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  1. polska224

    Why do we have this intelligence?

    When I said "this moth" i meant the species of moth as a whole. My mistake.
  2. polska224

    Why do we have this intelligence?

    This conversation is too funny, i just need to join in. Evolution is the process where the weak are destroyed so the strong survive and continue on to reproduce. For example, in a black and white environment, there is a species of moth that is green. All of the sudden, one of the green moths...
  3. polska224

    Why we need nuclear power

    Unfortunately, with today's technology, solar panels simply arent efficient enough to fully power a home. If we could just figure out what to do with the waste, nuclear power could easily solve the worlds energy problems. At our current consumption rate, the amount of available fuel (uranium...
  4. polska224

    LSD and death metal

    For my heavier voyages I prefer mellower stuff. But on a quick trip death metal isnt too bad. Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker and Slightly Stoopid are faves.
  5. polska224

    Isolation tank thoughts?

    Im very interested in these. Does anyone have any experience with them? How are they?
  6. polska224

    LSD and death metal

    I dont know what it does for you, but for me, LSD enhances my visible and audible surroundings. Since I already appreciate and enjoy death metal and LSD enhances this for me, this is good. And yes, I know that LSD helps the brain produce and process seratonin. Death metal doesnt make me feel...
  7. polska224

    Why we need nuclear power

    This saltwater thing is very interesting. But how much heat be produced from "burning" salt water? It doesnt seem to be a very high-output energy source. With regards to the whole nuclear waste issue, I live about 30 minutes from Love Canal, which is still a total shithole. You would think...
  8. polska224

    Raid on BBB -

    You make an excellent point. What I was trying to say was that the one thing I dont understand is that if he really cared about what was going on, rather than trying to huck us a book, why doesnt he share the information for free? This way he can blow the lid off this whole thing to ANYONE who...
  9. polska224

    LSD and death metal

    First of all, can we establish that opinion DOES NOT EQUAL FACT? Please? Just because you dont like death metal doesnt make it a good style of music. Yeah, I was alone, which I do normally because I prefer tripping (in small doses) alone. Theres no pressure, I am in complete control of my...
  10. polska224

    Raid on BBB -

    No sauces in that article? Any 3rd party information that confirms anything in the cases of these people? Im sorry, I cant take this guy seriously. He preaches on and on against the FDA who attempt to "shut down natural medicine" to make a buck with the pharmaceutical companies. However, you...
  11. polska224

    LSD and death metal

    Just did one tab of some pretty decent stuff, been tripping for about 2-3 hours now. I know my friends tell me not to listen to death metal when I fry, but I just put some on and its fucking amazing. I dont recommend this for beginner trippers or people who dont like death metal to begin with...