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Contenu récent par botanicalguides

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    security breach

    according to "pwned" dot com this site has been hacked and millions of accounts in these types of forums has been compromised. see pwned .com for more information. yes i'm aware that the forum is up and running but if you use the same password on all your logins you may want to change them and...
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    rare plants and foods for lucid dreaming/dreaming

    were all famliar with the typical oneirogens. savlai, xhosa, adrican dream herb, calea z, etc. but i'm looking for some rather rarely mentioned ones anyone know any? like nutmeg, sass, poppie seed, etc. what yall got for me?
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    I understand that Tobacco contains hamala like rue and caapi. I bet this is why the natives and shamans used it with other psychoactive plants. makes sense.
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    cannabis and lucid dreams

    who here disagrees with the common belief that cannabis interrupts dreams and lucid dreaming? I'd like to start a discussion about this. please share your experiences.
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    imo "paranoia" is not paranoia unless you're afraid of a little green monster that doesn't exist. usually what the "paranoia" really is , is that you are doing something that's putting yourself in danger, and now you are finally experiencing the fear as you should. it's like your mind ignores it...
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    let's put it this way, if it was true, everyone would know. it would be no secret lol and banannas would probably be illegal.
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    Tagetes lucida

    I too am interested to read some experience reports. Let me know if you find out anything.
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    really? seriously? You know, I do tend to suspect a lot of plants are psychoactive that people really think are not. They do say Lavender is useful for depression and lifting mood.. know?
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    questions about kratom

    it doesn't work in tea. lol scientifically impossible.
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    questions about kratom

    don't do tea it doesn't work the active constituents are not soluble in tea or water. it's taken orally ( eaten) and it works like that. so don't waste your product boiling it in tea.
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    questions about kratom

    iamshaman sucks they have a lot of bunk products. it's legal, only banned in 4 states. you're good to go. and its great stuff. you won't be disappoiinted. there's a reason its banned in 4 states. because it works.
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    Passionoxia (Passionflower + Datura spp. = EUPHORIA, VISUALS

    wouldn't doubt it passion flower contains hamalas so its like a weaker ayahusca or syrian rue
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    Alepidea Amatymbica

    I've used it, not for a buzz but it has worked wonders on my dreams. :)
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    Peganum Harmala sprout

    I too want to grow it and need tips for cultivation. I know that it doesn't like good soil because its a desert plant. a successfully grower told me to mix good soil with half sand.
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    Morning Glory?

    they can be very dangerous be careful