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Je m'inscris!

sacred geometry


Matrice périnatale
16 Sept 2006
This was my third experience with Salvia...

The chillum was one that Ant had carved himself out of soapstone, during our extended stay in the country. It is a long, thin pipe, originally smoked in India, smooth to the touch and warm from the last sacramant smoked in it.

I packed it with 'Wilde Els' - or wormwood, as it is called outside of Africa. The bottom of the chillum was stopped with a small amethyst crystal, given to us on our wedding day by a happy medium (thank you Julie:).

On top of the wormwood I poured the fine brown powder - salvia divanorum 10X extract. It had been cherry scented, and we giggled as the aroma reached us. Cherry scented hallicinagens… LoL…what'll they think of next…

I took the pipe in my hands, raised it to my lips, lifting the lighter to give myself the flame I needed. I wondered to myself “How do you smoke this thing? as I struck the flint and dragged deeply on the chillum.

One puff, two puffs, three and the pipe is finished. I put it back down, as my body begins to hum. The vibration soars higher and higher until I almost pop out the other side, inside out.

I am still sitting in the studio, Ant at my side. But I am also inhabiting a dimension where everything is deeply geometrical. I can feel the centreline running thru my body, and I can feel the intrinsic symmetry of the universe at this level. There seem to be beings inside the geometrical flux, riding the symmetries. They have many arms and they dance like Shiva.

A voice says 'this is how you smoke it


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
9 Juil 2003
1 246
bless you indeed!

alice :)