Contenu récent par Ov3rdos3

  1. Ov3rdos3

    Help with transfer of Liquid to Blotter

    I have an eyedropper bottle. I have blotters. I have the magic stuff itself. If i wanted to transfer one drop of liquid onto a blotter square, what is the best way of doing this? I experimented with a drop of water on the back of a blotter and it sort of just sat there and took a good few...
  2. Ov3rdos3

    Fun things to do on LSD

    We bought these "magic" bubbles that you can blow, but they dont pop when you touch them, or if they touch the ground. You can even collect a bunch of bubbles and stick them together. Its actually really cool
  3. Ov3rdos3

    Fun things to do on LSD

    recently, I posted on this forum bitching that I couldnt get LSD anywhere in london. Now, i have a contact who knows a guy who makes it. So I am quite sorted. I have purchased 4 drops to test out this weekend. What are "Fun" things, that you, or your mates do when you are tripping? Things that...
  4. Ov3rdos3

    DMT: More rare than chicken teeth?

    and is there actually an easy way of doing this? remember, my chemistry skills are about as advanced as adding milk to cornflakes to form a new edible compound.
  5. Ov3rdos3

    DMT: More rare than chicken teeth?

    I live in London, which is a sucky place for psychonauts, because its so hard to find psychedelics here. Most sucky dealers here only sell sucky drugs like E and coke (none of which I do. its so very....amateur?) anyways, I remember recieving a call from my mate. He had met a young dreadlocked...
  6. Ov3rdos3


    Im lucky enough to have a pretty awesome sex life (my gf is a dancer. lets leave it at that). But, I smoke cannabis all the time. every single day. And i find being stoned all the time makes you not that interested in sex, because your too stoned to be bothered. The best time for sex is on a...
  7. Ov3rdos3

    Who doesn't get any effects from DMT?

    I was born cesarian. Which means I was removed through an insision instead of being born naturally. If any of you have read "DMT: The Spirit Molecule", you will have read that every single living being has DMT in their brains at all times. The pineal gland is what produces this. This is used...
  8. Ov3rdos3

    Mushrooms in London

    I have grown my own before. I have managed to grow 2 harvists of +-300grams each. But i bought an actual self sustained grow kit. It simply needed to be placed in a bag , sprayed with a tiny bit of water and sealed. Then left near a heater (at about 27 degrees C). Within 3 weeks I had loads of...
  9. Ov3rdos3

    Mushrooms in London

    I have been fortunate to be part of the "Legal Magic Mushroom" epidemic the swept over the UK a few years ago. Due to some legal loophole, psilocybe cubensis was available for purchase on the side of the road and from various highstreet headshops. Unfortunatly this was shortlived as 11 year...
  10. Ov3rdos3

    Help with Cacti

    HI there, I have a few questions Id like to ask about psychedelic cactii. I am an experienced psychonaut. I have done mushrooms many times, I have done acid even more, I have even been fortunate enough to try DMT on one occation. One thing I know precious little about is psychedelic cactii. I...