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Ayahuasca trip Failed??


Matrice périnatale
9 Fev 2006
hi, a few months ago i prepared 30 gr. Ayahuasca Banisteriopsis caapi and 9 gr. Mimosa hostilis. i cooked it 6 hours, and after every hour there was almost no more water left :( so i put the aya-water in a glass, and than i put more distilled water with the ayahuasca and so on 5 or 6 times. so i had 6 small glasses with a bit aya-juice 8) and when i mixed it all it was 1 glass. i drank it the next morning. 15 minutes after i dank it i had to puke. after 50 minutes i was trippin! i felt really strange. eyes that were watching me etc... but the only problem was... it was only trippin for 15 minutes! i dont know what was wrong. if anyone know what i did wrong.. TELL ME!


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Déc 2005
I'm pretty new in this magick, but probably it was just not enoudh.

50 gr.B.Cappi(or 4 gr P.Harmala) and at least 12 gr of M.Hostilis rootbark or 20 gr. of the root itself is usualy enough for The journey, either at once or in 2 times better( I resieved in the morning 4 gr harmala and 12 gr of powdered M.hostilis, it came powdered , and don't have any idea what parts of the plant are inside and if it will be enough 4 me, but I have some cappi brew left from the last time , waiting frozen 4 "back-up" just in case ;))
You felt it but 4 a short time, that means the MAOI(the cappi) was just not enough.

few hours boiling is enough, and adding the juce of half a lemon is a good idea.
It will be the firs time I'l drink "la medicina" alone..
(5 times for the last 3 years with the groops of 3 diferent ayahuaskeros ,one of them is brasilian indian, and once with some friends.. 3 times I've been brewing the MAOI, but I've never boiled(hope not to spoil it) the Jurema by myself 'tlll now..)
later report is comming :)


Elfe Mécanique
26 Sept 2005
I would guess that in 15min your stomach is not able to absorb all the ingredients, that has to be the reason...
for this case always prepare too much in case you puke as early as you did, so you can drink some again if you do


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Déc 2005
well , almost same complaint by me..
12 gr. mimosa hostilis which was already powdered, when it came to me, boiled about 3-4 hours in little watter with some lemon and 4 gr paganum boiled the same way..

the colour of the Jurema brew was like the one of the boiled in Brasil, but the taste was not so intense(maybe it was not only root-BARK, but other parts of the plant too :?: )

After 3 days of fasting I drunk it- first about half of the harmala brew, 30 sec. later 1/3 of the jurema brew.. about 20 minutes later I vomited, effects- typical maoi- feeling, than the rest of tha MAOI with 1/3 of the jurema, about 20 minutes later I vomited again, efects- slight change of the visual perception, without the beautifull visualws in the moment of vomiting like other times), than I took off the candle light drunk the last 1/3 of the brew and strated cewing the leftover from the botom of the glass.. this gave me some slight visual paterns in the dark, together with a feeling of comfort and well-beeng, but very far from the blisffull happyness of other Ayahuasca expiriensis.. I had some B. cappi brew in reserve, but I didn't drunk it because not the MAOI was not enough, but the DMT.

Next time I'll try with 20 gr M.Hostilis, or try to find rootbark by other source not powered.

p.s. either I didn't reach my "doorstep" dose of DMT because of not enough
either I spoiled something during the brewing.. is it posible 1/2 lemon in the brew 4 1 person to be too much or too little?
p.p.s. It was my 6-th encounter with the Ayahuasca in the last 3 years, most of the previous times both the quality and the quantity was more and better,, but also other people was present.
Looks like Ayahuasca is a groop-journey drug. It's conecting people and spirits together.


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Juil 2005
um...did you really drink the mimosa brew 30 SECONDS after you did the harmala seeds? youre suppoed to wait 15 minutes minimum, how else could the DMT be active? first the MAOI has to reach your system, this won't happen in a few seconds.

my encyclopedia says:
first thing you do is taking the seeds (3g crushed in caps or in a brew)
wait AT LEAST 15 minutes
then take the mimosa brew (9-12g mimosa hostilis+lemonjuice)

im not even sure if you have to cook the mimosa for such a long time if its already pulverized, and throwing up is not really uncommon. and what about the three days of not eating ... youre supposed to watch yourself eight hours before and after the trip, this would be enough, we're talking about natural reversible MAOI here ...


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Nov 2005
themoles a dit:
and what about the three days of not eating ... youre supposed to watch yourself eight hours before and after the trip, this would be enough, we're talking about natural reversible MAOI here ...

As proved by clinical trials (I got the munchies :oops: ) by me and Viaticus during our P. Harmala-powered mushroom trip two days ago, there's plenty you can eat without adverse effects some hours after the MAOI has been ingested. However, if you plan to eat something that is found in the "don't eat these" lists that populate the web, have some cannabis nearby to chase away the possible headache. I have to admit I was afflicted by pain that ranged from very light to clearly discomforting. It faded away in 2-4 hours though.

A good idea is to not consume aged cheeses (parmesan especially), non-fresh meat (bologna, other sausages, anything marinated) or alcohol (red wine especially) at least 24h before or after the trip. It won't be fatal, but it won't be fun either.

Themoles is 100% right, you are likely to throw up. Don't worry though, that's usually when the party starts.


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Juil 2005
i should have known better ... i realize all talking means shit if one haven't tried and i sure haven't ... until today and i got the same results: throwing up plus 20 minutes of tripping afterwards. i really did everything like its supposed to be ... i think the key is not to throw up too fast, my friend did not drink the foul juice at once, like i did, he took a sip every now and then and tripped for four full hours, next time i will do that too. whatever, it was beautiful!!! everything was bright and shiny, formed wonderful patterns, i attempted to draw and i saw lines on the blank sheet of paper coming out of the blue, i followed them but then i started my 'own' picture (a banana that ate itself, dont ask why...), next time im gonna follow those lines around, if something good comes out in the end i post. playing guitar or anything creative was just ... easy, almost too easy. i liked having a clear head (unlike on mushrooms) and i also liked not losing my perception of time. i think i did well, even if it were only 20 minutes but at least i know the plant seems to like me, if that makes sense. you people should have seen my friend, he was telling me, he could spilt time by his own will, later he had a book of animal pictures in his hands and told me he can transform into any of them just by looking at the picture (his preference was a dolphin) ... crazy. :D


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Déc 2005
themoles a dit:
um...did you really drink the mimosa brew 30 SECONDS after you did the harmala seeds? youre suppoed to wait 15 minutes minimum, how else could the DMT be active? first the MAOI has to reach your system, this won't happen in a few seconds.

my encyclopedia says:
first thing you do is taking the seeds (3g crushed in caps or in a brew)
wait AT LEAST 15 minutes
then take the mimosa brew (9-12g mimosa hostilis+lemonjuice)

im not even sure if you have to cook the mimosa for such a long time if its already pulverized, and throwing up is not really uncommon. and what about the three days of not eating ... youre supposed to watch yourself eight hours before and after the trip, this would be enough, we're talking about natural reversible MAOI here ...
I didn't said 3 days "not eating", but 3 days of diet.(no protein)

Vomiting for shure is common,
about the 15 minutes, I have been on 5 rituals organised by 3 diferent ayahuaskeros, and there were not so much times between the brews, one even mixrd them before drinking.. nethertheless effects were from more to much more intence , depending on how mush I drunk.
also first I drunk half of the MAOI, than 1/3 of the jurema,
and 20 min later the rest of the MAO and another 1/3 of the jurema..

Anyway, next time maybe one kind of MAOI(harmala) 15 minutes before starting the dmt-brew for which I'll use more mimosa, and sip by sip I' will drink it slowly, together with other kind of MAOI(yahe).

Themoles, its absolutely true about the guitar :D

p.s. maybe Ayahuasca is asocial, colective consiousness drug/medicine, doing it alone is not as happy feeling as doing it with other(s)