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Résultats de la recherche

  1. synchronize

    how to trip on micelium??

    Then I shall speculate. Not every molecule that is created in an organism is perse benificial for the organism itself in a direct way. A lot of molecules are created because they are byproducts from metabolisis, that means it is a sort of wasteproduct. These can be excreted by the organism or be...
  2. synchronize

    Alternatives for prozac/anti-depressants?

    http://www.degewijdereis.nl/nieuws/index.php little expensive but very good guidence what I heared and read about him. Not a real shaman, but a man who works with it already for quite a while, and has a more therapeutic kind of session. Dont really no shamans who live in amsterdam, since most of...
  3. synchronize

    Alternatives for prozac/anti-depressants?

    hey my awnser let him undertake an ayahuasca session together with a close friend, and preferably with a shaman. I was in Peru 2 months ago and spend some time there with shamans. Learnd a lot from them. My personal feeling is that aya can heal every problem, but depends on howmuch you devode...
  4. synchronize

    dried cacti

    Depends on how you look at it. The Peruvian people use the name San pedro for a collection of cacti of the trichocereus genus; pachanoi, peruvianus and bridgesii. We western people invented the name peruvian torch for the peruvianus cactus and san pedro for pachanoi. So it totally depends on...
  5. synchronize

    welke psycho cactussen heeft het tuincentrum?

    ik ben dus een van die gelukkigen geweest die een partij san pedro's gevonden heeft in een tuincentrum. het waren 4 dikke trichocereus peruvianus van gemiddeld een cm of 40 met doorsnede van 8 cm. Gekocht voor 3,5 euro per stuk :D.. moet toegeven ze waren niet moedersmooiste, maar ge kunt er wel...
  6. synchronize

    san pedro growing question

    winter time is resting time... If you really want to take care of your cacti (san pedro) put them in a large pot (10Liters or more) and put m outside during summer (and last bit of spring) in a bright spot and give them lots and lots of water. They would love it, and for thanx they will grow...
  7. synchronize

    Truth Shock Doc - 9/11, Drugs, AIDS, War, Bush-Hitler

    PLEASE somebody seed the torrent file. I really would like to see the movie.. respect for the makers! every seeds is a flowering plant...
  8. synchronize

    Paddo's hard aanpakken

    Er is een petitie gemaakt tegen het ophande zijn van een verbod van paddo's. Teken m en stuur de link zoveel mogelijk door. Dit zou niet verboden mogen worden!! http://www.petitiononline.com/paddovb/
  9. synchronize

    Cubensis (Mexican) mushrooms

    in my opinion LSD is also nicer then mushies. Its a little less psyco then mushrooms. Unless if the setting is wrong or take to much of it.
  10. synchronize

    how to make salvia extract

    excactly, just pour a little acetone (10 ml?) in a baking dish or something. Let it evaporate en see if there is a residue. But keeping in mind that even the most purest form of HPLC used chemicals have resudues from around 0,001% of their weight.
  11. synchronize

    how to make salvia extract

    ?? as it says alcohol or ketonatus alcohol (or in dutch gedenatureerd) you can use it..
  12. synchronize

    how to make salvia extract

    jeps, as long as you let it evaporate completely before use. Also regular 70% alcohol, isopropanol and ether can be used, hence also here evaporate before using!
  13. synchronize

    Mescalin in Nederland

    hangt echt af van hoe je ze behandeld. ALs ze eenmaal een halve meter zijn (na 1 1/5 jaar) kan het best rap gaan.
  14. synchronize

    Mescalin in Nederland

    Correctie: De Coca plant als geheel staat niet op de lijst van verboden middelen in Nederland. Het blad van de cocaplant staat hier wel op. Als je het juridisch bekijkt is dus het hebben van de plant als geheel niet 100% strafbaar, aangezien het blad nog aan de plant zit als het in leven is en...
  15. synchronize

    gerookte DMT effecten

    Het gebeurd wel vaker dat mensen die voor de eerste maal DMT roken er niks van merken. Een kennis van mij heeft zelfs tot 2 keer toe 25 mg opgerookt (met pauzes van weken) en niks gemerkt en ook geen wazig gevoel. De 3e keer was hij goed van de planeet van 25 mg. Ik ben zelf begonnen met roken...
  16. synchronize

    Panaeolus Tropicalis

    Paneolus are best to be eaten fresh. All the goodies are still in it then. I had a massive trip once with only 3 fresh mushrooms !! (directly fom the growcontainer) pfff out of this world. Since paneolus has a lot of psilocin in it and it is volatile to air, the magic gets lost when the shrooms...
  17. synchronize

    new strain more potente that the others??

    Oops to late for me, just back from morocco. Not more naked that i was and stil got my kidneys! But my wallet shrinked a lot :) :P
  18. synchronize

    Pachanoii or Peruvianus

    To be verry precise, the Trichocereus in your seedling pictures is not a real pachanoi. I had a discussion one time with the owner of cactusplaza. And we concluded that there must have been a hybridisation between a pachanoi and peruvianus once and this probably explaining the features of...
  19. synchronize

    Anyone made Phalaris Ayahuasca?

    You can use the same tek as for MHRB only do some extra defatting staps. This is necessary since you use leave material which contain more fats and other crap that you dont want to have in the end product. But the big difference with Mimosa is that phalaris contains besides NN,-DMT also...