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Contenu récent par Euphoric7

  1. E

    Low doses of psilocybin vs cannabis use

    The thing is I'm looking for epiphanies and insights. Cannabis is just cloudy-headed and drowsy.
  2. E

    Low doses of psilocybin vs cannabis use

    Is it a good alternative to take lower doses of mushrooms (like 0.5g-1.5g) for a mild shift in consciousness instead of smoking cannabis? I don't mean taking mushrooms everyday, but maybe once or twice a week at this dose?
  3. E

    Doing normal things on LSD

    Thanks for the replies so far guys (and don't be hesitant to keep 'em comming). I think it would be a much wiser choice to have this event on a safer date. Terence McKenna never suggested loud, stressful environments, but silent darkness.
  4. E

    Doing normal things on LSD

    Oh wow, I didn't realize it was that controlling from just one tab. So I will totally not be able to function normally at all?
  5. E

    Doing normal things on LSD

    thanks for the replies. The reason I ask about a phone is because I'll probably be interrupted at various points during the day and it's imperative for me to be able to answer.
  6. E

    Doing normal things on LSD

    SWIM has the opportunity to take his (first) hit of acid in a couple weeks outdoors and he has some questions. Is it easy to conceal, or will he appear incredibly spaced-out and giggly (like on cannabis)? Will he be able to look at a clock and understand the time and when he needs to be home...
  7. E

    Anyone have "Cannabis & Meditation"?

    Does anyone own the book or specifically the PDF, "Cannabis & Meditation"? I've been really interested in it and want to know if it really has all the useful tips it claims. UPDATED: http://headstuffbooks.com/titles/cannab ... meditation they seem to reveal one or two methods on their...
  8. E

    Anyone tried G-13?

    Last time I had G13, I practically hallucinated from a small amount. I don't have any medical conditions either.
  9. E

    Do you dream when you smoke or not?

    I find that while I took a 40 day tolerance break, I was coming close to lucid dreaming and had a full dream plot to write down the next morning.