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The Great Work-Magnum opus/What is Your great work?


7 Sept 2014
So I stumbled upon,while researching fraternities,hermetic pratices,occultism,Crowley and his Thelemea,a very interesting and fullfiling concept.
The Great Work or Magnum Opus in latin ,here is link for more info on it- Great Work - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

in Crowlies work(''Magick without tears''),more accurate a letter to some person, I guess thelemite, he describes it like this:
"The Great Work is the uniting of opposites. It may mean the uniting of the soul with God, of the microcosm with the macrocosm, of the female with the male, of the ego with the non-ego." you gonna understand more reading before mentioned article(it's short so dont be afraid :D) about this concept.
So What is your Great Work in construction at the now,or what you are thinking about in future,or maybe you have already done it? Is it related to psychonautics or drugs and drug use in general,mabye the great work is yourself and bettering it? anyway, what is your thoughts on this?

To me it is bettering myself as person, as in forementioned qoute Unite ego,with non-ego,and exceeding excelently in academia while,psycho-diving and connect these two things- academic work, and psychonauty together,and hope it will strengthen quality of each activity.



Sale drogué·e
20 Juil 2013
The meaning and goal of the great work depends on the tradition.
In the alchemical tradition the great work is the alchemical proces that takes place within as well as without, micro as well as macrocosm. Transmutating lead into gold is a metaphore for inner transformation.

For me the goal of this inner transformation is the creation of a soul (gold or higher self) (Well we do not really create anything. all we do is transform).

there are different methodes and different traditions and practises to do the great work. Personally i am very much inspired by the book psychomagic by jodorowsky.

I try to use art and the imagination to do the great work.
Drugs maybe helpfull in the beginning. Drugs may help you come into contact with feelings.
Drugs however also can drag you down.
To do the great work you do not need drugs.
The art itself is the psycjedelic. The great work itself is the drugs. The great work is making art that is like a drug. Jodorowsky said he wanted to make movies that where like lsd.


Sale drogué·e
20 Juil 2013
When you use psychedelics you may learn about yourself and you may get in touch with the higher self or source or the spiritual/devine (whatever you want to call it).
Using psychedelics is not the same as doing the (great) work. When the trip is over that, s when the work starts.
Psychedelice i think are not a magic pill. If you want to accomplish something (anything) you got to work for it. Psychedelics may give you a glimp of what you want to accomplish and who you want to be.
But to accomplish this you need to work on it on a regular basis.

If all you needed to do to accomplish the great work is taking a psychedelic all the hippies and other trippers would be enlightened. This however is not the case.
Many great artist have accomplished great works of art without the use of psychedelics.

I think we all have a devine force in us and this force is imagination.
You do not need psychedelics to use your imagination. You do not need psychedelice to dream.
You do not need psychedelics, but psychedelics can be usefull at times.

A psychonaut is someone who is exploring her or his mind. Psychonauting does not mean you change anything in the psyche, it, s only exploring it. Doing the great work i think goes beyond psychonauting. Doing the great works is also transforming the psyche.


Sale drogué·e
20 Juil 2013
I think that the great work is not the uniting of the opposites, but the reuniting of the opposites and the reuniting of the soul with god.
It is a return to a state of non dualism.

The opposites are already united. We only need to realise it. When we where in paradise (womb) before the fall (birth) we where in union with our mother. When we learned about good and evil, dualism was born and we where where cast out of paradise.
The great work in a way is the effort to return to paradise to re unite the opposite and become into union again.