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Using a Vaporizer to smoke DMT


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Hi all,

If all goes well, this evening I will have a small supply of dmt for the first time in my life. I dont possess a glass pipe, I do have a glass waterpipe but this doesnt seem like a good candidate.

I was wondering if anyone has ever tried to smoke DMT using a vaporizer. It would make sense since dmt has to be vaporized to be active.



Sale drogué·e
8 Nov 2005
In therory it shoudl be possible. DMT (pure) has a boiling point of 60-80 C. Using a vaporizer wich is set for THC (around 200 C) should work but is maybe a bit overkill. So is burning it (with normal lighter) ofcourse. The best would be if you had a vaporizer with tempature controll. This way you could get to the right temperature.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Ok thanks for the info....

I just want to get it right. Have been dreaming of trying dmt since 15 years and now that I finally am able to, I dont want to mess it up.

Maybe I should wait for the glass pipe I just ordered at ******* half an hour ago ;)



Sale drogué·e
8 Nov 2005
Think that its best smoked from a base pipe or just basing like you would do with other drugs. I never smoked it myself and actually do not know anyone who did, its so hard to come by.


I smoked it in a glass waterpipe with a gasburner (the one you can refill and turn open so it keeps burning) with some friends.

We held the torch at the outside of the glass extension where you can put the dmt so first the outside layer scorches (slowly) and then you work towards the middle. Advisable is to do it with friends, 1 to hold the pipe and 1 to operate the torch. It's also nice to be on a matras with a pillow for your head.
Once you go you really go and the best thing is to let lose and just lie down.

If you're inhaling and the effect is really intense, you should take 1 more hit, otherwise it just will work shortly and you will only experience seeing patterns. Also it's best if you're in a as good as sound free enviroment, because your hearing is increased, so a zooming computer will sound like an airplane (wich is not nice)

I only did it 3 times, 2 times normal dmt and the third time a mix of normal dmt and 5meodmt (in 1 evening, after an hour you can experience again)

The first time I experienced a void kind of place with beings who wanted to tell me something. Also I could hook into all the knowledge of the universe, only at this point I couldn't care less, 'cause I had this really peacefull feeling that I belong. And I remember I could see 360 degrees. It was like I wasn't depending on my eyes anymore.
The memory was hard to hold on to. Just like a dream.
When you step out of your bed in the morning and you try to hold on to your dream, but it just slides away.

The second time I was scared to go all the way and I saw some patterns and felt a bit tingly but it only lasted 3 minutes.
So that was a waste of dmt.

But the third time, the combination of dmt and 5meo dmt was the most intense bliss I ever experienced.
It was like receiving a hug and a kiss from Gaia.
Insense colors and "divine patterns" filled my view and I heard this soothing and somewhere familiar safe zoom in my ears.

The 3 people who I was with told me I had this really big smile on my face and made peacefull moaning sounds.
It seemed to last for hours, but in fact it was only 20 minutes.
When I came out ot it I felt so intensly satisfied, happy and extatic that I huged all 3 friends who we're in the room ;D


Glandeuse pinéale
8 Nov 2005
I smoked DMT with a friend some hours ago, through a glass pipe.
Heavy, intense experience which seems to be impossible to explain..
2 large hits made me totally forget where I was, what those sounds around me were, and what was this feeling?? There was electricity ALL over the place, streeming inside and outside me. It became to be pretty to scary. But it gets more stranger.. there was a kind of enitity (alien?) next to me and I simply cant explain what he did to me, but it was terrifying.. The strange thing is he was completely covered with eyes. And then I finally realized what it was all about (''Oh yeah, I smoked..'') and tried to get a little bit more grip on my trip.. ''WHY!? Why?? All I want is love, and THIS is what I get??'' Then the wave of eyes staring to me next to me finally got some more color (purple and red). All things before where deep black with bright white. When 9after 15 minutes) i finally decided to get up I was shivering very hard for a long time.
Just a flash of what I remember. Strange how terrifying everything was, even after all my preparing (reading, meditating).
Think I have to sleep now, damn.


Man that doesn't sound really nice...

I didn't actually prepare before the smoking, but man I had some killer times. Only it is such a powerfull experience that it makes you think twice before smoking it again. I'm deffinately going in again :)

I smoked it 3 times in 1 night. That was enough for a whole month.
Actually, the month is almost over again so it's time for a new go...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Meeting the strangest aliens seems to be very common with this substance. A must read for everyione experimenting with this stuff is Rick Strasmanns book 'DMT the spitir molecule' imo.

I want to mee aliens as well ;)



Glandeuse pinéale
8 Nov 2005
Space-is-the-Place a dit:
Man that doesn't sound really nice...

I didn't actually prepare before the smoking, but man I had some killer times. Only it is such a powerfull experience that it makes you think twice before smoking it again. I'm deffinately going in again :)

I smoked it 3 times in 1 night. That was enough for a whole month.
Actually, the month is almost over again so it's time for a new go...

It doenst sound nice and the experience itself wasnt that godly I expected, but it was a great experience. I'm speculating a lot of what happened and why. I just rememberd I also heard a lot of voices whispering in the beginning.
I'll take a break now for a while, but yes.. I'm also sure going to try it again.

HeartCore a dit:
Meeting the strangest aliens seems to be very common with this substance. A must read for everyione experimenting with this stuff is Rick Strasmanns book 'DMT the spitir molecule' imo.

I want to mee aliens as well ;)

I'm reading Strassman at the moment, very interesting book.
But I'm wondering if the 'alien'-meetings could be dangerous.


Mendel a dit:
I'm reading Strassman at the moment, very interesting book.
But I'm wondering if the 'alien'-meetings could be dangerous.

Don't know, but I believe it isn't if you have the right state of mind.
I heard of a lot of nice experiences with these other beings.

It could well possibly be that alien abduction stories are related to an outburst of DMT in the head. 'cause they sure fit the description of an experience you could have on dmt...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
DMT is only potential psysically dangerous in case you have heart trouble given the fact that it can rise blood pressure.

As for mental dangers, when people asked Terence Mckenna is DMT dangerous he replied with 'only if you are afraid of death by astonishment. DMT is available in all us human beings. It is produced in our bodies every night by the pineal gland in our brain.

My take on these things, the more 'heavy' psychedelics is that you need to be a stable person with clear intent and treat the experience and the substance with respect. If you are mentally unstable or have a mental disease, it's probably not a good idea to fiddle around with DMT.



I thought it wasn't actually clear that DMT was produced by the pineal gland and that it was just an assumption... But hey, it doesn't matter.

It's the experience that rocks...

Death by astonishment, sounds like my next spaced out ambient or ambient/breakbeat track :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
I'll browse through Strasman's book when I get home from work to check. If I remember correctly, there was evidence to support it but I'm not 100%sure.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
AFAIK it's 100% sure that DMT is produced in the pineal gland - the only thing that's not clear is why. As far as I remember Strassman he couldn't find an explanation what DMT from the pineal gland does, except for usually being there in low concentrations locked behind a chemical barrier in the pineal area. Although there's evidence that 49 days after conception, at birth and at death the pineal gland suddenly produces a lot more DMT - therefore some people believe DMT is actually a chemical helper substance to get the soul in and out of the body...


Ok thnx for the info :D:thumbsup:

I btw found a really good vaporiser with temperature control for €149,99
The best and cheapest I found so far... I think I will purchase this one, I've been looking for a good vaporiser for a long time.
The Vapir Air One 3.0

I'm really looking forward on buying one, 'cause a friend of mine never smokes but likes being high so it's a good option to use THC :mrgreen:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Nice price for that vapo. Ik want another one also. The one I bought a couple of months back does not have temp control.