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  1. VapourTrail

    [Offtopic] moving to england

    Alcohol is 18 here. Communities are organised like everywhere else - there will be closed groups of friends and various scenes, especially in cities. I live in Scotland, not too far away. London is such a big city, I have been there plenty - there are good parts and bad. Prices are like...
  2. VapourTrail

    The Psychedelic Community and Cultural Taboos

    I question why you ask about the thread when I stated I was asking about private messages I received. This is not meant as an insult, just an observation. I do appreciate your contribution. For what it is worth, those questions were asked afterwards, it was more a parody of the messages I...
  3. VapourTrail

    Is the LHC sabotaging itself from the future?

    I am sorry... what about the hadron collider? I think this may need a thread of its own.
  4. VapourTrail

    Amtrak Police Dogs

    As you said - the Dogs tend to specialize and be trained to sniff out 1 substance. Those do not appear to have been drug dogs.
  5. VapourTrail

    Police who tested positive to drugs reassigned, not charged

    Spice - good to know they can break the law to catch people. I wonder if that applies to other types of crimes. If they were investigating assassins, would they get to kill people?
  6. VapourTrail

    Acid in the mail?

    might want to make the change ^^
  7. VapourTrail

    The Psychedelic Community and Cultural Taboos

    The context is not the threads the discussion took place in but the personal messages I received afterwards. I was not offended by anything you said. I think one of the things I have noticed from here and there is that people here tend to discuss things with members of their family and I...
  8. VapourTrail

    Acid in the mail?

    I may or may not work for the postal service and may or may not lick all stamps just in case. I cannot advise placing it outside the envelope.
  9. VapourTrail

    Czech govt defines rules of hallucinogenic plants growing

    Just Governments. Governments in the modern world are now filled with full time politicians with no other job or source of income. That means they need to keep themselves busy. They do this by interfering in places they do not need to and passing legislation that creates crimes with no...
  10. VapourTrail

    Police who tested positive to drugs reassigned, not charged

    Treated no different my ass. They got to quit with a clean record rather than be fired an have a criminal one. Souls can be bought and sold for a clean record.
  11. VapourTrail

    Survival of the Kindest

    So God punished them by creating racism and turning them to salt (or is that a different part of the bible) so that never again would humans be able to get along well enough to build something so tall that it us an affront to heaven. The bible is not survival of the kindest.
  12. VapourTrail

    Survival of the Kindest

    I agree. Look at hippos that let birds clean them, or even better (since hippos don't tend to eat meat) look at the carnivorous fish that will avoid eating smaller fish that they know will groom them. This is not opposed to Darwin, it is exactly what he said. Someone wasn't paying attention...
  13. VapourTrail

    Tom Bearden's Fer De Lance

    The Russians didn't claim this. A retired American officer did. It lead to millions in funding to develop his ideas. He tries not to talk about the funding he receives, he prefers to tell people his research was stifled, which might give you an insight into how he operates. He also does...
  14. VapourTrail

    The Psychedelic Community and Cultural Taboos

    You cannot say ANYTHING about ALL of ANY community. Not a modern one. That doesn't mean there aren't trends.
  15. VapourTrail

    Know your mushrooms

    Why were they looking for agarics if they had a fridge full of psilocybes? Also, why do I not meet these people?
  16. VapourTrail

    The Psychedelic Community and Cultural Taboos

    Actually silv, I felt you were fairly on topic!
  17. VapourTrail

    What are the 5 drugs you dislike most

    Caffeine! Ah. I calculated how much caffeine I actually drink (in coffees, various types) and I average somewhere between 1 and 2 grams of caffeine. That's a fair few coffees. I tried giving it up once. *Shudder*. That said, it does not make my list. I'm too dependant now! Coke, Heroin, Meth...
  18. VapourTrail

    Arkansas cop tasers ten yr. old girl

    I've known crack heads that aren't so jumpy as to feel threatened by a 10 year old girl! Paraphrasing something I heard - The type of people who would choose to join the police force in its current state are the very people who should be prevented from joining.
  19. VapourTrail

    Is the LHC sabotaging itself from the future?

    Do not talk about organised industry like you are above it. You are its enabler.
  20. VapourTrail

    The Psychedelic Community and Cultural Taboos

    We are, people who take psychedelic substances. This forum is an example. I cannot tell you about every single person as I do not know them all, obviously. As to WHAT it is, well, in this case it is a mostly arbitrary collection of people with a similar interest who may never even be made...