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Contenu récent par highryder

  1. highryder

    The end of Time at the center of the Universe

    The greatest contributions Mckenna gave us were not his philosophy or his mathematics, but his beliefs. His most cherished belief as a result of his psychedelic research was that we would return to the "Invisible Landscape", a return to our spiritual form through some yet unknown means, but on a...
  2. highryder

    The end of Time at the center of the Universe

    Remember (to paraphrase Wilson again), in order to keep an open mind, and not censor any information to bolster our favorite theory, we should, once a week, seriously consider the most absurd and preposterous theories.
  3. highryder

    The end of Time at the center of the Universe

    All very impressive replies, none however which refute in any way the claim the Buddhists have made. I believe what their monks have determined through their occult tests. I suggest instead of ranting you get off the sidelines and get out here and determine for yourselfs if their is any validity...
  4. highryder

    The end of Time at the center of the Universe

    http://www.tourismkamloops.com/home_sho ... D_449.html Greetings Psychonauts, Hello from Vancouver BC Canada, What an honor to be e-mailing a group of world class researchers who have contributed to human knowledge so significantly the way you all have. Thankyou! I am not sure if you are aware...