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21 Juil 2007
5 922
yo so i thought this topic to be scientific and philosophic at the same time. light appears to be a thing and a not-thing, while shining. basically this is what we learn with the theorem of wave-particle dualism. a conclusion we might draw is that it also has the capabilities of having location and non-location. i guess you all know what a hologram is and how intricately it can be constructed with projecting light.
there are many things we could declare to be holographic projections of something else. i assume basically anything in the realm of thought is constructed in this way apart from the architecture, being a representation for the possibility of infinite potential of light projecting itself. so we could fathom, ourselves being made of a special acid, carrying ancient information encoded by several different components, and recognize an alignment in the way of some kind of magnetism showing in the patterns being created by your own infinite intelligence. this just means, yes, we can indeed ponder about this subject if we wished to. we can acknowledge the limits we have set in our minds and then we may choose to transcend them, if we wished to.
light is known to be resonating on very high frequencies and so are thought and sound on lower frequencies. therefore vibration is the basic method for communication. frequency is a representative parameter for the amount of vibrations and it's possible to imagine certain patterns of vibration to be graphed, as well. now think of consciousness, carrying the dimensions of thought and inhabiting them meanwhile, and how intricately all the information is being stored in the amazing designs of very small chains of curled up particle-conglomerations or maybe associations if thats better.
ok this might be enough food for thought for now and so that it's not too boring i'll add some audio-visual stimulation-input. :p







peace :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I don't get what the point of this is.

I would say though, that light is by far the most misunderstood phenomenon in our solar system


21 Juil 2007
5 922
damn you got me there... i don't know what the point is also... anyways... i agree with you...
so you know there are particles travelling faster than lightspeed?? hmm well how can they do that???
hmm well wouldn't they need infinite energy potential?? well maybe they do, actually. that being said
i want YOU to think about the source of everything, if you need a point to focus on. 8)
don't blame me for the word light having such a vague meaning-correlation in collective and subjective consciousness.
i just find it interesting, nevertheless and if you do too, you are free to do so. :lol:

peace :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
you can't go faster than light...

well you can, but nobody can ever see you do so.

i explained this before, and so does relativity,


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Jan 2009
^ is it? is one invisible when he travels faster then light? Or would they see you as just traces.

And, now im thinking about it, what would actually happen if one travels faster then light, away from the center of the universe? Does light create space? or is there already space but just no light? :rolleyes:


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i knew you hadn't figured out the mechanics of time just yet... hahahaha :lol:
i suggest you to not feel stupid or bad because of that tho...
after all time IS a mistery...
the question is just what role does our consciousness or consciousness in general have to play in that play if it is or can be seen as such???


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
BrainEater a dit:
i knew you hadn't figured out the mechanics of time just yet... hahahaha :lol:
i suggest you to not feel stupid or bad because of that tho...
after all time IS a mistery...
the question is just what role does our consciousness or consciousness in general have to play in that play if it is or can be seen as such???

And you do? TBH braineater, your posts seem very ignorant on the subject matter you are posting about. I suggest you learn about the twin paradox, and exactly why that happens, and what the two twins are experiencing. If you want I can explain it... actually why not:

So, lets say you have someone leave earth, they get in their shuttle (we will avoid all outside radiation for this) and start accelerating. People on earth watching them will see them accelerate, yes.

Once they start approaching a large percentage of the speed of light, the people on earth will notice something: They are still accelerating, but they are accelerating at a decreasing rate; meaning they are getting faster, but getting faster more slowly than before.

While the people in the space shuttle will view their acceleration as constant - no decreasing rate at all. In fact, the people in the shuttle will see pretty obviously that they can reach speeds faster than the speed of light, and beyond that, they can keep going - forever! There is no speed limit for them!

HOWEVER, earth people will see the space shuttles acceleration get slower and slower until it is fractions away from the speed of light; no matter how long you watched the shuttle, it would continue to accelerate but would never actually reach the speed of light! It's impossible! Therefore there is a speed limit of observed objects.

To fully describe this system, you will have to also understand what the people in the ship are observing, while they peer out of their window back at earth with their telescopes time is FLYING by, people on earth are aging so quickly, earth 'days' go by in minutes, years go by in days, the planet is aging incredibly fast.

So, if we take this farther. For someone to actually observe an object proceeding at the speed of light, i.e. a photon - that means the photon has visited every possibly point in the known universe before it perceives any amount of time. This is hard to grasp, it took me a long time to realize what was happening...

This is what I have come up with under my studies of relativity. I actually don't think physicists know that we can go 'past' the speed of light, but I'm pretty sure it is possible to the accelerating person - the observer can NEVER see the accelerator reach the speed of light though. Hope you got all that.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
to me it still remains a mistery, yet your last post made me realize i was possibly being ignorant towards the subject...
please allow me to apologize for any possible sophistication i had been cultivating!! sorry!! just take it easy!! i figured,
i might need to think more deeply about all that...

peace :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
with my description of the properties of light, accelration and speed - I will say we, as a collective, have no idea what light truly is.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i'm pretty sure of that, as well.



21 Juil 2007
5 922
that makes sense lol. this is what i kept forgetting somehow. the earth has a frequency, meaning it vibrates by itself. hence solid objects might be declared to be constructs of standing lightwaves, with which our consciousness interfaces and light may be interacting. btw thanks for the link mate. i can now educate myself more to be able to make more sense of it.
...hm so it appears that what our intellect is pondering are holographic aspects of particles and waves... :mrgreen:

peace :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
that was actually an interesting link - not cited very often, but interesting none-the-less.

I'm really sick of quantum right now, but maybe I willr ead it more indepth later.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
yo, i was bored, so i made this little story with pictures... :mrgreen: enjoy... 8)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
lol, it was exactly that picture (blabla2_737_2.JPG) that I dug up yesterday, I made it about two years ago. it wasn't inverted though


21 Juil 2007
5 922
oh yeah lol it's all just a bunch of random pictures that i found on my harddisk.. and i found the reflecting effect funny in that picture of yours... with inverted colors it looks a bit like alien armies.... :mrgreen: :lol: i'm glad i wasn't tripping when i saw that pic... :mrgreen: well anyways i hope you don't mind that i uploaded it modified... funny coincidence there by the way... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

peace :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
or was it a synchronicity? :unibrow:

anyway, I don't mind at all. it's funny to randomly find pictures of yours on the internet.
and where did that stoned smiley go? I really liked that one. :axe:


21 Juil 2007
5 922
maybe yeah.... :mrgreen:
who knows lol... :p what stoned smiley you mean???

this one??? but it might as well be a smiling stone rather than a stoned smiley lol... :p


lol anyway you might also like, like me, chromatic richness in the many appearances of colors inside and outside of the brain, generally speaking. and yeah that thing or not-thing called random is funny indeed........ synchronicity is one underrated and overrated phenomena at the same time lol. :lol:

peace :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Something strikes me as invariably incorrect with the current theory of light; according (apparently) to relativity, light cannot interact with any matter - in fact, a particle of light is everywhere simultaneously - if you were to 'sit' and observe the universe on a photon.

Yet light does react with reality... This doesn't quite make sense to me.

If you were a photon from the big bang, by the time you experience any time or "age" an infinite amount of time would have passed for all other forms of matter not going at your speed. This means that light cannot interact, because by the time light could have interacted, the universe would be infinitely dispersed... This isn't sitting right with me.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
i agree ijc

of course light can interact with matter
its all vibaration
even if it is the smallest amount or a rare happening

in fact isnt radiation a form of light?
and doesnt radiation affect matter quite clearly at high levels?