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Contenu récent par Rpk

  1. R

    walking vs riding bike?

    First off what are your goals as both have different results
  2. R

    BEst exercise for your health

    Squats.... That's all you need to know bro
  3. R

    Strength training benefits

    Not just that but you look better in clothes, have more confidence in life, woman, peers etc... The great feeling of actually seeing yourself change for the better. Man I could go on and on....
  4. R

    Which is more of a relaxing high: shrooms or acid?

    LSD all the way! Just my 2c
  5. R

    Tips to reduce dark circles under eyes

    I've heard sleep is wonderful to prevent this
  6. R

    Does anyone live in the UK??

    West Midlands here : )
  7. R

    article: FDA BULLSHIT

    The same with vitamins, vit b is the best thing to prevent heart disease. Heart disease is called by an amino acid homocysteine. An abundance of homocysteine causes tears in artery walls that then scab over, if the scab is underneath the muscle it restricts blood flow, if on top, it can become...
  8. R

    My first DMT trip - oh my god it's full of stars !

    So jealous but my time will come soon. I've had a lot of LSD and found it to be so calming and sets my spirit at peace. I'm hoping to get a grater insight into my energy and the energy of the universe with the help of dmt. its been a good number of years since my last LSD trip, would it be wise...