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Contenu récent par No-Key

  1. No-Key

    Top Three Productivity-Enhancing Drugs

    I drink an energy drink in the middle of the day when I usually get drowsy, probably isn't the best habit to be forming, but christ that stuff gets you on your toes. For energy; sleep well, eat small frequent portions, exercise, and don't fucking smoke.
  2. No-Key

    Tesofensine has some serious side-effects

    Those are very common side effects for all the bullshit weight loss drugs too. I don't see the huge concern, except for the inevitable complaint that people might be getting thin or whatever without work. Maybe one day they'll make a pill that cures the brain dead consumer mentality which...
  3. No-Key

    Just Drugs

    Lately, I've been thinking about the nature of drug use, at least as it exists in the United States, and also the nature our perception plays in distorting it. To look at it pragmatically, drug use corresponds to a desire for the effect of a drug, but over time (and even before use) this...
  4. No-Key

    What is Ego-death ???

    Ego death is where your identity breaks down at the conceptual level. You realize how words like "I" "you" and "me" are really only accurate to their specificity about your physical being (which is transient), and make no true statement about any fixed or intransient "human essence" which you...
  5. No-Key

    Places to visit in Europe

    well I've got 3 high school years of german, which basically means (since I've forgotten all but "ja") that I can probably pick that up a little faster than anything else. Also woulda figured dutch is similar, heard it was derived from northern German way way back or something.
  6. No-Key

    Places to visit in Europe

    (- -) It's really just to see the world a little bit :p I would have to speak a second language fluently in order to take classes in it anyway, and if you haven't already noticed, Americans are retarded at learning other people's languages. Can't help what I decided to major in like two years ago.
  7. No-Key

    Places to visit in Europe

    Good ole English
  8. No-Key

    Places to visit in Europe

    English, planning on drilling a language into my head this Summer and coming Fall before I go though.
  9. No-Key

    Places to visit in Europe

    cool, thanks.
  10. No-Key

    Places to visit in Europe

    Next year around this time I will probably be studying abroad somewhere in Europe, so I have a question since this message board has so many wonderful people from the area: What Universities and towns and places like that would be good places to study abroad in, from a psychonaut perspective...
  11. No-Key

    Trippy Week

  12. No-Key

    Trippy Week

    I'm on holy week right now, but everything is dry, except for super-dank, which I am tired of. I'm giving amphetamines their first whirl, still not gonna ever try DXM, even though it's like, the only other thing available.
  13. No-Key

    Sustained Release Tablet

    Is it more effective to crush up and snort a "Sustained Release" tablet of Methylphenidate, or to just take them and let them work like they will? Will one method have less noticable or profound effect while the other will last longer? Or would it just be stupid to rip it simply because of all...
  14. No-Key


    Besides the late great Bill Hicks, whom I am already a fan of, does anyone know about comedians with similar positive views on psychedelic use?
  15. No-Key

    Insensitive to MDMA?

    I've only tried it once, with three friends, and we all got our stuff at the same time from the same person. They both tripped and had an awesome time. I sat there for three hours wondering if anything was going to happen, and nothing did. It wasn't like I felt "high" and that was it, it was...