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  1. B

    Who is Alex Jones really?

    not you i'm scoffing at the original post. alex jones is..... ...bill hicks. he faked his own death, didn't you guys hear?
  2. B

    Who is Alex Jones really?

    sure, you got it all figured out. :roll: william cooper's book was pretty suspect too, lot of speculation he fabricated most (if not all) the documentation in his book to throw theorists a curveball.
  3. B

    MDMA, can it kill you fast?

    maybe excitotoxicity isn't the word for it, that's more glutamate-related... overfiring of neurons resulting in neuronal death. mdma and meth block the respective reuptake transporters for serotonin and dopamine, resulting in depleted concentrations (note:adderall does this too). not sure if...
  4. B

    MDMA, can it kill you fast?

    mdma is sort of like meth, in that it's excitotoxic; what meth does to the dopamine system, mdma will do to the serotonin system (and to a lesser extent, the dopamine system indirectly). letting the brain take a rest is key, some people are obvious casualties. burnt-out veterans who aren't all...
  5. B

    MDMA, can it kill you fast?

    i posted a textbook ref in page 1. decrease of 5-HIAA in spinal fluid in humans indicates some depletion of serotonin or damaged function of serotonin reuptake. that's no surprise... what was surprising was the erosion of fine axons in the raphi nuclei. with casual use, the brain can...
  6. B

    MDMA, can it kill you fast?

    take 4 grams every weekend. i guarantee, you won't be the sharpest knife in the drawer. MDMA is neurotoxic, period... and it can do permanent damage. it's no longer a theory, it's backed by evidence. human evidence.
  7. B

    Scientific American on DMT

    ha, i remember this article.. one error though: DMT is not the only psychedelic known to occur endogenously. bufotenine is another, and 5-MeO-DMT as well.
  8. B

    Piracetam ; Journal

    IAS sells Inderal* without an Rx (*do not take propranolol if you are susceptible to type-2 diabetes)
  9. B

    Piracetam ; Journal

    yeah, that's basically what I was alluding to :mrgreen:
  10. B

    Piracetam ; Journal

    then perhaps consider the original chill-pill, propranolol. it's not habit-forming like benzos, and is particularly effective when one must perform or speak in front of people. keep in mind, the racetams affect people differently, obviously. they are most noticeable when you're in a mental...
  11. B

    Piracetam ; Journal

    i've messed with piracetam on and off since '06, by itself, and with a slew of compounds. it's reported to increase membrane permeability, so as to enhance bioavailability of some compounds. it's hydrophilic, so it does not readily pass the BBB i fav aniracetam enough to where oxiracetam seems...
  12. B

    MDMA, can it kill you fast?

    "Fine axons with small varicosities originate from the dorsal raphe nuclei, and beaded axons with large spherical varicosities arise from the median raphe nuclei. These two types of 5-HT-containing axon have different regional and laminar distributions and appear to be differentially sensitive...
  13. B

    The straight dopamine theory could be up in smoke:

    psychiatry is pseudoscience. DSM IV is a catalogue of overlapping symptoms and psychobabble dopamine is just one of several suspects, norepinephrine being another. transduction along these pathways lead to inactivation of others on the basal level.
  14. B

    DMT & dreams (Seeing strong correlation). Important!

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphene Salvador Dali was a frequent practitioner of this technique. I've done it on L and mushrooms, to some impressive effect
  15. B

    DMT & dreams (Seeing strong correlation). Important!

    i think of dreams as 'indexed memories'...recollections of anything you've ever seen, felt, thought, heard, etc., thrown together in a random fashion but some dreams are downright alien, unfamiliar...those are really interesting. DMT may not be a source of dreaming, per se, at least not in the...