ingestion.
It might be pure DMT mixed with pure MAOI, but I highly, highly doubt that.. :roll:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
17 Août 2007
4 054
When used as a drug in its purified form, 5-MeO-DMT is smoked, insufflated, or injected and is active at a dose of as little as 2 mg. 5-MeO-DMT is also active orally, when taken with an monoamine oxidase inhibitor, but according to numerous reports, the combination with MAOI is extremely unpleasant and has a strong body-load. According to the researcher Jonathan Ott, 5-MeO-DMT is active orally with doses over 30 mg without aid of an MAOI.

source: wikipedia


Sale drogué·e
27 Déc 2007
unless he took it up the butt, theres no way he tripped for 4 hours without taking an maoi.. if he felt effects, it isnt DMT.