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curious about trying - some beginner questions


Matrice périnatale
3 Nov 2010
hey all,

i have developed some interesti n triyng salvia for spiritual/meditative/introperspetive purposes, NOT to "trip on it".
I would begin with normal dried leaves either smoked or chewed, with a small dose

i already have some experience with cannabis and shrooms, both with quite strong trips and was always vvry much able to handle it

i have a few concerns tho that I would like to ask about:

- i want to do it alone. a tripsitter is advised i know, but i dont like to have other ppl around for the trip since its something intimate for me
- with a low dose of dried leaves, is there any danger? IE thrashing around, knocking stuff over etc?
- my setting would be bed/couch, lying down with smooth calm ambient or chilout music. ok?

so in short, do you think that i can do it alone in my room with no problems? im mainly concerned about me geting up and breaking stuff or myself ;)



Matrice périnatale
5 Nov 2010
If doing it alone, the first question would be: How experienced are you with tripping by yourself in general?
Salvia is not like anything else, maybe DMT.. but not cannabis or shrooms. Its onset is fast, it only lasts minutes if smoked.. but can be pretty intense depending on the amount used (what extraction level as well).

Next question: How secure with yourself are you?
Sometimes suppressed memories can surface or things that have been sublimated can come out as metaphorical interpretations much like dreams. However these things might be forgotten once your down or the next day. I actually have many things i know i experience while i'm under salvia as soon as it kicks in, forget when i'm back, and remember again the next time i time i smoke it. The latter things are what i actually bring back, visuals and understandings of what i've experienced.... a certain spirituality of self and realizations of reality.

As for doing it by yourself... Yes a sitter is suggested, especially your first time. However, if you think you can handle it & its a small dose... it might be alright. There are reports of people thrashing around or getting up, but i feel its those that disrespect it and try too much too early. I personally have never used Salvia with anyone else around, but i have used a lot of psychoactives and know myself well enough and what i'm experiencing to comfortably do that. I can also see why someone would want to do it alone, the presence of someone alone could cause anxiety or influence your 'trip'. Maybe have someone in another room, just in case. I've never moved more than my feeling my abs make a weird contracting feeling the first time i used it... i realized i was laughing and didn't know it.

My girlfriend had tried it for the first time a couple of weeks ago, I insisted on being next to her as much as she wanted me there. She sat there quietly for a couple minutes, then a verbal exhale, said "I was not prepared for that" (she has no memory of this). After this she began to ring her arms, from left to right and back again... she rolled over and continued. I assumed something she was experiencing was influencing or a reaction from this. She wasn't able to talk about what had happened for about 15 minutes. Her experience didn't seem monumental to me, but it almost seemed negative to her: Her legs became visible with her eyes closed and felt like they were part of the bed, she felt like she was sliding forward, towards them. They emitted psychedelic light. Her arms tingled with the same light. She remembered seeing my face and had thought i was looking at her and talking... i was quiet the entire time, maybe she was remembering me to help her feel secure. Either way when she came to, she didnt' know she had been ringing her arms either. The next day, she wasn't sure if the experience was positive or negative.... she still wants to try it again, we just haven't gotten around to it. She was apprehensive at first due to a lot of suppressed memories that had always surfaced during trips on acid. This made me wonder how she would react to Salvia, but i also believe you don't always get the trip you want, but the trip you need...

Most recently when i was seeing a folding of perpetual aqua-duct archways fold upon themselves over and in and out and forward and back, all while keeping the archways upright and reflected horizontally below themselves (at each base of each side of an archway was an individual memory btw), i noticed that the horizontal plane began bending, as if the horizon of archways began taking the shape of a rainbow. New archways began blossoming out of this new bend, in between the tops of other archways.... i realized this rainbowing effect was rooted in the fact that my shoulders were in fact raising my chest and back off the bed, like they were trying to touch each other underneath me, it was uncomfortable but i wanted to see what would happen if i continued to allow them to further move towards one another.... the visuals began to dissolve as reality seeped back in. This was the most i had ever moved. I usually lay on my bed in the dark, with no music to influence any visions. I feel that it would cause an undeniable link to consensual reality, something i aim to escape.

I'm not sure if any of this rambling helped, but i hope it gave some insight to your questions...


Matrice périnatale
3 Nov 2010
thx for the reply!

well the dose im planning to start iwth is 0.5g of dried leaf smoked. no extracts, just dried leaf.

i do have over 2 years of using cannabis alone and about 5 shroom trips alone, both never was a problem for me.
my first shroom trip was also alone. i feel comfortable being by myself in my room, thats were I do most of my trips.

i would say im failry well balanced, but I do tend to engage in circular thoughts and intrusive thoughts. generally i thnk and analyze all the time, so im fairly used to it.

tbh my biggest fear would be to get up and knock over things in my room like my tv, i was planning on lying on my bed for the trip and not get up.


Matrice périnatale
5 Nov 2010
Well, it seems like you've thought it through well and i'm sure you've done your research being your posting on the site....

with all respect, it sounds like your just starting off with your journey through the inner mind... but you have to start somewhere..

some other people might disagree with me but:
If you're set on trying salvia by yourself and feel you're up to it, give it a shot. "baby proof" the room first just in case. like i said, i usually am so relaxed that i can't comprehend how one would stand up... but it doesn't mean its not possible. the other issue that you might encounter is taking your hit, holding it in and forgetting to put down the bowl or pipe.... which could make a mess if its a water pipe or worst case scenario, start a fire.... but the salvia burns so quick, i wouldn't think this is an issue. after holding the hit in and closing your eyes, you might forget to set down the bowl... as soon as you take the hit. just set it down. problem solved.

good luck,
let me know how it goes...


Matrice périnatale
3 Nov 2010
well tried some last night and was disappointed.

first I tried the moethod were you soak some dried leaf in water and roll it to a ball and chew it for 30min, used 4g of leaf with zero effect.

after that I smoked 0.5g of leaf with very little effect, it gave me bit of a dreamy feeling butthats about it.. the weed seemed a little stronger after that though ;)

all in all I was underwhelmed.. with all the warings out there I thought its gonna be much stronger.

I think ill try to use my vaporizer next time asince I didnt like smoking the stuff its too much to smoke at once.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
you need to take ONE, (or two if you are still conscious by then) HUUUUGE lungfuls of smoke or you will not get any effects. you simply cannot puff and puff and puff on that .5 and expect any effects. even if the hits were close together. the less hits you take + the larger amount that you take is what will = the explosive out of body experience. and if you aren't holding in that 1 or 2 huuuge hits, to the point that you cannot hold your breath anymore, then you will not notice effects. unless you have a vaporizer like the volcano($$$expensive$$$) then it will simply hold you back from vaporizing/taking the whole amount at once, and you will continue to be disappointed. if it's too harsh, get a bong (fill it with ice) and try again. (bong was my first and only amazing OOB experience, the others were crap)

if you can't hold in a big hit of smoke for a while because it makes you uncomfortable or whatever the excuse, then smoking salvia is probably not for you.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
i've heard good things about the quid if done properly. i've also heard that it must be held for around a half-hour to an HOUR without spitting or swallowing...

oh and
"but I do tend to engage in circular thoughts and intrusive thoughts. generally i thnk and analyze all the time, so im fairly used to it."

that is precisely what you will have to overcome with psychedelics. if you take it seriously, you'll see.