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Je m'inscris!

I attempt to mentally vomit out a meaning of life.


19 Juin 2008
One of the main things that truly bother me in life is sheer relativity of perception among people. There is a colossal difference in the lifestyles of myself, my good friend, and my good friend's good friends. We all live within the same large metropolitan area, in the same major city of the same state of the same country. If our three lives can be so incredibly different, it is almost unimaginable the magnitude of the difference between my life and the life of a poor widowed mother living in a third world country under the impressive rule of a totalitarian ruler across the globe from my home.
This is truly bothersome. If my perception of life can be changed by driving 12 miles to a friend's house, then it is clear why so many religions and philosophies have arisen in the world.

We can conclude that two things cause a person's mentality. The first is genetics, the paring of nucleotides and the supposed formation of the genetic code of a new human being. The second is environment. Environment may seem like something that can be controlled by an individual, but it cannot. The very first moments of one's life are controlled by the initial biological reactions to certain stimuli - since no memories have been formed yet, and cannot form, the infant is a blank slate, and its only actions are the result of parental input and genetic instincts. So, when the infant is a toddler, the reason it smiles when seeing it's mother's face is in fact due to a chemical process in the brain that regulates shape and pattern recognition and a part of the brain that controls oxytocin - the neurotransmitter that makes a person feel love and apartness. So, eventually you can see that even when the child grows up to a teenager and is confronted with the option to use illegal drugs, the resulting decision is not the product of the person's will, but of genetics and environment, both of which are not controllable. Thus, if ANYTHING goes wrong in ones life, one can blame everything else for causing the environment to behave in a way which impressed the indivigual to become what he/she currently is.
We can see from this example that when you make a decision you are not actually deciding anything, but merely acting as the result of previous events. The teen who has to choose whether or not to use drugs is acting on the account of how his parents raised him, how genetically outgoing and irrational he is, and even subtle events that occur in life such as him tripping on the sidewalk three and a half weeks earlier.

It would seem like I digress, but really, my point is coming to a nexus. How do we form a world-view when our world-view will be deluded by our environment? The answer lies within our memories - we need to get rid of them. If there was some sort of way we could completely erase every pre-existing bias and impression we have, our minds would be acting in a way that cannot be buffered by previous event. Of course there is still the genetic inconsistency between people's minds, yet the philosophy formed from being in this memory-less state will drastically more accurate.

I experienced something like this when i took my first psychedelic trip on psilocybin mushrooms.

I will outline a series of experiences that I believe is a much better way of viewing the world than our normal, convoluted and deluded state of mind.

Imagine, if you will, all of the sudden, finding yourself in the middle of a rural area, a wilderness of rocks and trees. However, you are not aware of that, you have absolutely no memory of anything. It may be hard to imagine not knowing anything; the extreme state of having absolutely no connection with any former thought or memory. However, try and think to yourself what it would be like if you were in this situation.
All of the sudden, you are conscious. You are being stimulated by your senses. You see shapes, colors, patterns. You hear vibrations, rhythmic and repeating audio stimulations. You can feel tactile stimulations all over your body. Of course, you at this point are not aware of what your body is, or what you are, or what sound or color are. You are extremely stimulated by all this, and take a moment to just reflect on it.
You notice that you can manipulate what you are observing in subtle ways. You notice that you can change your viewpoint - what you are observing - in subtle ways. You start to make connections between the movements of two long projectile-like obtrusions in front of you. You notice your hands and your arms, and how you can manipulate them. You start to feel your own body and realize that everything you have the ability to move is connected to this warm and soft piece of flesh. You realize that all of your senses regard this object; however, you can use your self to manipulate objects that are not connected to it. You can pick up rocks and dirt and move them around. Eventually, over time, you begin to learn how to interact and control your environment more and more. You learn how to move your body; you start to stumble from place to place, still trying to figure out what is going on.

You start to make more connections. You understand that reality is rather dynamic - it will change even if you do not directly modify it. You start to notice similarities in the shapes you observe with your eyes. You recognize things that make you feel a new sensation of pain. You recognize things that make you feel pleasure.

At this point, after some deep reflection, you come to the conclusion that you exist. You believe that you are in fact something. You decide that at least two things must exist, yourself, and another object which is causing all these things that you observe. You also justify this with the fact that you need at least two different states in order to create data - binary code is the simplest form of code possible; anything simpler would just be "00000..." to infinity and thus producing no information. After this revelation, you decide that you are going to try and figure out what is going on - this includes where you are, what you are, who you are, and why you are here to begin with. So, you start to interact with your environment again to try and produce results that will somehow explain things more.

In your searching, you notice that you are surrounded by hundreds, no, thousands of other shapes that appear to be just like yourself. They are all moving around partaking in similar movements as you are. You feel the urge to somehow convey what you feel and think to them, yet, you do not know how.

Since you cannot formulate words, let alone sentences about your philosophy of life, you must resort to a much simpler communication. You just look at another person, and you both sort of stumble along together. You feel that the other person knows a bit more of what's going on, so you follow them, you hold on to their arm, you stand close to them.

As parts of your memory begin to come back to you, you are now able to create simple sentences. You of course ask who you are, where are you, why are you etc. The other person's answers are vague, baffling, and admit that they too do not know who they are, or where or why they exist.

You then come to the conclusion that you are surrounded by thousands of people who are all in the same situation that you are in. There are different ways that people are handling it. Some just decide that they do not care about the physical reason why they are here, they simply try and please their senses and move with the flow. Others walk around asking the same questions you are.

"What time is it?"
"Oh, I don’t know, do you know?"
"Do I know what?"
"The time?"
"Oh, yea, what time is it?"
"I don’t know, do you?"
"Nope, let’s go look for someone who does"
"Okay, what are we looking for?"
"The time"
"Time? What is time?"

Everyone around you is searching for answers. Everyone is as damned confused as you, yet some handle it differently. You eventually learn what your name is, and you learn that you are at a music festival in a remote area. You learn that you drove here by car, and ate some mushrooms and were tripping for the past 6 hours. You learn that life is just as you left it.

Slowly, all your memories begin to come back to you in waves - wave after wave come new realizations of what exactly just happened.

You are now almost completely back to normal, yet, you can still see other people walking around in a daze, trying to figure out what's happening. You realize that there are people at different stages of this experience. Some are just recently entering it, other are coming down from the high. You are almost completely back to reality.


This example naturally is of a music festival environment. This sort of experience can be very common among the drug culture. However, it is not limited to just that. I feel that many people have experiences of confusion, delusion, and illusion in day-to-day life. It can happen at any time, while driving, while just wakening up from a hard sleep, while zoning out in an airport terminal. Such delusions that allow for the quantization of the human consciousness are rather frequent. We must be able to interpret the.

From this example, it is evident that our perception of reality is really quite simple.
First, you have one’s consciousness, the point of awareness that is at the center of our mentality. Connected to our point of awareness is the input of our senses. We have many senses, each giving us a clue about what is going on in . Then, also connected to our point of consciousness is the ability to output information. We can output data and then observe the processed data through our input. Now, we do not just have the point of our consciousness, we have the ability to store away information as memory to be referenced later. So that’s it; that is reality.

One can argue that there is no sense of . That everything comes from some sort of memory. Because the would be an infinitely small section of time that is constantly changing. In reality, we cannot observe things that are infinitely small. Thus, there is no . But we do have a sense of now, even though it does not exist. As you read this, you can close your eyes and think to yourself, this is my point of consciousness, and at this point in time that ever changes, I AM.

What are the implications of this? There should be no religion, no fancy philosophies, no self worth, and no notion of freedom of choice...%

Life is input --> output --> process --> store. We cannot determine our true origin because just as a simple computer-based input-output program, the operator cannot determine the exact source code by just input-output operations that are processed by the code.

So what should we do with our lives? .... Just as the computer user who tries to understand the program’s source code by using the program, we may not be able to fully understand the details of the source, but we can find out a lot, especially with a program as advanced as life. But we don’t need to worry about religions, and many other things that distract us from the root of our purpose. One of our purposes is to live, like the ravers at the music festival, we are here to run the program, and let it control us.
The other option is to study the environment, to learn as much as we can from this program and pass that information down to the next generation and let them build from there. Eventually, we may have a damn-good natural law established for explaining the physical universe. But I do believe that this program's code is obfuscated, and is not entirely open-source.

The last option we can choose to live is a state of self-delusion. We can choose to ignore the implications of our perception and live a life of ignorance. We can assign ourselves duties and morals that of which have no basis. We can live to respect laws and principals created by other people who assign themselves self-worth. We can live a productive life and believe that what we do is worthwhile and necessary. Lawyers, businessmen, politicians we can become. Yet, if we believe that the positions themselves carry with them value, we are deluded. There is no value to anything. Everything is just stimuli to us. We can assign a value to our consciousness, yet in reality, our consciousness is the byproduct of physical systems of interaction. We do not assign value to the state of a thunderstorm, or a pile of sand; yet, we value the state of our mentality – which in the end is just another complex system like the rest.

Cyroxos - How will it end?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. That was very well written. You painted a picture in my head of my last mushroom experience. Were one has total ego-death, and is living in 'the now', observing the stimulus with no cultural conditioning, and seeing it truly how it is, aside from the external environment. Our society has taken this away from us and has programed up to be happy consumers who live this deluded life.
The very first moments of one's life are controlled by the initial biological reactions to certain stimuli - since no memories have been formed yet, and cannot form, the infant is a blank slate, and its only actions are the result of parental input and genetic instincts.

This is what I like to call cultural conditioning. Culture has conditioned people to believe in a certain way that abides by their own specific culture. I don't even think we have free choice when you have so many external stumuli affecting your 'choice'. When one steps outside of their culture, they can truly think and act for themselves. Other than that, one is a slave to culture, and you cannot ecaspe it without some clearing of your 'disk'.
Terence tends to word thinks a little better than me.

Life is input --> output --> process --> store. We cannot determine our true origin because just as a simple computer-based input-output program, the operator cannot determine the exact source code by just input-output operations that are processed by the code.

This is were I disagree slightly. I believe 'normal' life is input--> output--> process--> store. But when one leaves their culture and their ego, they are stripped of every belief and thought that is affecting their thoughts and choices. Once one steps outside their culture, he/she can ask questions about certain issues without having the cultural influence. I believe we already know everything their is to know, we just need to discover it. No one said it would be easy, and it should be hidden away for good reasons. I believe truth about life is not going to be found in a 'sober' state. There is to many external stiumli affecting the choices of the individual, and that must be removed before one is able ask questions. In the end, you will end up at: we are all one, and always were one.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
cyroxos a dit:
We can conclude that two things cause a person's mentality. The first is genetics, the paring of nucleotides and the supposed formation of the genetic code of a new human being. The second is environment. Environment may seem like something that can be controlled by an individual, but it cannot.

set and setting :)

cyroxos a dit:
But I do believe that this program's code is obfuscated, and is not entirely open-source.

hehe nice comparison... I liked your rant, Cyroxos.


What about the end of sentences is non existing words like . <- This? Was that on purpose??


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
I like the simile you use for describing your forest trail: vomiting, often use it myself.
It portrays the image of assimilation and regeneration and I just happen to love dialectics of thesis and antithesis and such delusions, image that permeates your speech in the relationship of genetics and environment.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
existence - the greatest program ever written.

who cares who wrote it!!!!!

peace. :weedman:


Alpiniste Kundalini
14 Mai 2008
We are all too much the same and still to far away from each other.
The conditioned pursuit of individualism today drives us apart and we forget, that we are a collective. in all we do, no matter how big the community is we live in.

And while it seems like we are not able to change initial programming, we are all Ghosts in the machine...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
Ultra-collectivism is a form of authoritarism.

The encounter with the Other, other individuals, and a rejoice of this encounter brings about the collective anew.

In this manner you program yourself anew as well.

this confusion of the land of "individualism versus collectivism" is beget the same way as the smelly dichotomy of "mind versus universe" AKA "ghost versus machine."



Alpiniste Kundalini
14 Mai 2008
Nomada a dit:
Ultra-collectivism is a form of authoritarism.

as does ultra-individualism. every extreme sooner or later becomes authoritarianism.

working as a collective thinking on your own. a path in the middle, altruistic but for your own good as well. consciously, compassionate and responsible. many individual minds form one, when it is about everybody. let those be involved, who are directly influenced.

that's how I would go.

but I don't want to get "political" :)

What I was originally referring to is, that we as humans are much more alike then most of us know, or would admit. it is relatively easy to truly understand others, because the way we function is similar enough, to emulate the path another went. not in detail, but details are personal anyway...


21 Juil 2007
5 922
Empathy is probably the idea you are referring to in your last post psm. I agree and it is kind of sad, that this has been lost a bit... Nowadays people tend to not really care for each other, in spite of living together.... That's so sad...

I also agree that problems in society should be solved the easiest way possible, and if possible only the people who are directly influenced should be involved in the solution of the problem. but well sometimes some funny institutions prevent that, in spite of originally being there to "help".



Alpiniste Kundalini
14 Mai 2008
BrainEater a dit:
Nowadays people tend to not really care for each other, in spite of living together.... That's so sad...

Nothing can make me more upset then the sheer ignorance of some people.
The simplest things. Like standing on the right side of an escalator, so others can pass on the left. bumping into other people without even saying moo.
people just don't give a shit. not an ounce responsibility. but they are allowed to vote and drive cars.

I love humans as individuals, as single entities, but as a mass, I really hate them. We really deserve to be wiped of this planet. mom earth deserves better.

and the saddest thing is, that i know, that they all could do better. they would feel better, easier, happier etc. but to really change them all, a global shock would be needed, with the proper reprogramming afterward.

meanwhile, i try to do it in smaller portions. currently i am working on some ideas for guerrilla mindfuck and eco-terrorism (bad wording - its not at all violent).


21 Juil 2007
5 922
psm a dit:
I love humans as individuals, as single entities, but as a mass, I really hate them. We really deserve to be wiped of this planet. mom earth deserves better.

and the saddest thing is, that i know, that they all could do better. they would feel better, easier, happier etc. but to really change them all, a global shock would be needed, with the proper reprogramming afterward.

like 9/11 ???? something like that will eventually come again, because obviously it wasn't enough to establish the change which you described in the 2nd paragraph.

mom earth deserves better, that's why a change in human consciousness is necessary and is happening all the time, yet at the same time also the opposite is happening: change in consciousness aka reprogramming to feed the system. the system is part of the sickness of mom earth and the humans are part of part of the part of the sickness and therefore sickness for the planet, yet not all of em... :D



Alpiniste Kundalini
14 Mai 2008
BrainEater a dit:
like 9/11 ????
Geez no!
From start to finish is was fishy and it was also deducted in a very evil manner. (here comes karma again)
No way! Besides, it was not a global shock really.

An alien invasion/visit would be a good way to unite (while its overly pro-usa with too much patriotism shit, Independence Day was a flick, that showed a possible solution - as did mars attacks, invasion from outer space and others, that followed the original somewhat).

BrainEater a dit:
mom earth deserves better, that's why a change in human consciousness is necessary and is happening all the time, yet at the same time also the opposite is happening: change in consciousness aka reprogramming to feed the system. the system is part of the sickness of mom earth and the humans are part of part of the part of the sickness and therefore sickness for the planet, yet not all of em... :D
As long as they do not know, that they "live in the matrix" they are a part of it and thus the enemy. sad truth...

The thing is, that propaganda worked for the opposition for too long and there is not much we can do against it (on a bigger scale/globally). and most that try, sooner or later become part of the beast themselves (Greenpeace as an example).


21 Juil 2007
5 922
psm a dit:
As long as they do not know, that they "live in the matrix" they are a part of it and thus the enemy. sad truth...

nearly nobody on this planet knows of his/her own existence in the matrix, because nearly nobody knows that "a" matrix really exists.

so... they are not necessarily enemies, yet followers of a system which is futile, because it is destroying itself while functioning.

the sad thing about it is that the parts of the system that get destroyed by "the system" are other humans, that are together in this system, yet didn't choose to destroy each other, but the "system" makes it possible.

of course you can't blame the system, because it was created for serving humanity and not the other way round.



Alpiniste Kundalini
14 Mai 2008
BrainEater a dit:
nearly nobody on this planet knows of his/her own existence in the matrix, because nearly nobody knows that "a" matrix really exists.

BrainEater a dit:
so... they are not necessarily enemies, yet followers of a system which is futile, because it is destroying itself while functioning.
Whatever upholds a system, that destroys us, the planet and all that matters is an opposition. That does not make them evil. a normal cop does his work, because he believes he does the right thing. still, he is an enemy.
but consider to treat your enemy like a friend and the word enemy does not sound so harsh anymore. I know that word implies violence and fighting. but it's just a matter of interpretation. "love thy enemy" you know... ;)

BrainEater a dit:
the sad thing about it is that the parts of the system that get destroyed by "the system" are other humans, that are together in this system, yet didn't choose to destroy each other, but the "system" makes it possible.
The snake that eats the roots of the world tree does not know, that it is destroying its own habitat. the system is blind to its own fault. its like a fucking big ego...

BrainEater a dit:
of course you can't blame the system, because it was created for serving humanity and not the other way round.
No, I don't think it was created to help. Those that created the system used it for oppression from day one. The moment it became a system, it was not for the well being anymore.

The initial idea might have been to help organize, structure and help. like the 7 sins only show that extremes are not good for you and those around you (something any smart human could conclude for himself). or early forms of laws, which might have been there to protect. but as soon as someone/something had authority over others, it was corrupted.

power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
psm a dit:
power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

power has the attribute to it, that it gives you the possibility of change.

many people with power, use it for their own benefit and for the benefit of people, that are allied with them.



Alpiniste Kundalini
14 Mai 2008
BrainEater a dit:
psm a dit:
power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

power has the attribute to it, that it gives you the possibility of change.

many people with power, use it for their own benefit and for the benefit of people, that are allied with them.


which reminds me of my favorite way of power distribution:
Star Trek NG ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
Not only empathy but equanimity a well, I think, since it allows,
among other things, you to put yourself and the Others in front of each other without freaking out.

Empathy without equanimity runs the risk of turning into pity,
I-am-the-victim-complex, and lots of other diseases.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
cyroxos a dit:
In your searching, you notice that you are surrounded by hundreds, no, thousands of other shapes that appear to be just like yourself. They are all moving around partaking in similar movements as you are. You feel the urge to somehow convey what you feel and think to them, yet, you do not know how.

Since you cannot formulate words, let alone sentences about your philosophy of life, you must resort to a much simpler communication. You just look at another person, and you both sort of stumble along together. You feel that the other person knows a bit more of what's going on, so you follow them, you hold on to their arm, you stand close to them.

As parts of your memory begin to come back to you, you are now able to create simple sentences. You of course ask who you are, where are you, why are you etc. The other person's answers are vague, baffling, and admit that they too do not know who they are, or where or why they exist.

Fascinating post, this also reminds me of psychedelic trips (acid specifically) where while I was peaking I forgot words entirely. It reminds me of the power of language in filtering how you perceive reality.

It is thought in some circles that language is a huge factor in facilitating memory and awareness. They are tied together--in that language is full of hidden concepts that we don't think about--and many are cultural. For example, the language of a certain tribe that has no words to express quantities, hence they probably have no concept of multiply, divide, let alone five, seven etc. (And how do they measure? By comparison? etc) Do they have a verb for "count"?

Or a more subtle example consider the word "love". It means quite different things as you move through different language families, some languages have multiple words that express affection, in different ways. Study distant languages from your own and you realize that often you cannot really translate--only interpret the concepts in the context of the culture and adapt the concepts to the culture you are translating to.

George Orwell's Newspeak is conceptualized in this way as well.. eliminate enough words from the language that people no longer grasp specific concepts of freedom, rebellion.. jolly doubleplusgood!

During acid trips I've also had glimpses into how language is tied to memory.. words evoke associated memories, words evoke visual concepts... emotions.. these things affect us at some level all the time.

I think we encounter this in a very simple way when we run into people who think of the word "drug" practically like a 4-letter-word.. associations they have had conditioned into them since childhood. It takes a lot to step outside yourself and alter the way you have been programmed-conditioned...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
[although I doubt it, correct me someone if I'm wrong] The Bribri, some native people from over here, Costa Rica, have no word for Nature.

They don't see themselves apart from it! Their word for "nature" is "us"! :D

talk about equanimity...

Language and consciousness are indeed bound to each other,
and so I constantly make an effort to produce the weirdest tumult of language I can manage. :p


Alpiniste Kundalini
14 Mai 2008
Nomada a dit:
Not only empathy but equanimity a well, I think, since it allows,
among other things, you to put yourself and the Others in front of each other without freaking out.

Empathy without equanimity runs the risk of turning into pity,
I-am-the-victim-complex, and lots of other diseases.

while I do agree, i don't think equanimity is a good choice of wording. it's another word for tranquility. and while that is also a very important thing, it does not really describe the common selflessness, that needs no recognition.
as you said, anything that would cause the feel of "being used" is just as much a justification to do something for others, as pride, fame or anything else.

That's why I chose altruism as description for the selflessness needed (as you also noted).
altruism is to do something for the benefit of others without ANY need of recognition of the deed itself. No need for thank you, no need for "not being noticed doing it), but to do it because it makes most sense. because one is responsible not only for himself, but for everything else too. we are all one with everything after all and we should look after ourselves...

this reminds me on a story I haven't told in a long time, but is one of the essentials truth I have found:

Some good 15 years ago, I took a walk to the videostore. it was night already and raining like heaven had too many beers. big fat drops formed a jell-o-like room you hat to cut yourself through. Not very cold, but nasty big motherf*ckers of rain drops, that could get you soaked so fast, that just looking out the window made you dripping all over.
But I had an umbrella.
Well, I was wandering down the street thinking about this and that, as I saw couple of people at a nearby train station trying to get cover under a short overlapping roof. The were all dressed up for a fun night out, but could not get anywhere, without ruining the fancy partey-looks.
And while I got closer I kept watching them and suddenly I had the idea of giving them my umbrella. I thought it would a making sense. I would only walk a couple of block back and forth. I did not at all mind the rain - I usually never even take a damn umbrella with me. Somehow it all fell into place. The unusual occurrence, that I would take an umbrella, meeting some folks, that desperately needed one. I would be a very nice gesture, I thought, while I crossed the street towards them. It would be really nice of me helping those people. What a great guy I am...
At this moment I stood in front of them and the looked at me a little bit confused. All the previous screaming because of the watery bombardment was gone in an instance, when I came to a halt right before them.
Suddenly somewhat shy and with a low voice I said "there you go, you seem to need it", I handed over the umbrella.
The confusion in the party-goers faces grew even more for a second as slowly the conscious mind followed its own thought and the realized, that I just gave them the mean to get going.
But I was already turning away. With a strange feeling of remorse and guilt, even a little bit shame.
I shyly smiled back and said it would not be a problem, as they started to get all agitated, excited and happy about a simple thing as an umbrella.

Only a few steps later there humbles were overroared by the rains pondering and I started to do the same. I was confused. I just did something really nice and still felt not at all happy. I was gentle, compassionate, selfless and cool. It was a real nice motion. Something I would admire myself, if I would see someone else doing it. Something that would give me hope, that the world does not totally suck.
So why the fuck did I feel nothing amazing? Why didn't I rejoice in my own glory?

I thought about it, while I was in the videostore, looking at pron-covers rather bored for a few minutes in the adult-section, to eventually pick up some flick I don't even remember, from the new-release-wall.

And by the time I left the videostore, I thought, I understood, why I was not happy. First I thought that it would be a bad thing to do it because I might wanted to feel good about myself and my righteous action. The knight in the shining armor, the superhero avenger that rescues the helpless. But I realized, that it does not matter, if I would do it for that reason. Because those people, that received my help, needed it. No matter what my motivation might have been, for them, it WAS a blessing. So why give a shit?
And at that moment I lost my ego when it comes to helping people. Right there, one part of my ego was reprogrammed.
It took me some years to get to the final conclusion, that because the motive does not matter (to those in need), the motive does not matter at all. Hence no need for a motive. The first step of helping without even the recognition from one self.

And no, it is not a bad thing to KNOW that you helped. You can even tell it to someone, like in a story. Because it is (like most things) without the need of judgment, without true value. It just is.

Altruism is to help without even yourself judging your action...