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Résultats de la recherche

  1. sapato

    frontal absence

    high to all psychonaut friends, sapato makes music too, check it out at www.myspace.com/thefrontalabsence let us know what you think about it. Green Love Sapato...
  2. sapato

    parallel dimensions, universe of the mind, time travelling

    More possibilities, i never really know and i realize that i will never know, open and sceptic at the same time, i am. Never sure because if i was sure than i wouldn't question things and maybe never learn or evolve. Like the ecological philsopher that always seemed to feel good when nature...
  3. sapato

    parallel dimensions, universe of the mind, time travelling

    How about having these kind of experiences with just a little dose or no dose at all. Your spirit getting triggered and you have the control, why would you wanna loose it? Nobody does, i guess. It seems to me that all substances (i am talking about naturals) are a tool to get you to reach some...
  4. sapato

    parallel dimensions, universe of the mind, time travelling

    who has something to say or share about these topics from your own experiences, somehow i get information through my dreams while i am still awake and through my trips while i am not here, the powers are to strong for a mortal human being, how far can you go before you never come back into your...
  5. sapato

    Hrky is in the house!Hello to everyone,Im so glad to be part

    High, Nice avator, haha i like that. Keep goin that road and you find what you always had in you. Just like some other souls do. Green peace Sapato
  6. sapato

    have someone tryied other psychoactive cacti

    i did and it worked, at least thats what the dragonfly told me and after hours of walking though the forest and tending to go back home, it brought me right back at the first unpath i walked in at the beginning. Magic i say green peace
  7. sapato

    Gestopt met roken. Hoe weed blijven gebruiken?

    verzamel alle plantenresten. Zorg dat het botert met de geest van deze planten. Voeg er het gevoel aan toe wat je er later uit wil krijgen. Een tip! Voeg er minimaal respect aan toe. Als je eenmaal boter hebt kun je koken of bakken wat je maar wil.