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Résultats de la recherche

  1. D

    Will Switzerland legalize cannabis?

    Please tell me you're stuck hanging out with Darkthrone. Seriously though, I think only good things can come from this. The fact that such a proposition is even being presented makes me hopeful. Also, if I ever get deported or something, I'm heading straight for Switzerland. :wink:
  2. D

    How do you call someone who does drugs for inner growth?

    I'd call 'em by name. Fuck classification.
  3. D

    Seeking Advice: Shrooms, Anxiety, Digestive Upset, and Weed

    It sounds like a run-of-the-mill anxiety attack to me. Smoking usually relieves me of them, rather than causing them, personally. But, a lot of times when I have anxiety attacks it's due to some inherent moral conflict (the association with your 'shroom trips, and the fear of your parents...