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Je m'inscris!

The "true" meaning of life, or something like it..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Sept 2003
1 102
Hi guys!
I've found one interesting site on the web, and it is just about the "thing" that many people ask themselves about...

The Meaning of Life

Well, the URL for the site is:

The Meaning of Life

I really think that you will like it, as it is a simple site, whit few text, so you can all read it as fast as it comes!

I can leave you with one quote, so if you like it, maybe you will see the rest!

It says:

"You see, there are really only two moral beliefs about people, either people are basically good, or they are basically bad. 99.9 percent of the world's population believes that people are basically bad, and that's a problem. If it's true that people are basically bad, then there is no hope for us; democracy is obviously doomed, and a benevolent monarchy is impossible because no basically bad person could stay benevolent once they had all that power.

Are people basically bad? Let's look at the facts. Once again, look at the people around you. Once you get to know them, you realize that:

Everyone is doing the best they can with what they have.
Everyone on the planet is in exactly the same state of moral worth, because we are all doing the best we can with what we have. Poor upbringings cause many people to not have much to do their best with, but hey, that's life. Criminals believe they are powerless, so breaking the social contract is the only way they think they can get what they need and manage to feel somewhat powerful. People without that hang-up can see that cooperation and respect are really how things get accomplished, but both of these types of people are simply trying to live a fulfilling life using the methods that they think have the best chance of working. So you see, people are basically good. They are all trying to do their best. They often just need some help overcoming inner demons and behavior patterns that aren't really working for them.

Obviously, you are in the same boat. You are doing the best you can with what you have. You are already living the most moral and correct life you know how to live. There is no more that you can do at this moment to be a better person. You are already a good person. You do not have to strive every moment to be better than it is possible for you to be. Smile at yourself. You're OK.

Now, it should be clear that you can improve. Not by beating yourself over the head for bad things you've done; those things couldn't be helped. You were just doing your best with what you had. What you can do is learn where your blind spots are. Watch others. People who at first glance are just plan old bad people are on further investigation suffering from horrendous misconceptions about how the world works. You also have misconceptions about the best way to get what you want. Find those misconceptions and wake up! "



Elfe Mécanique
17 Oct 2003
really nice texts on that site

i have thought about that bad-good thing quiet a bit. in the past i strongly believed that humanity is good. but then man comes to a point where he questions this believe because of the simple, daily fact that a human is the only creature on this planet who can be consciously bad, but he's also the only creature that can be consciously good. it consciousness that makes things becoming good or bad.
it's amazing...