My two cents...

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion WillyKanguzi
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New member
Hey, what's goin on, the name's Willy. Just joined last night. Finally I've found a community with REAL people, where you can talk about REAL things, I love it. What I'm into is, as i said in my profile, everything connected to the soul, and I cant get enough of the brain. I believe that's where we're gonna wind up in the end. Ultimately, that's the only thing that truly matters, The Mind, Consciousness. We (or they to be exact) explore everyting outside of ourselves. Society, the world, space, the universe....fuck, we're (or they're) oh so very outgoing and extroverted, everything must be dissected and broken down into molecules ,which is all well and good I guess, it's just that somewhere in our thirst for knowledge we manage to forget ourselves. What the fuck, you know...
We dont live in the world or the universe, our lives do NOT take place in any sociey or 'civilization' (a term used very loosely by the way), its all in the mind. And since thats where we're gonna wind up in the end, it seems to me everyone's taking the long way around. This is why I love entheogens, they're a short cut. I flatter myself with the possibility that someone actually sat through my little rant here, haha!
That's it I guess, my two cents. Hit me back if you liked my words (or, by all means, if you think I'm a fuckin idiot)
Hello Willy, I'm Nick or Green :3
That's interesting, I just had a trip where I encountered a similar thought. The outcome was different, though. I feel as though people in our society view things (for the most part) in one of two ways. They believe there is one almighty being, a singular omniscient God. That God is a sort of goal for them. The idea of perfection, of one ultimate goal in life. So they go straight and fast through life. They don't appreciate our short time in this existence. They just want to get to the end. The way I think of a singular ultimate being is that it would be a source of life/energy. So, on the flip side of the same coin, would be the belief that this energy, or this almighty "God," is not coming from one, singular, omniscient source. It surrounds us in ways we cannot imagine, it is everything. It is the grass we walk on, our beating hearts, the sun in our sky, the force in the center of a galaxy, etc. So rather than thinking of life at taking "the long way around," I think of it as exploring all of this life and energy... sort of like exploring God, if you want to think of it in that sense.
I hope this makes sense, because yesterday I lost my mind, and now I'm stoned, so things could get pretty odd (つ◉_◉)つ??
yeah, Im with you man. That was a nice way of puttin it, that bit about God. Although, I dont know if I agree with you that we cannot understand him, (her, it yeah, yeah). You didnt really say that in so many words, it's something I glean from what you said, and if Im wrong I apologise. But yeah, haha, people anthropomorfise God and give him an identity kind of, its ridiculous. As if you could ask 'it' for credentials or something.
'Hey buddy, I need to see some ID'
I like how its defined in the doc 'Entheogen - awakening the divine within' ( a great doc by the way, if you've missed it).
'The Noosphere; the hyperorganism consisting of the totality of all sentient beings, and the higher level of consciousness possessed by it'
(I took that from memory right now, so I cant be sure its word for word, but you get the message)
What fuckin scares me is peoples utter indiffirence in these matters, they refuse to think for themselves. Swear to God (haha) Im slowly but surely turning into a misanthrope.
I gotta go, people are screamin about playin texas right now, and they're gettin kind of pushy.
By the way, I've lost my mind many times, so worry not my friend, to me you're makin perfect sense.
what's up guys, welcome to the forum!

"We don't live in the world or the universe, our lives do NOT take place in any society or 'civilization' (a term used very loosely by the way), its all in the mind. And since that's where we're gonna wind up in the end, it seems to me everyone's taking the long way around"

i like what you guys are saying, though i'd be careful with a statement like this. to say that "it's all in the mind" in my opinion, is just as limited a perspective as is to say "it's all real".

i'd agree that the mind is where we are in the end(and the journey to it), though, i wouldn't go so far as to say that the mind is where we go in the end. this is too fantastic of an idea for humans to conceptualize. there is such incomprehensibility beyond the narrow scope that these 5 senses can experience. why bother trying to break it down when we will all find out firsthand soon enough.

life is so brief, i think i might enjoy the long way around.

Great thoughts man!
What I meant was that in this reality, all we have for tools to explore it are the senses. You cant know anything without them.
But I dont think life ends when we leave this reality, I think its goes on and on and on...
Fuck, I cant get into this now hahah, Im at a party and people are gettin fuckin loud!
But yeah, I express myself kinda strong or confidently I know....
Why am I writin this right now? I couldve just waited....
Hahah, talkin to myself on the computer, shit...
Im smart...
pickin up and puttin down? Swear to God, that means something...
Have you been mucnhing on mamas special mushrooms too?
They're alot of fun..
Hello Willy
Welcome to the forum.
What a way to kick off !!!
You generated so interesting information that I was really lost into it.
I will though reserve my comments for the time being.
Wow the whole God thing... I bet when we get to the end of the tunnel we are all going to be surprised. The way my life has gone so far... it will be a train. I will laugh like I usually do.

I look at the things I know and take into consideration the things I don't know. I know that we are all made up of energy and that you cant destroy energy. With that in mind we don't live for ever in this form, and there has to be something beyond this existence. So if we don't ever really die we have little to worry about. Yes some people do race through life, I think we are all guilty of that at some pint in life. I just see an imbalance in the world today between good and evil or positive and negative. I hope that we can turn the tide someday I would like to see a little less progress and a lot more love.
I'm a newbie to this site as well and you caught my attention. Wow. Such a deep subject. I usually try to avoid it in social gatherings. But this isn't exactly the usual crowd. lol. I definitely have to say that I agree with parts of everyone's views. I mean we're all made up of the exact same substances. Every living and non living thing are recycled in one way or another. I was brought up in a religious home and now am very relaxed on the subject of religion. Whatever will happen, will happen regardless I guess. A soul does have to have a purpose tho. Right? Oh well. It's cool. Thanks for the insightful views guys. The most interesting thoughts I've heard in a LONG time. Have a good one Everybody!:weed:

p.s. Bow down to no one.