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Could marijuana cure cancer? Examining the evidence

  • Auteur de la discussion newscience
  • Date de début



The above link is an aggregation of all the most important academic journal articles about the anti-cancer properties of marijuana, as well as the best summaries of the research. I created this page so that I would have something to send to a friend who recently got diagnosed with lung cancer, so the idea was to encompass everything a complete beginner with no special interest in the subject would need to know.

Feedback welcome!


Matrice périnatale
28 Avr 2012
This is awesome. I Rick Simpson's recipe for phoenix tears to treat rheumatoid arthritis. I will definitely check out this information. I have some peer reviewed articles related to cannabis and rheumatoid arthritis. I haven't actually read a lot of the research on it's effects on cancer; I've only watched his documentary. He makes a compelling case from anecdotal evidence.


Matrice périnatale
28 Avr 2012
Thanks for the welcome, ophiuchus.
Cannabis is so much better side-effect-wise than chemo. In the event that I had cancer, I can't possibly imagine that I'd try chemo before cannabis as a treatment.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
the only real argument that people have against it is smoking cannabis creates more tar (than cigarettes), which is true, but is NOTHING when compared to the number and amount of carcinogens found in cigarettes.

no studies have been able to show even smoked cannabis to exhibit cancerous effect (the thc and other compounds cancel the carginogens created from incinerating), and actually studies have shown that people who smoke cigarettes that also smoke cannabis, have a much lower risk of cancer when compared to people who only smoke cigarettes.

orally consumed cannabis has reported nothing but positive results in lab trials.

legalization will only be a matter of time (and shady politics:\\)


Matrice périnatale
28 Avr 2012
Agreed. The only argument anyone has against this medicine has to do with the side effects that result from ingesting it by smoking. There are so many other ways to consume it that anyone offering that type of criticism is missing the whole point.