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physical symptoms


25 Juil 2006
BOOM everything instantly changes into the strange familiarity.

As I begin to explore salvia and I find the physical affects to be a bit confusing.
I try and remember how it felt specificly such as slack jawed, sweaty though it felt much different.

suggestions, comments, experinces etc. are welcomed.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Strange familiarity...nice one :)

I did DMT for the second time this weekend and right after coming down from it, I could have done it again. I smoked Salvia six months ago and this 20x package is waiting unopened for me.

I find Salvia's reality very disturbing, possibly because the actions of a not so good sitter during my breakthrough experience.

Anyway, when I smoke a big enough dose, I feel like I'm sinking in whatever I am lying on. Like a couch or a chair. Then reality will be 'rolled up', I actually see these creatures that are rolling it all up. Last time I tried to smoke a big dose, chickened halfway the toke. Reality was already almost gone, I stretched my hands to keep this tiny little hole open, far enough for now.

I find it very hard to relax into the Salvia trip. The reality that is presented is just too weird. I'll keep trying though :)


28 Mai 2005
When i smoked a hit of 10x for the first time i pritty much blacked out , didn't remember much afterwards and that was each time i tried it :(

I tried some grinded leafs and 5x but that only gave me weird visual perception like i was sitting in a boat.weird stuff :)