Water VS Urination

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So, is it true that drinking lots of water leads to frequent urination? I have heard almost every other individual stating this but I am not really sure whether it is right or not? Therefore, I thought it'd be better putting this query here as it might help me have my answer.
this goes without saying. you've never tried it? i am constantly experimenting with different variables to my diet, so i often learn about nutrition through my own trial and error.

the urine should be light in nature, though not clear. if it runs clear for too long one will have depleted too many nutrients and will experience either headache, dry mouth, congestion, runny nose, other symptoms like premature hunger, fatigue, or a combination of these, or all of the above... moral of the story: water is important, crucial for life, but as with all things, too much will just as easily destroy life.
Okay, thanks for your thought. But then, how much water should be consumed by an adult individual on daily basis? And does that also differ between males and females?
Plus again? Still not clear if it leads to frequent urination or not? For example, a person having 6 glasses of water daily and another having 15 glasses daily would necessarily urinate differently or not?
roughly a half gallon for somebody in the range of 130-160.

a person having 6 glasses of water daily and another having 15 glasses daily would necessarily urinate differently or not?

to put it briefly, yes.

i dont think that there is too much variation between male and female, if there is, it's negligible. what IS important is how often the person works out. i work out for about an hour a day at a very high intensity, so i need more water than most. i weigh about 140 and drink about a gallon on the days that i work out. if i were to do 2 of these high intensity workouts, then i would probably drink more like a gallon and a half. on days that i don't work out i drink about a half-gallon+ or more, depending on what i do. i am very active, so i don't personally consider my hiking or skateboarding a workout because im not sweating or fatiguing nearly as much. since i sweat so much on the days i work out, my urination is about the same as if i were drinking a half gallon and not working out. maybe a little more than when im not working out.

really though what is just as important if not MORE IMPORTANT, is to replace vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes. drink a little water post workout as the thirst dictates, but BE SURE to eat some fresh, juicy vegetables AND a small amount of fruit afterwards. a small amount of some natural sea salt would be very beneficial as well. the produce will not only replenish lost nutrients, but will also count towards ones overall water intake. spring and fall are excellent times for lettuces. fall is good for grapes early spring, apples. doing some research on "seasonal/local produce" will go a great deal in giving one an understanding of what to eat to replenish oneself. there's a basic one here
Hmmm, thanks so much. I was able to get loads of information from your post and especially the month-wise list of fruits and vegetables in the link which you posted here, was of great help.
I was just wondering that since I am a sedentary life-style person and also have to be outside, more often than not, then I should be really careful regarding the water intake. I am way behind the daily recommended water intake for adults. I hardly ever drink water for the sake of my health; I drink water, mostly while taking lunch and/or dinner, when it becomes extremely necessary to take it, which is a real bad thing, I suppose.
"loads of information"

thank you! it's taken me several years to compile all of it from experience into a comprehensive format, so im just glad if anyone can find it useful and save themselves some time or money or health!

really, whats important is drinking to thirst. if one doesn't get thirsty, then one probably doesn't need anything. :Oo:. it's taken me a while to understand this due to my fast paced nature, but if one isn't constantly depleting ones nutrients, then one shouldn't have to constantly replace them...

in a scenario like yours though, water is still important, however, it's role changes. for someone less active, water is going to be more of a mode to excrete waste than a mode to intake nutrients. if one is not urinating and taking in water to par, then one will build up toxins in the body quickly, leading to easy fatigue and persistent health issues and even disease.

acids tend to build up in the body, and bacteria love acidic environments...
Right but please consider my situation which is much unique and then respond.
As I mentioned earlier that I rarely drink water, because I do not feel like drinking lots of it. However, the strange thing is that I get lots of urination even in the summers. In the winters though, I have to go to the washroom after every 25 minutes or so, in order to urinate despite having so less amount of water.
What I get from my situation is that my water and dissolved nutrients keep on wasting and I simply do not re-take them.
If that is the case, it is no good for me, I suppose.
"I get lots of urination"

i see. i was assuming the opposite, which i find more common with the people i meet.

sounds to me like you might need to try a little more (sea)salt in your diet. a natural sea salt would be best, as it contains many other crucial minerals that are excreted through urination or simply hard to obtain from other sources (like iodine). this is the one i typically use. (only the pinkish tinted ones contain iodine)
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Oh thanks so much for this.
I will go visit the nearest food store and fetch a packet of this (sea) salt. Hope this works well and control my urination. I am really obsessed with it as every 20 minutes or so, I have to go to the washroom. The urine though comes fine color wise and there doesn't seem to be any infection.
Sure I will, once I fetch it from the food store and start consuming it. I am planning to go for grocery this coming weekend. :P
I have brought sea salt for myself and already started consuming it. Whether or not it is going to have an effect on my urination problem is a different story. Only time will tell that what will it actually do to my body? I though, always do hope for the best.
good to hear. lemme know your experience with it, i got to thinking more about it too... if it's not a sodium issue (sea salt is a valuable addition regardless) it may perhaps be a potassium issue. too much potassium can cause a urination issue just the same as too little sodium as they compliment each other in the same metabolic process. it is of course more complicates than that, as there are a number of electrolytes (which is what sodium and potassium are) but the urination issue would most likely concern these two, as they are the most abundant in the body.

put simply, too many vegetables (lots of potassium) can cause a diuretic effect. this can be balanced by increasing the ratio of protein, fat, and carbs while maintaining or lessening the amount of vegetables. i think it would be best to experiment with one variable at a time though.
As far as the taste is concerned, this sea salt is far better than the common salt. However, in terms of m y frequent urination issue, that is almost the same as before. I have though just started consuming sea salt 8 or 9 days ago. Perhaps, it is too early to state that it has no effect on my urination problem. I should perhaps wait for another week or two. I guess.....I should. :-|
yeah... i think you would have noticed an effect pretty quickly. it must be potassium. if not then perhaps consult a nutritionist. but those are the main factors involved in water retention and excretion in the body.
Not much of a difference, this sea salt made to me. OMG, you suggested me consulting a nutritionist for this issue and I really laughed at this because I am myself a nutritionist but the problem is that I am not a registered one. This is the reason why I am morally and ethically not allowed to cure myself, lol.........However thanks for your advice, I really gotta look for a registered nutritionist in my area in order to treat this issue of mine. :yawinkle:
Some things wrong with ya pancreus... maybe. If u have insurance call them and ask for the nurse and ask her what she thinks. I remember when i was in jail for a long time I went to pee alot and afterawhile it was so little but i still felt the need to pee. I am male and I think they doctor stuck his finger up my but to check my prostrate. I felt vialated and switched my doctor to a friend of mine ....hopefuly my friend will tell me when he is about to stick his fingers in my butt.
OMG, but I cannot imagine a doctor doing to me what the doctor did to you actually, lol......
Its such an unpleasant feeling, that is, someone doing such stuff to me.
I am only 25% insured by the law, so I cannot afford to call a nurse/health care provider to my home.
Just a personal question to you, if you would like to answer, "Why were you in jail and for how long you had been there"? :question:
I wasnt able to make enough money to send child support so they incarcerated me I'm not sure how long I was in there till I finaly managed to get them to let me go so i could find work. Course the courts dont care if ya baby moma is liveing with another man that is makeing money. Oh well its all in the past and I have my son now and his mom is dead.
Lack of water can lead to dehydration, a condition that occurs when you don't have enough water in your
body to carry on normal functions...