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Résultats de la recherche

  1. svirsk

    Psychedelic wallpapers... Wie heeft er een mooie?

    lang geleden zelf eens een pink floyd wallpaper gemaakt pink floyd wallpaper :blobber:
  2. svirsk

    Voor of tegen grondwet?

    Ik ga denk ik ook voorstemmen, zover ik gelezen heb staan er niet echt levensbedreigende dingen in de grondwet. Eerder juist de mogelijkheden om Europa sneller en eenvoudiger te laten werken. Maar ik ben het wel met sommige omstanders eens dat de regering het niet helemaal lekker heeft...
  3. svirsk

    Hi ! Im from Brazil and im going to Amsterdam !

    i slept here once with school http://www.shelter.nl/
  4. svirsk


    You should shurely do so! (and try to get, one of the beautifull goodies, we made) :blobber:
  5. svirsk


    I thinks thats enough people of my work, can i please have some days off :confused: it's so hard to :alc: :pint: :dancing: :lolwsign: :music: :drum: all day
  6. svirsk

    T-shirt liners

    It's almoast summer again, time for good festivals en great party's. Only thing i need now is a good slogan for a t-shirt. Most commercial ones we've already seen a million times. so here's my first one: Be polite, say: yes Please to drugs. i hope you know some better ones
  7. svirsk


    Ephedra in holland was forbidden, because the Americans pushed our governent very much to do so. And we're still scared of them
  8. svirsk

    leuke website

    2 meisjes van 13 hebben voor een thinkquestproject (een website die educative websites voor jongeren stimuleerd) een prachtige website over drugs gemaakt http://proto.thinkquest.nl/~llb008
  9. svirsk


    jippie jeej, I never won everything, and now a t-shirt!!
  10. svirsk


    wogooh, 3 people and ten days to goo
  11. svirsk

    Another party !!!

    hi thanks for your party's but did you know that on the right side of the bottom of http://www.*******.net/calendar/ you can add your party's and events directly to our database
  12. svirsk


    I went to your site, but i couldn't find anything about your contes't our didn't you mean that? well i have a new idea for a shirt, this time I want a website logo, but i still have to make it i'll post it later
  13. svirsk

    Look what happened to the (party)calendar!

    for those who can't find it, it's here http://www.*******.com/calendar/
  14. svirsk

    absinth maken wie helpt me uit de brand

    De fles absinth die ik in Tsjechie kocht, kun je ook gewoon op het web kopen, alleen wel twee keer zo duur absint winkle en zo zullen er wel meer online absinth winkels zijn
  15. svirsk

    Do you want Tshirt with picture/design YOU want???

    wohoo we have a winner, thanks for the contest, im still trying to make a good t-shirt design.. maybe i pint it myself
  16. svirsk

    Do you want Tshirt with picture/design YOU want???

    or a shirt with something like this see this link would be cool too
  17. svirsk

    Do you want Tshirt with picture/design YOU want???

    whoogoo chance 1 out 3 (untill now, i hope some more people join)
  18. svirsk

    Do you want Tshirt with picture/design YOU want???

    something like this? still working on my own shirt, hope i can join befor the 16th
  19. svirsk

    Do you want Tshirt with picture/design YOU want???

    Ah ok.. forget the beachboys t-shirt by the way, i was surfing around, and i couldn't find any great shirts anyway.. So I'm joining with the pink floyd shirt only..
  20. svirsk

    Do you want Tshirt with picture/design YOU want???

    ok another one than. A pink floyd shirt Again the faces of the bandmembers sticked together, but now combined with circels, that somethimes are part of them self and other times are part of the faces (mm i guess no-one understands this) in the colors white and pink on a black t-shirt...