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Contenu récent par ratakaberu

  1. ratakaberu

    Français si possible

    be chez *******, je leur parle tous les jours à mes plantes, c peut etre ça le secret Toujours pas de précision pour l'heimia?
  2. ratakaberu

    Français si possible

    j'ai s fait mon premier test a faire germer et pousser de la peganum harmala cette annèe. Mes conclusions : Fait germer les graines direct dans la terre (moitié sable moitié terreau horticole), il faut que la terre soit tres humide jusqu'à ce les graines ont germées et que tu les voit sortir de...
  3. ratakaberu

    mimosa hostilis conservation

    I bought an once of mimosa at ******* about a month or two ago. When i received it it had a yellowish color. But know it's getting more and more pinkish. Is this normal, can i conserve it a little more, is it still potent? Any 'huesca users around here, anybody tested the mimosa from *******?
  4. ratakaberu

    Français si possible

    he les gars, ya ce forum ou il n'y a encore personne et qui nous attend nous tous mycophiles.... www.champotes.tk
  5. ratakaberu

    5x, 10x, 20x extract ???

    I only tried the ******* 10x and i must admit that it works really fine. On the other hand i had some 7x about a year ago from a spanish vendor that was very weak, guess it was some 3x. Hope this helps
  6. ratakaberu

    Français si possible

    un nouvo membre sur champote.tk... a+
  7. ratakaberu

    Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds

    do you have a complete explanation of extracting with drinkable ethanol redmex?
  8. ratakaberu


    nice flush, what strain?
  9. ratakaberu

    Blue Mystic

    ok ok i was just asking coz curious, i'm not into those anymore, i stopped takin E (mdma), cocaine, speed and amphetamines 5 years ago... The picture was " last time i saw mystic blue, was 2 weeks ago in front of this (the sound system) at 9 am sunday morning... lol " that's all
  10. ratakaberu

    Blue Mystic

  11. ratakaberu

    Blue Mystic

    oh ok it's a type of mdma isn't it?
  12. ratakaberu

    Blue Mystic

    sorry, in front of this http://mapage.noos.fr/stock40/banana.jpg
  13. ratakaberu

    Blue Mystic

    What is blue mystic? last time i saw mystic blue, was 2 weeks ago in front of this at 9 am sunday morning... lol
  14. ratakaberu

    About sceletium tortuosum

    does this work well, can you describe your experience with it?