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"Not missing a beat" - Speech deconstruction


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I've often been interested in how our conversations progress, but more so in how deeply information can be scavenged based on speech - pitch, wording, tone, facial and body language, etc...

But it occured to me today that something happens very frequently with me, as well as most of you, I'm sure; we miss a beat.

We'll be relatively confident in our sentance structure, our end goal of discussion, execution of emotion, etc. But there comes a time in most conversations where something you say just doesn't come out correctly. It either sounds wrong, or the undertone is completely backwards - I was joking with my friend today about him making humurous commercials for his job in the future, and I made the comment "yeah, you're jewish." Except it came out "Yeah you're a jew." The tone was completely backwards, it seemed as if I was insulting him. If this had been a first or second meeting with this person, it may have ended any future friendship, but due to our friendship already existing, he knew my tone wasn't what I had anticipated.

I find it strikingly odd how powerful these mis-steps in conversation can be. I often remember conversations with women, or even watching conversations between a man and woman who had interest in each other go awry almost instantly because a joke, a phrase, or a story went completely off basis, yet I knew the purpose and intention at the start of the conversation was never to drift there.

I'd like to argue that in partaking in these strikingly important mistakes from time to time, they can heavily influence our life. People have missed job opportunities, marriages, and friendships due to these mistakes I'm sure. But why do they happen? I suppose it's due to the "closeness" of the phrase "You're a jew." and "You're a jew." as if each phrase were an individual entity in our memory - quick speaking may randomly choose one.

That is all.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
IJesusChrist a dit:
I often remember conversations with women, or even watching conversations between a man and woman who had interest in each other go awry almost instantly because a joke, a phrase, or a story went completely off basis, yet I knew the purpose and intention at the start of the conversation was never to drift there.
or was it? I realized the other day that, as a child (around 7) I set a life script, which consited of "I'm Viktor, and I have troubles getting together with women who are appealing to me". once it was set, it was forgotten and did its work in the subconsciouss, creating reality like I thought it to be.
now there's the question wether this is something special in contrast to all the other thoughts that made me perceive reality the way I do.

but well, that was not the topic here, just a thought that popped up


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I thought about that too...

"I'm greg, I'm socially awkward... but I can get better"

Does this simple sentance destine my life? Does that simple sentance arrive to me because my subconscious has put it into words for my conscious? The sub-conscious and conscious are mysterious, I believe I'm seeing more and more of my subconscious every day.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
"I believe I'm seeing more and more of my subconscious every day."

that's a good thing, i have to agree as well.

have you guys ever noticed -on a solo trip, or being alone tripping- this effect? i have now on several (higher dose) occasions and i once i did, i couldn't help but play with it, changing my inflection mid sentence or redirecting the meaning of my sentence -via voice inflection- mid word, over and over. or see how many times i could do it in one sentence. just speaking for the sake of playing with my voice.. i guess if you had to equate it to something, it'd be like trying to imitate a vocoder*, but in a more natural fashion. (*those pitch changing devices that shitty pop musicians use nonstop)

perhaps i am just a little bit odd, but anyone else play with their voice while tripping?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I often find myself mistakenly changing my voice while tripping, usually it makes me wonder what my subconscious was doing, taking a break or something.

I find it impossible to control my subconscious, it always seems like I'm watching what it has done, about half a second ago.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Yeah, I get way to self-conscious when it happens. I feel like everyone can hear every slight mistake in my voice...