Hi All

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion millymollymandy
  • Date de début Date de début


I'm based in the UK and have recently started exploring psychedelics which I've never done before

I originally did weed and speed back in the 70's/80's but left such fun behind as I settled into married life. Recent divorce has allowed me to pick up the fun where I left off!

My basic staple for the past 12 months has been MDMA which I love. As a musician I've found it extremely interesting creatively. I've recently decided to look at some of the 2c family and possibly LSD.

Hopefully will get some insight from everyone here and will post trip experiences to try to give something back.
Hello and welcome to the forum. If you don't mind, I am curious to know about your age. You mentioned that you used to weed in 70's and 80's and well, that's actually a long long time ago.
OMG, I am extremely sorry to her if she is a female. lol........:D
I know most of the females would really mind if their age is asked. However I could not figure out from her profile that she is a female.