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Contenu récent par BobFromReboot

  1. B

    Favorite 2c family member?

    I read somewhere you can inject them. I wouldn't want to though as you might take way too much and trip balls. The hallucinations come on almost instantly when you inject and its supposed to be even more intense.
  2. B

    Favorite 2c family member?

    Same. I've done 2c-I and loved it. I would like to get some 2c-E, its apparently more visual than 2c-i, which was crazy.
  3. B

    2C-E 1st time trip

    Cool but they aren't all based around the indole ring. But who cares anyways, all that matters is what these drugs DO. At least to a layperson like me, I won't speak for you though!
  4. B

    2C-E 1st time trip

    Oh I thought you were replying to my post about mixing LSD and MDMA haha. I know what you mean, I did 2C-I and it was just crazy everything was like a painting and faces would show up in everything i looked at that had random visual noise.
  5. B

    D-limonene for reflux/heartburn

    Very interesting, especially since my drug plan runs out in 2 days (21 is the cutoff point from your parents prescription drug plan in Ontario.)
  6. B

    Legalization Consequences

    Okay but alcohol is already legal so it wouldn't make a difference anyways. Let people be fucking burnouts its their lives not yours.
  7. B

    First DMT Trip, and reflexions on subsequent trips.

    I've only ever done a breakthrough while I was drunk. Which is the stupidest thing ever I can never remember anything. I believe I have the courage to do it now though.
  8. B

    2C-E 1st time trip

    Tryptamines are based around the indole ring. 5-meo-DIPT is a tryptamine. 2c-x is not.
  9. B

    Hot Chicks + Tats!

    Yes cannot agree more!
  10. B

    Xavier: Renegade Angel

    Has anybody ever watched this show? It's pretty trippy, especially the Deja Vu episodes in the second season. I first saw it months ago while tripping on DXM the shows glitchy pre rendered visuals complemented it very well, although I'm not doing that anymore.
  11. B

    DMT advice/info

    The actual trip itself usually only lasts about five minutes. But it seems to last much longer, and DMT is the extremely intense to the point where it's indescribable. If you do a proper hit, you would have just experienced something so intense, that it could take days, or weeks to make anything...
  12. B

    DMT advice/info

    Look up the lazymans tek. Dmitri. More or less. If done properly, once. Set and setting is important like all other substances. You could have easily found all of this information with about 5 seconds of searching. -Someone who isn't me
  13. B

    First Mushroom trip last night!!

    Do it I've tripped with 3 friends in a motel a couple winters ago and it was amazing.
  14. B

    First Mushroom Trip

    Sounds like you had some good shrooms. My first time I did a full eight and I was maybe just a bit higher than you were. I sure wish MGMT was around back then :p If you really want to hear the music of the universe acquire some DMT hehe.
  15. B

    DMT Like Dreams

    Very good point you only have veins in the sclera and you do not see through that at all haha.