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Résultats de la recherche

  1. FlyingDutchman

    More evidence that Cannabis prevents cancer

    Hell yea, I really hope so. :) Though I fear the pharmaceutical industries will create a market for synthetic medical THC and other cannabinoids, using researches like this; while the plant itself remains illegal "because it contains other molecules which might harm" ... I hope I'm being to...
  2. FlyingDutchman

    hey you...

    Hi and welcome! :)
  3. FlyingDutchman

    The "chills"

    Couldn't hormones have something to do with the chills caused by music and other beautiful things? Like beautiful experiences affect our hormone levels which in turn can cause goosebumps and other effects?
  4. FlyingDutchman

    Guided hallucinogenic sessions

    A school where people can be introduced to and learn more about psychedelics among like minded people. Neat.
  5. FlyingDutchman

    An ant-colony is taking over my pot

    I didn't really expect this to happen anytime soon but I totally agree with GOD. Ants do not harm plants unless they use the plant to farm aphids like Mr. Smith said earlier. Just let them be. If you want to get rid of them in a friendly way get an empty pot and fill it up with soil like the one...
  6. FlyingDutchman

    Tripknollen, al uitgeprobeerd ?

    Toevallig (of niet) heb ik vandaag getript op 7 gram Psilocybe Atlantis, eronder op het doosje stond Númenórium XTC. Ik had er nog nooit van gehoord en was benieuwd naar de uitwerking ervan, en of het veel verschil maakte met de philopher stones. Welke soort(en) er nou trouwens specifiek...
  7. FlyingDutchman

    Vaporizer Bong

    I'm having exactly the same problem with my whip vaporizer. I always flick my tongue up and down as I inhale, which catches pretty much of the stuff getting through the screen, but obviously this isn't very comfortable. :P I'm about to try a different finer and slightly bigger type of screen...
  8. FlyingDutchman


    It isn't really jazz jazz, but the bands Caravan and Hatfield & the North, both from the Canterbury Scene scene, use a nice combination of progressive rock and jazz.
  9. FlyingDutchman

    Salvia on Dr. Phil

    I noticed the same, fucking ridiculous. It's both, as long as people use it with sense. Fucking ignorant douchebags. Cars Harmless Transportion or Killing Machines? It all depends on who's driving... But if we must blame someone, blame the teenagers who're abusing Salvia...
  10. FlyingDutchman

    Paddoverbod vanaf 1 december

    Caduceus, goeie ideeën! Dachten de christelijke partijen er ook maar zo over... Ik ben bang dat het te laat is, het enige waar we nog op kunnen hopen is de rechtzaak van Vlos. Ik zat eraan te denken om een goed betoog te schrijven naar het ministerie met alle argumenten (voor en tegen een...
  11. FlyingDutchman

    Scientific proof-THC KILLS brain tumor cells

    This is great news. I hope they manage to continue this research and get the world to know this. I did a search for the scientific article on NCBI. For anyone who's interested: NCBI summary (note the related articles to the right) Springerlink preview PDF file.
  12. FlyingDutchman

    'Op naar de nul coffeeshops'

    Precies Caduceus. Ik volg de denkwijze van van Geel niet echt. Eén van de redenen die hij geeft voor een verbod is dat er nu in achterstandwijken veel illegale kwekerijen zijn waar hij vanaf wil. Ik denk niet dat die zullen verdwijnen met een algeheel verbod...
  13. FlyingDutchman

    Possesion/sell and cultivation of mushroom banned in Holland

    What?! It's been a long time since I heard any shroom related news, I thought the issue had died a silence death. This news comes as a bit of a shock right now... Wrong direction.
  14. FlyingDutchman


    Zoals Caduceus en Lion al zeiden is het vooral afhankelijk van de set en setting. Wat je kan proberen is wiet (of hasj) te gebruiken in combinatie met lachgas. Echter! kan dit ook verschillend uitpakken, er zijn mensen die er een ongelofelijke lachkick van krijgen, maar je kunt er ook licht van...
  15. FlyingDutchman

    menstruation problems

    I'm confused... Could be my own fault, but... Is GOD a program... male... female... anything? What the hell is going on. Did Bastiaan speak the truth? I just can't believe it.
  16. FlyingDutchman

    hillarious jumping spider mating behaviour

    Awesome :D How did they record the sound? Is that thing theyre standing on some special vibration sensitive recording equipment or something? I like the thing he starts doing at 1:16 and on, cool rythm. :P
  17. FlyingDutchman


    Welcome man, nice to have you here. :)
  18. FlyingDutchman

    Cannabis Bonsai (real or photoshop?)

    It looks weird though I can't really put my finger on what exactly looks odd about it. I think it's a fake.
  19. FlyingDutchman

    Hasj milk

    The layer on top could also be the proteins in the milk, which denaturate by the heat and come floating up on top. Not sure though, it could also be the margarine. In a recipe I got from someone they used 1 gram in 500 ml for two persons, and they used cream butter (?) (roomboter :P) For as far...