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  1. E

    Do you believe in the present?

    most people (especially westerners) think of time as linear. and so try to explain it as it having a before/after quality. this is, however, not the case. time is an illusion. the only time now, is party time.
  2. E

    Salvia Divinorum and Cannabis combination.

    I find it extends the effects of salvia up to an hour or two. also intensifies. some might dig that now I have yet to hallucinate with salvia, and I've smoked up to 5 bowls of 20x. But as for the other mental/physical effects, yeah. It sucks though, as the cannabis makes you hungry and salvia...
  3. E

    Let's talk about DXM

    honestly, it's different every time for me. I once thought there was something wrong with my headphones because as the trip intensified the music started to loose quality and I noticed the volume sounded really low, even though it was set to maximum which I would otherwise find uncomfortably...
  4. E

    Do you believe in the present?

    what I don't understand is how the fourth dimension could be spacial, as space should only exist in the 1st (length) 2nd (length x width) and 3rd (length x width x height) dimensions. Time is not spacial, but temporal. We can not understand higher dimensions by relating them to elements of lower...
  5. E

    Your creative work, second edition

    I did these while I was high. haha.
  6. E

    If a tree falls in the forest....?

    a universe without an observer would be exactly what it is - energy. There isn't such a thing a "solid". Everything is made of atoms, and atoms are not solid. We perceive things as solid because of our senses. Our senses make up everything we experience in life, and what we would call...
  7. E

    If a tree falls in the forest....?

    well according to Schrödinger's cat, no. ...unless the tree itself could be counted as an observer.
  8. E

    Do you believe in the present?

    Time is the measurement of an immeasurable force. It does, in fact, exist; but not in our dimension. We see time how a 2-dimensional object sees a 3-dimensional object. (i.e. we only see a brief part of it, but not the whole thing) We can not understand it because we are in the third...
  9. E

    Let's talk about DXM

    I use the tiny one-shot 0.55 oz zicam spray bottles, containing 540mg. The taste is incredibly bitter, but at least I don't need to chug anything. I'd try countless things to try and mask the taste but the aftertaste always lasted. I later found out that eating a single strawberry rids the...
  10. E

    Beautiful Experience.

    I was actually watching the Zappa Plays Zappa special on pbs about a month ago while on salvia. needless to say it was a pretty strange trip. his songs are like stories and I could understand them perfectly while on salvia. as for dxm, I take the 1-shot zicam spray bottles. I found that eating...
  11. E

    What instruments do you play?

    I reeeeallly want to get one of these: I mean... check out what you can freakin' do with them: they're almost impossible to get, though. also, I've been playing piano for about 15 years.
  12. E

    Beautiful Experience.

    The album "Music For 18 Musicians", by Steve Reich. The music is minimalist and repeating so the listener "creates the music themselves" by focusing on different aspects/instruments of the music. very mind-engulfing. This goes PERFECTLY with DXM; but I'm sure it would be interesting with...
  13. E

    Salvia-Cannabis interaction?

    The salvia I have is kept in a small plastic bag, within a larger aluminum one. I had forgotten I had also left a bag of cannabis in it also, in a separate baggie, but next to the salvia. They had been next to each other, in the aluminum bag for about two months. I was going to give salvia...
  14. E


    I've actually had some pretty great experiences with nutmeg. Of course it effects everyone differently. You just need to prepare for it and keep a lot of water and gatorade (electrolytes) handy. and eyedrops. I capsule it, so taste isn't a problem. It just makes me feel really stoned for 12...
  15. E

    Bad Experiences.

    I've done much research on salvia before trying it, and am aware of its effect as a kappa Opioid agonist. My exception (I assume) would be that the effects are solely physical (with no mental/visual effects at all), and last for about 30 minutes, lingering on up until an hour. I also feel very...
  16. E

    Bad Experiences.

    Whenever I smoke salvia, I just feel like shit for an hour. I've done 20x about 3 times now and each time it's been the same experience: I feel as though I'm being "compressed", and feel a strong sense of inferiority; as if there were a higher presence beside me, mocking me - not a very good...