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Contenu récent par FrigginJoe

  1. FrigginJoe

    Psychoactive amanitas

    My 'trip' I guess lasted 5-6 hours perhaps? 3-4 if you don't include the sleeping time. As for Euphoria, I've felt it in smaller dosages, I tested a couple small bits with food to slowly gauge how I would react. The next day I felt perfectly normal
  2. FrigginJoe

    salvia 40x didnt work

    Don't waste money on 40x till you 'learn' to feel the 5x effects. You are a more important factor than the extract strength. I'm over 220, and a hit of 5x can make me lose reality as I knew it. 10-20x didn't do a thing for me at first, only on my third try (10x) did I REALLY go on a trip. After...
  3. FrigginJoe

    I think I've learned to trip in meditation

    I DO reach the same state of mind in meditation. It's just not as clear and I"m not confined in it well enough so that tiny distractions just knock me right out of it. The similarity, to me, shows psychedelics (or those I've used) are in fact unlocking or making clear what we can't normally...
  4. FrigginJoe

    Ever leave cakes exposed to a greenhouse?

    I want to try. I have a small portable greenhouse and am getting a larger one for the yard. Mold is strange. It seems to thrive in indoor spaces, so we keep the substrate in a sterilized small space. Outdoors... who cares about contams. I wonder how a few well-colonized cakes would hold up in...
  5. FrigginJoe

    Growing For The 1st Time, Some Help Please...

    You've got a hell of a startup there. STERILITY! Don't get daunted by the need for sterilization, just don't slack on it.
  6. FrigginJoe

    How much light do mushrooms need to sprout?

    You can use ANY light, and then just need maybe 6+ hours a day. The best bet is get them in a container with only the top or top half translucent. They just need a reasonable window of time to establish "bright = up." You can also wrap the bottom of the container/fruiting chamber in a blaket...
  7. FrigginJoe


    I see what you mean now. You need to find a good compromise of "packing" down the substrate, yet not packing it so tightly you compress it took much. I mix some perlite into my BRF+verm cakes, it let's you pat down the stuff a little bit without too much compression. I had the same problem...
  8. FrigginJoe

    I think I've learned to trip in meditation

    Well to try and get specific on a few things about it. First I try to literally see things on the back of my eyelids or darkness right before me. Shapes and stuff. It works. Then I just relax and think of no part of me but my mind and let it go. Some common occurences are as follows: Buzzing...
  9. FrigginJoe


    For the terrarium? You don't want to absorb the moisture, you just want the moisture to be freely dispersed. It would seem to me a dessicant wouldn't be a very good idea for anything but drying or storing the picked mushrooms.
  10. FrigginJoe

    just a grow theory, feedback greatly appreciated.

    When you extract DMT, you can actually scrub the jars with MJ or Salvia they say, so if you're looking for the effect it'd provide, that'd be it. Not quite the DMT trip, but supposedly nice.
  11. FrigginJoe

    I think I've learned to trip in meditation

    I don't actually 'meditate' by any descriptive procedure I had seen, but rather at the right time I can fall into it. It's very vivid and visual, just as I said, 'fragile'. I would liken that state of meditation to glancing into a space, whereas taking a psychedilc is making a committment to...
  12. FrigginJoe

    Happiness is uncontrollable...

    Uncontrollable would be my gf's grandma's bowels. Happiness, I think the key to it, and achiveing it is so simple that it's hard to see. Me, I just ...be happy...
  13. FrigginJoe

    Salvia Tinctures

    I can see quid first, because the onset is comes on slower. I had done 4 leaves and once I felt it come on, I took two plain leaf hits, and after that I knew I was in no shape to keep holding the bong. I have chewed 2 leaves at a time for a few minutes each and found it's more efficient a means...
  14. FrigginJoe

    I think I've learned to trip in meditation

    "You talk as if ethenogens would have a negative effect on ones brain. This is not true. There is no brain damage, period." No, I actually meant to address that because I was half expecting someone speculating that's the result of salvia, dmt, whatever. I don't feel those "do" anything to my...
  15. FrigginJoe

    Salvia Tinctures

    People who sell stuff :p