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Contenu récent par SEEKtheTRUTH


    Bath Salt?

    Actually the type of bath salt I was looking for is no where to be found anymore, because the orginial heavily psychedelic compound has been banned, and now only have a type reminscent of speed. I'm not interested.

    Bath Salt?

    Might sound a little stupid, but I'm doing bath salt this weekend with a friend. I don't want to do it more than a few times, I know what it might entail, one time seems extreme enough. Just wondering about any experiences? Feedback? People haven't really been able to describe to me what it's...

    345mg DXM Trip

    A few days ago me and my bestfriend drank a whole bottle of straight DXM cough syrup - overall a dosage of 345mg. It was my first actually decent dose of DXM. I'm a tiny guy, only 120 lbs or so... so the trip really hit hard. It was kind of what I was looking for, in posting another thread about...


    Sounds good... sounds good. Any idea around what mg range you start to actually hallucinate/what dosage it starts to become really psychedelic instead of intoxicated?


    Hey guys, before too long a friend of mine is going to get me some 100% pure extracted DXM. She's told me that 2 pills of the pure stuff is enough to hit a plateau 4. Granted I've never gone higher than a low end plateau 2, that's not necessarily a height I want to shoot to off the bat...


    All I can say is, you have a purpose in life. I don't believe in coincidence. Follow your heart, not your head - you weren't born into this world to do things you didn't want to do. You have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Do whatever makes you happy... God/nature/the universe, whatever...


    Thanks man, I'm definitely done with gas. I bet russian roulette is probably safe than that stuff. But as far as everything else goes that's a rule of thumb. I have to know everything about the drug and everything about the circumstances. I'll be as careful as possible, however careful that is...


    Yeah, better safe than sorry... I'll keep that in mind. I plan on just trying to slowly work my way up. I used to be bad into inhalants and I had entirely disconnected from reality, at one point I was convinced I'd been shot and I was going to die... if a bad trip can scare you any more than...


    Yeah, I was thinking about that, how I'm still developing. I can't really say that I'll stick to not using anything else though, even if it's a stupid move. I'm just a little too curious :P I don't really think anything bad would happen (but then again nobody does) just because I believe God...
  10. SEEKtheTRUTH


    Aight cool, thanks for the info, greatly appreciated (:
  11. SEEKtheTRUTH


    Enlightenment. I'm very young, age 14, but for the amount of drugs I've done, which is limited to Pot/Spice and a very very low end plateau 2 DXM trip, outside of my old Gasoline habit... I've learned SO much about myself and the world around me. Mostly it made me see things more down to Earth...
  12. SEEKtheTRUTH


    100 mics, you said you've had tabs that are 200 is that a double dip? And if that's all it takes to stay on a good trip I'm set... I do feel like I have a very profound sense of control over almost any situation I come into, so maybe it won't be as hard as some people make it seem?
  13. SEEKtheTRUTH


    Hey guys I'm planning on trying acid as soon as possible, then trying mushrooms, since people say shrooms are easier to have a bad trip off of. I've heard you should do 2 hits to start, 1 hit just makes you feel dissociated and it's more than anything frustrating. I'm quite the worrier, in a way...
  14. SEEKtheTRUTH


    Hey everyone, I'm new to the psychonaut community, but I've been interested in it for a long time. It seems to be that fellow psychonauts are among some of the most intellectually advanced, friendly and understanding people I've ever met, so I thought it'd only be appropriate that I join the...