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Je m'inscris!

My experience, a Change of perception.


Matrice périnatale
30 Avr 2013
I had a profound experience today, one that i will remember forever, I have just recently become intrigued in psychedelics and have been reaping every benefit of the experiences inside my mind. To get to the point i ingested about 5 grams of dried closed cap shrooms from the bay area, this is by far the most i have ever taken and just WOW! We were on our way up to Lake Tahoe and the timing and setting seemed just perfect. A storm was on its way and the cloud formations everywhere were just beautiful, a few light sprinkles here and there and the hydration from the rain made everything extremely vivid and green. My friends and I, being the stoners we were, had this place we call Cloud 9 that is at the top of this neighborhood that looks out over the entire lake (a beautiful sight even without the help of psychedelics). while driving to our destination I started becoming extremely happy and giggly and the body high was just amazing, i felt as if i was melting and also being stimulated by pulses of energy coursing through my body. As we pulled up to this empty cul de sac that dropped off into a vast canyon of trees leading all the way to the water i stepped outside of the car and immediately began to peak. As i looked out onto the road it began stretching like the world was being pulled away from me. The ground was swirling and as i looked over at my friends that were on their way to the rocks that looked out over everything i could see their trails of energy and the outline of where they just were. I then began walking over to them and as I reached a destination that i felt comfortable with i sat down on a rock and looked out and began to lose myself. the trees were bending and dancing and had a melting aspect to them they also changed colors from relly green to orange to red to purple, but then i looked up at the clouds and the world started swirling the clouds were breathing and moving making different images ( note: most of the images i saw in the clouds were the outline of a beautiful girls face, idk if that has any relevance to anything but seemed cool). As i continued sitting there i began to lose all care in the world i thought of going back home, i thought of people i knew, but for some reason apart of me had lost sense of what actually mattered and i felt comfortable where i was which seemed to be no where. A part of me wanted to go back to normal life but another part of me was okay with where i was and had no problem staying there for eternity. I sat in the same spot looking out for 2 hours but it felt like 10 minutes, as i began to come back to earth we got back into the car and began driving home. At this point i was still tripping but not enough to have any profound affect on my environment, i then began too look out at the trees and the world and everything seemed way more beautiful and fresh the trees seemed greener, the sky was just amazing and i looked at all my friends and felt cleansed of all bad things in my life, like nothing bad that could happen would change the way i felt. as we drove on roads that ive been on a million times i noticed things i had never noticed before it was like someone took the blinders off my eyes and all I can say is, if something can make me feel so amazing and clean, then how could it be bad for you? And now i look at people that drive their cars but only look at the road and think to myself why dont they look out their window? People go their entire lives looking at the road searching for happiness and acceptance when all they have to do is look to their right and left sand realize that the world as we know it has no boundaries and although a road may be a path to follow you can walk away from that road and begin a new one.

Just thought I would share my drastic change of perception!


8 Avr 2013
Beautiful story. I had a similar experience having ingested 10 grams of LSA (Morning glory) seeds. We ground them ina coffee grinder and this sped up the come up to about 30 mins. I often consume psychoactive plants in ceremonial settings but I wanted to sit on the grass under a tree in and out of the sun this time. The setting was stunning and internally I learnt a lot. The cloud were all holding hands :) My perception has been shifting for some time now but my shamanic studies are just about to start for 2 years and this experienced blasted me through some previous trauma's and connected me directly to Horus the sun God. Ps - Thanx for the trip report.



Matrice périnatale
30 Avr 2013
And then it comes to mind why governments make these spiritual plants illegal and oppress something that is opening your mind and helping people see the light in a dark tunnel. Of course their okay with alcohol and prescriptions drugs because all those terrible things do is suppress feelings, make you stupid, and flat out cause death. They want drugs like that legal because it gives people something to hide behind and no one asks questions when their on those drugs. But on something as connecting as Mushrooms, LSA, and etc. people begin to ask questions, and wonder why? And that's the last thing they want, an un-blinded, educated, and fearless society.


Glandeuse pinéale
12 Juin 2013
Very nice trip!Its not hard to shock you a trip though and make you face your own personal fears.Respect psychedelics, be good with your self and enjoy the WORLD around you:D.