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Psilocybe Mexicana


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Sept 2012
6 220
Ragazzi/e, raccogliamo tutte le informazioni ed esperienze che riusciamo a trovare riguardo a questo fungo!



Usato dai nativi del Centro e Sud America per piu' di 2000 anni, conosciuto dagli Aztechi con il nome di "teonanácatl" da nahuatl: teotl "dio" + nanácatl "fungo".

Fu proprio da questo fungo che il Dr. Albert Hofmann, lavorando con degli esemplari cresciuti nel laboratorio della Sandoz, per primo isolo' e diede un nome alle sostanze psilocibina e psilocina.

Questo e' il resoconto della sua prima esperienza a base di trentadue funghi, tratto dall'ormai classico "The Botany and Chemistry of Hallucinogens":

"As I was perfectly aware that my knowledge of the Mexican origin of the mushrooms would lead me to imagine only Mexican scenery, I tried deliberately to look on my environment as I knew it normally. But all voluntary efforts to look at things in their customary forms and colours proved ineffective. Whether my eyes were closed or open, I saw only Mexican motifs and colours. When the doctor supervising the experiment bent over me to check my blood pressure, he was transformed into an Aztec priest, and I would not have been astonished if he had drawn an obsidian knife. In spite of the seriousness of the situation, it amused me to see how the Germanic face of my colleague had acquired a purely Indian expression. At the peak of the intoxication, about 1½ hours after ingestion of the mushrooms, the rush of interior pictures, mostly changing in shape and colour, reached such an alarming degree that I feared I would be torn into this whirlpool of form and colour and would dissolve. After about six hours, the dream came to an end. Subjectively, I had no idea how long this condition had lasted. I felt my return to everyday reality to be a happy return from a strange, fantastic but quite really experienced world into an old and familiar home."
Liberamente tradotto da Psilocybe mexicana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Heim/funghi (Scritto da Heim, colui che ha scoperto questo fungo)
Shroomery - Psilocybe mexicana

A Comprehensive Sclerotia Cultivation Guide - From Spore Print To Spore Prints (VER 1.0) - Mushroom Cultivation - Shroomery Message Board
Just As Easy As Cubes - Fruiting Psilocybe mexicana/Huautla In A Monotub - Mushroom Cultivation - Shroomery Message Board (bisogna essere iscritti)


Elfe Mécanique
26 Nov 2013
Molto ben strutturato in effetti.
Al dire il vero, ricordavo che i mexican fossero parecchio più grossi... forse mi sto confondendo con gli equadoregni?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Sept 2012
6 220
Forse ti stai confondendo con le varieta' di cubensis... Tra p.cubensis var.mexican e p.mexicana c'e' una grossa differenza!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Sept 2012
6 220